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Novela galardonada con el Premio Gran Angular 2015. Rob ha sobrevivido a un tsunami y ahora vive en un tejado, caza tesoros en su barco hecho de corcho blanco y está perdidamente enamorado de Lana. En una de sus excursiones en busca de nuevos tesoros marinos, encuentra una piedra mágica que le permite transformarse en cualquier persona que desee. Este descubrimiento pone su vida bocarriba, pero también le ayuda a descubrir que en el mundo nada es lo que parece.
El libro de los sentimientos para niños traza la primera cartografía de los sentimientos del niño, a fin de que pueda identificarlos y descifrarlos. En primer lugar, describiéndolos de un modo muy claro y cercano. En segundo lugar, mostrando en forma de cuento un ejemplo de los mismos. Y, por último, potenciando con una frase la manera de asumirlos. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The book of feelings for children draws a first map of the child's feelings, so that he can identify and interpret them. First, by describing them in a very clear and close manner. Secondly, showing in the form of a story an example of them. And, finally, strengthening with a phrase the way to assume them.
Princess Ivy has one goal—end the war against the Forces of Darkness. Ivy’s magic is more powerful than any other Royal’s, but she needs a battle partner who can help her harness it. Prince Zach’s unparalleled skill with a sword should make them an unstoppable pair—if only they could agree on...well, just about anything. But Ivy’s magic can only fully unlock with Zach’s help, and he’s not exactly cooperating. Zach believes Ivy’s magic is dangerous. Ivy believes they’ll never win the war without it. Two warriors, one goal, and the fate of their world on the line. But the more they argue, the more they fall for each other. And only one of them can be right...
This book focuses on essential aspects of the theoretical foundations that support blended learning (BL) as a teaching training modality in tertiary education. Analyzing the changes in the world of education that lead to new ways of thinking and learning, it redefines the concept of blended learning at a time of constant growth in many universities around the world. This involves a shared reflection on the role of technology in the current university teacher education programs, as well as on the role that pedagogy plays in increasingly technology-driven contexts. Furthermore, the book presents pedagogical approaches to guide university professors in the design and implementation of blended learning courses. To this end, it describes some of the major models and approaches to BL instructional design, and examines issues related to the quality of BL training and the indicators to measure it, in order to identify those models that contribute to a better understanding of the dimensions that increase its effectiveness.
English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Have you ever wondered why? Here we go on a journey over five continents to look at countries where English is used in daily life: from the top of Mount Everest in the Himalayan Mountains to the beaches of the Caribbean, from the plains of Kenya to the streets of New York, the shores of Australia, and beyond. Dossiers: Aboriginal Australians Real Pirates of the Caribbean
Little Bear closes his eyeswisheswisheswishes for his dreams to come true. But when he opens his eyes, he's still Little Bear living in the Arctic tundra. Can Mother Bear help him see that many wishes do come true? Childrenadults alike will be touched by this reassuring tale of lovehope by celebrated children's book authorartist Per-Henrik Gurth. Author, illustratorgraphic designer Per-Henrik Gurth was born in Freiburg, Germany, now calls Kingston, Ontario, home. His boldlively illustrations can be found in the best-selling 'Canada Concept Books' from Kids Can Press, including Oh! Canada.
Los últimos acontecimientos han puesto al Monarca en alerta. Kate ya tiene su venganza, y sin embargo, no cesa en su lucha.Y entretanto, la muerte del Duque de Andalucía pone en marcha un rito ancestral: el Duelo de Sucesión.Pero aún falta un paso. El último gran paso. Aspirantes a la cámara, Alfas de las familias, miembros de la Resistencia: todos tienen su objetivo y no piensan rendirse.
At his grandfather's urging, a boy sets out in search of the secret of life and learns more than he realizes.
Drawing on sociocultural theories of learning, this book examines how the everyday language practices and cultural funds of knowledge of youth from non-dominant or minoritized groups can be used as centerpoints for classroom learning in ways that help all students both to sustain and expand their cultural and linguistic repertoires while developing skills that are valued in formal schooling. Bringing together a group of ethnographically grounded scholars working in diverse local contexts, this volume identifies how these language practices and cultural funds of knowledge can be used as generative points of continuity and productively expanded on in schools for successful and inclusive learning. Ideal for students and researchers in teaching, learning, language education, literacy, and multicultural education, as well as teachers at all stages of their career, this book contributes to research on culturally and linguistically sustaining practices by offering original teaching methods and a range of ways of connecting cultural competencies to learning across subject matters and disciplines.
Estar limpio... es alta traición. Pringue, Mancha, Grasa y Moho necesitan un plan para contener la ira del Rey Mugre contra su amigo Ro, pero ¿qué pueden hacer? ¿Echarle barro en las orejas? ¿Lograr que haga la croqueta sobre restos de atún? ¡No! Ya tienen otra idea mejor: ¡su verdadero enemigo es el jabón!Ro es el único mugre que defiende la naturaleza con gracia y proeza. ¡Y con ayuda de Tina, su amiga humana!