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Prática mediúnica na gravidez
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 204

Prática mediúnica na gravidez

A gravidez é um evento que envolve grandes transformações para a mulher e os familiares, não somente em relação ao aspecto físico, mas também emocional, social e espiritual. É um momento de muitas expectativas e dúvidas perante o processo gestacional, que envolve desafios financeiros, relações interpessoais, mudanças corporais, alteração de humor, ritmo de vida e trabalho. Existem várias publicações e artigos falando sobre essas questões, mas no que se refere aos aspectos espirituais e mediúnicos na gravidez, encontramos pouco material acerca desse assunto, embora seja um tema de fundamental importância para as gestantes e os estudiosos da mediunidade. A gravidez é um e...

A Alma do Parto
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 274

A Alma do Parto

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-12-08
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  • Publisher: Simplíssimo


  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 423


De há muito vem a neurociência, em seus estudos, assinalando o papel central das emoções e dos sentimentos na vida mental e na vida social, papel esse ancorado em estruturas orgânicas específicas. O corpo é expressão da mente. A fisiologia é expressão da dinâmica psíquica. O coração, em sua expressão física habitual, é o correlato fisiológico dos processos espirituais profundos de sustentação da vida e da emotividade. Por isso, quando falamos que nossos corações nos conduzem pelas estradas da vida, não estamos enunciando mera metáfora, mas, sim, uma verdade profunda: a de que os sentimentos nos dão a direção para a qual se movem os recursos da inteligência, na edificação dos nossos destinos. Indispensável, assim, sentir elevando a vida, disciplinando a razão e construindo sentimentos nobres naqueles que podemos alcançar pelas ondas de nossas emoções, no ritmo dos batimentos cardíacos que nos marcam a vida" (Arandir Calheiros). Vamos ouvir o coração, sentir cada batimento como um chamado para a vida em plenitude, construção de otimismo e esperança.

Marlene Nobre e o ideal médico-espírita
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 297

Marlene Nobre e o ideal médico-espírita

Logo após o desencarne da Dra. Marlene, como um arco reflexo, comecei a escrever tudo aquilo que me lembrava de ter vivido com ela em mais de 21 anos de encontros, viagens, congressos e estudos, quando pude ser conduzido por ela para o trabalho que, hoje, acredito seja minha principal meta reencarnatória: ser um médico espírita. Os escritos foram se acumulando, eram uma forma de eu me sentir mais próximo dela, até que em 2017, na assembleia geral da AME-Brasil realizada no Mednesp na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, recebi do nosso presidente, Dr. Gilson Luís Roberto, a tarefa de escrever um livro sobre a história das AMEs. Imediatamente, percebi que escrever sobre Marlene Nobre e escrever ...

And life goes on…
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 194

And life goes on…

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-11-09
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  • Publisher: FEB Editora

This book presents a description of the human being after discarnation and demonstrates that, in the Beyond, the mental state of spirits directly impacts their existence there. In 26 chapters, it tells the story of real characters who receive the help of spirit friends upon discarnating. These friends encourage them to renew themselves spiritually through study and work in order to prepare to review and untangle the meaning of the lives they have just finished, thereby enabling them to pursue a more constructive course of behavior for their future. It teaches us to examine our lives continually, knowing that, according to the laws of God, life does in fact go on, full of hope and effort, progress and accomplishment after death.

Bible Prayer Study Course
  • Language: en

Bible Prayer Study Course

These classic Bible Study Courses by Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin have been reedited to include chapter review questions to further enhance your study of God's Word. These teachings on the vital subjects of faith, prayer, the Holy Spirit and His gifts, and healing will show you how to live a life of victory and abundance! Learning how to pray effectively is one of the most important things a believer can ever do in his Christian walk. A believer cannot be successful in fulfilling God's purpose in his life if he does not know how to pray according to biblical principles. A believer's prayer life should be based and built on the Word of God. This Bible Prayer Study Course discusses many principles of prayer that are found in the Word of God. As you apply these principles in your life, you can be sure of an answer every time! Chapter titles include: -- Seven Steps to Answered Prayer -- Praying in Jesus' Name -- Praying for Results -- The Prayer of Faith -- Praying With Tongues -- What Jesus Sai About Prayer -- The Will of God in Prayer

It Happens Every Spring
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 292

It Happens Every Spring

Meet the characters that live, work, dream, and love in the community of Deepwater Cove. Best-selling authors Gary Chapman and Catherine Palmer team up to show how four married couples, all in different stages in life, experience the joys and hardships of marriage as examined in Gary Chapman's The Four Seasons of Marriage. In book one, Steve and Brenda face a common problem among middle-age couples: empty nest syndrome. Steve works too much, and with their two children out of the house, Brenda feels lonely and unfulfilled. In order to save their marriage, the two must learn to reconnect. Readers are also introduced to many charming characters, like Cody, the mentally challenged homeless man ...

Proverbios Morales
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 184

Proverbios Morales

This Hebrew poet, known by his Catilian name, Santob de Carrión, lived in the first half of the fourteenth century. In this text, originally published in 1947, Professor Llubera offers a critical edition, giving the text of the work and a full and detailed introduction to Proverbios Morale.

Roots of Brazil
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 276

Roots of Brazil

Sérgio Buarque de Holanda's Roots of Brazil is one of the iconic books on Brazilian history, society, and culture. Originally published in 1936, it appears here for the first time in an English language translation with a foreword, "Why Read Roots of Brazil Today?" by Pedro Meira Monteiro, one of the world's leading experts on Buarque de Holanda. Roots of Brazil focuses on the multiple cultural influences that forged twentieth-century Brazil, especially those of the Portuguese, the Spanish, other European colonists, Native Americans, and Africans. Buarque de Holanda argues that all of these originary influences were transformed into a unique Brazilian culture and society—a "transition zon...

The Spiritist Review - 1862
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 502

The Spiritist Review - 1862

The Spiritist Review was written and published by Allan Kardec from January 1858 to April 1869. In total there are 136 monthly issues of the Review, bundled in volumes of 12 issues per year, yielding 12 volumes. It is the largest Spiritist production of Allan Kardec.In addition to the profound study of the Spiritist theory and the explanations about several questions raised by the Spiritists, the Review shows the evolution of Kardec's thought during the construction of the Spiritist Science.While complementing the two main books of the Spiritist Doctrine, The Spirits' Book and The Mediums' Book, and showing their most important applications, the Review is indispensable to all those willing to have an in-depth understanding of Kardec's thoughts.