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The proliferation of economic agents with market power, especially those operating in the digital economy and which add unprecedented dynamic and complexity to it, has sparked heated discussions among academics, professionals, and competition authorities around the world regarding the effects of their actions on the market and consumers. Unlike classic cartels – a conduct that has been treated as per se unlawful in Brazil, regardless of the production of effects under Brazilian competition law – unilateral conduct falls into a gray area, encompassing different practices with different effects on the market. In this sense, examples of unilateral conduct that may be considered anticompetit...
Written by expert scholars and practitioners, this unique Research Handbook presents the state of the art in research on, and the practice of, international design law. Combining cutting-edge research with a practical approach, it examines key trends and covers key cases, regional and national laws, as well as concepts of international design protection. In particular, the U.S. framework is compared with the regime of the EU, and issues relating to the Hague Agreement are also covered.
By bringing together analysis from well-known scholars from both developed and developing countries, the chapters in this book offer a thoughtful, precise, and relevant analysis of competition policy in BRICS and developing countries.
Populism and Antitrust examines the influence of populism on competition law and shows how populism can lead to illiberal changes.
This book is the first detailed treatment of the approaches taken to enforce competition laws against cross-border cartels (CBCs) from the perspective of young and small competition authorities (more than 70% of the total number of authorities worldwide). No other legal or inter-disciplinary scholarship exists in the market that deals with the issue of a taxonomy of CBCs combined with young/small competition authorities' problems. The book looks at the extent of the harms caused by CBCs and issues associated with tackling them at a transnational level. It explains why past solutions to problems with cooperation have failed and proposes novel ideas on how to improve cooperation and coordinati...
MAIS UMA VEZ o Insper publica em parceria com a Almedina um livro sobre direito dos contratos. Como todos os anos, a publicação me traz uma grande alegria, pois é o resultado de um esforço muito grande dos alunos, que eu tenho a satisfação de acompanhar de perto. Esse ano, minha admiração pelos alunos que foram escolhidos é ainda maior. Cada um deles enfrentou na vida pessoal e profissional desafios inimagináveis por conta da pandemia e ainda tiveram tempo de escrever um artigo de qualidade que merece ser publicado pela maior editora jurídica de língua portuguesa. [...] Tenho certeza que todos os artigos são de grande valia aos operadores do direito e enriquecem imensamente a discussão doutrinária atual. Com muito orgulho, boa leitura! In Apresentação, de Maria Isabel Carvalho Sica Longhi
This comprehensive Handbook illuminates the objectives and economics behind competition law. It takes a global comparative approach to explore competition law and policy in a range of jurisdictions with differing political economies, legal systems and stages of development. A set of expert international contributors examine the operation and enforcement of competition law around the world in order to globalize discussions surrounding the foundational issues of this topic. In doing so, they not only reveal the range of approaches to competition law, but also identify certain basic economic concepts and types of anticompetitive conduct that are at the core of competition law.
Competition law now affects virtually all aspects of economic life in many parts of the world. This book provides an overview of competition law's substantive content and methods as well as an analysis of its dynamics. It is a critical tool for anyone dealing with competition law.
This new edition of an immensely useful book follows the same proven format as its predecessors, updates its analysis of case law with hundreds of new decisions by the courts of the European Union (EU), and thus remains the quickest source of reference for practitioners working with EU State aid matters. Following a highly organized sequence of subject headings, it presents extracts from all judgments and orders of both the Court of Justice and the General Court of the EU on the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) rules on State aids. The book covers the relevant case law of both courts. There is a new chapter on legal protection and additional material on the concept of S...