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A obra abarca os mais variados aspectos dessa relevante garantia real e mostra-se oportuna em razão do importante papel a ela reservado na economia, sobretudo em momento em que a sociedade anseia pela superação da crise deflagrada a partir de 2015 e pela retomada do desenvolvimento econômico. Está dividida estruturalmente em seis partes, a saber (1) tributos e despesas do imóvel, (2) ambiental, (3) aspectos registrários, (4) execução do crédito com garantia fiduciária, (5) a alienação fiduciária no contexto da relação de consumo e (6) outras garantias. No amplo contexto assim estruturado, os autores trataram de maneira percuciente dos mais relevantes aspectos envolvidos nas f...
Esta obra, ao lado da anteriormente publicada, representa um esforço inicial para a compreensão das novidades introduzidas no sistema de insolvência brasileiro pela Lei 14.112/2020, contendo artigos escritos por advogados e advogadas especialistas na matéria, bem como por administradores e administradoras judiciais. Gustavo de Lacerda Franco trata da introdução, no direito das empresas em crise, da possibilidade de os credores apresentarem plano de recuperação, apontando as fragilidades da moldura legal. Osana Maria da Rocha Mendonça e Maria Fabiana Seoane Dominguez Sant'Anadiscutem as consequências da possibilidade de votação do plano pelos credores, por meio de termo de adesão...
Poetry that eloquently concentrates on the spiritual and physical lives of women. This is the first book published in English by of the work of Brazilian poet Adélia Prado. Incorporating poems published over the past fifteen years, The Alphabet in the Park is a book of passion and intelligence, wit and instinct. These are poems about human concerns, especially those of women, about living in one’s body and out of it, about the physical but also the spiritual and the imaginative life. Prado also writes about ordinary matters; she insists that the human experience is both mystical and carnal. To Prado these are not contradictory: “It’s the soul that’s erotic,” she writes. As Ellen Watson says in her introduction, &;ldquo;Adélia Prados poetry is a poetry of abundance. These poems overflow with the humble, grand, various stuff of daily life—necklaces, bicycles, fish; saints and prostitutes and presidents; innumerable chickens and musical instruments. And, seemingly at every turn, there is food.” But also, an abundance of dark things, cancer, death, greed. These are poems of appetite, all kinds.
Wherever he goes, the dreamseller enchants, stirs up trouble and inspires his listeners to search for the most important thing: the heart of the human soul. Every person he meets is someone who has abandoned their dreams and is struggling through life: a professor who has stopped pursuing his passions, an alcoholic who has no family, the elderly who have lost their zest for life. Through his questioning and wisdom, the dreamseller helps them to look into their silent hearts and get to the root of their unhappiness. The Dreamseller: The Calling is moving, entertaining and ultimately inspiring. This book will make you laugh and cry, but above all, it will make you reflect on the purpose of your life, value others and become empowered to believe in your dreams.
Part of being human is experiencing setbacks, both minor and major. What can set you apart is how you deal with them. In You Are Irreplaceable, author Augusto Cury encourages you to get back to a time when you were driven by the dream of being alive, not controlled by your troubles and opponents. You Are Irreplaceable takes you on a winding spiritual journey starting when your life was simple and uncomplicated. sampling of Augusto's inspirational reflections: "Criticize every negative thought—complacency, compliance, and passivity must all be questioned and the causes of inner conflict must be considered. Demand happiness, confidence, and well-being. Broaden your emotional range and embrace new experiences. Be the author, not the victim, of your history!" Augusto Cury can help you cope with failure, grief, and fear. Let him inspire success, well-being, and happiness.
Never has the industry of entertainment, such as TV, the Internet, sports and music, been so developed, but we have never been sadder and predisposed to so many emotional disorders. Millions of children and adults have been developing the accelerated thought syndrome (ATS), discovered by Dr. Augusto Cury, psychiatrist and scientist of psychology. Agitated mind, suffering by anticipation, excessive fatigue and forgetfulness are some of this syndrome's symptoms. In this book you will find tools to train your emotion to overcome the ATS and prevent depression, anxiety, panic syndrome and improve your quality of life and your pleasure in living. You will also discover the Master of masters' emot...
In this important work, Dr. Felipe Fierro offers a comprehensive view on the subject of Introduction to the Study of Law, in which he revives the use of Gnoseology, Philosophy, History and Logic as Auxiliary Sciences; and exposes how the abandonment of such has contributed to the exponential growth of Skepticism and Relativism, currently prevailing in the legal world. The above, through extensive experience in teaching Law from the Aristotelian-Thomistic platform, based on the elementary assumption that we must first prove the existence of the object of study, and contrast main legal branches in topics such as: what is Law?, why is Science?, what are Law, Justice, Facultative rights and the ...