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A selection of the best papers written by Brazilian Kant scholars. Kant in Brazil is a collected volume of essays conceived at the 2005 International Kant Congress in Sao Paulo as a way to make accessible to Anglophone Kant scholars some of the best work on Kant produced by Brazilian scholars. The availability of this material in English for the first time will promote interaction between North American and Brazilian scholars as well as enable Anglophone readers worldwide to incorporate excellent but previously neglected work into their own debates about Kant. The book contains an editor's introduction providing an overview of the institutional structure of Kant studies in Brazil. The essays...
This book reflects the research output of the Committee on the International Protection of Consumers of the International Law Association (ILA). The Committee was created in 2008, with a mandate to study the role of public and private law to protect consumers, review UN Guidelines, and to model laws, international treaties and national legislations concerning protection and consumer redress. It has been accepted to act as an observer not only when the UNCTAD was updating its guidelines, but also at the Hague Conference on Private International Law. The book includes the contributions of various Committee members in the past few years and is a result of the cooperation between the Committee members and experts from Australia, Brazil, Canada and China. It is divided into three parts: the first part addresses trends and challenges in international protection of consumers, while the second part focuses on financial crises and consumer protection and the third part examines national and regional consumer law issues.
Sobre a obra Relação Jurídica de Consumo - Elementos para uma Teoria Geral 1a Ed – 2023 "Para bem honrar este gentil convite gostaria de destacar algumas páginas excelentes deste maravilhoso livro. Os dois pontos que queria destacar (o equilíbrio da relação jurídica de consumo, ameaçado pela contrata ção digital, e o desequilíbrio excessivo da relação de consumo, ameaçado pela falta de tratamento do superendividamento do consumidor) estão no capítulo 4, intitulado "O desequilíbrio excessivo da relação jurídica de consumo e a tutela jurídica dos consumidores pelo Código de Defesa do Consumidor. Na primeira subparte deste capítulo, Fernando Azevedo vai analisar o que ...
This book examines central aspects of the new technologies and the legal questions raised by them from both an international and an inter-disciplinary perspective. The technology revolution and the global networking of IT systems pose enormous challenges for the law. Current areas of discussion relate to autonomous systems, big data and issues surrounding legal tech. Ensuring data protection and IT security as well as the creation of a legal framework for the new technology as a whole can only be achieved through international and inter-disciplinary co-operation. The team of authors is made up of experienced, internationally renowned experts as well as young researchers and professionals who give valuable insights from numerous different jurisdictions. This book is written for jurists and those responsible for technology in public authorities and companies as well as practising lawyers and researchers.
O segundo livro do SEMAPA - Socioeconomia do meio ambiente e política ambiental, produto de preocupações sintonizadas com o evidente descompasso civilizacional, político e social, emerge no segmento das preparações para a COP30 - Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre as Mudanças Climáticas de 2025 em Belém no Pará. Parido dos debates, pesquisas e das inquietações características ao coletivo SEMAPA e seus parceiros, a obra demonstra inequivocamente, um desejo de associar fortemente questões teórico - metodológicas com a empiria típica de mentes e corações despertos para a reflexão e a ação. As temáticas contidas neste livro revelam o quanto é necessário o diálogo com diferentes domínios do conhecimento de forma a encontrar alternativas multifocais/multimodais e que considerem a plenitude do viver em sociedade. Nos capítulos que seguem, há, em cada um deles, uma descoberta a ser partilhada, que trata de temas, sobretudo aqueles ligados à sustentabilidade, com o respeito e rigor que tal aspecto merece. Cabe-los absorve-los, elabora-los e aplicados. Dr. Bertulino José de Souza UERN
Esta terceira edição está corrigida e ampliada. Foram acrescentadas novas figuras e textos de grande interesse, como as bases à ecocardiografia tridimensional, às pericardiopatias e às cardiopatias congênitas. Editora Manole