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Tax and Technology
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 533

Tax and Technology

  • Categories: Law

The challenges and opportunities of new technologies in the tax field Technological developments induced major reforms in the regulatory international and domestic tax landscapes as well as in the developments in the use of technology by tax administrations and taxpayers. New technology, especially the innovations in virtual asset-light cross-border business organizations, data analytics, service and process automation, on one hand, disrupted the well-established legal tax principles and rules and, on the other, stimulated informed data-driven and structured solutions in tax compliance. Technological advances affected nearly every area and each aspect of taxation: Direct tax regulations, ind...

The Taxation of Fees for Technical Services on the Basis of Article 12A UN Model Convention
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 330

The Taxation of Fees for Technical Services on the Basis of Article 12A UN Model Convention

  • Categories: Law

Although rules on the allocation of taxing rights for fees for technical services have been provided for in bilateral tax treaties by African, Asian, and South American countries for decades, it was only in the 2017 update that the UN Model Tax Treaty included Article 12A on the matter, thus suggesting its inclusion in the tax treaty network of its Member States. Consequently, from a cross-border perspective, the interpretation of Article 12A is of great importance for both taxpayers and tax authorities. This book presents the first comprehensive analysis of the scope of technical services in comparison to ordinary (non-technical) services and the differentiation between Article 12A and othe...

The Global Minimum Tax | Selected Issues on Pillar Two
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 510

The Global Minimum Tax | Selected Issues on Pillar Two

  • Categories: Law

Global Minimum Tax at a glance The OECD ́s Global Minimum Tax is amongst the most discussed topics in the recent international tax law debate. The book provides for more than 25 individual but co-ordinated essays on multiple relevant topics on Pillar Two is structured as follows: General Topics including the legal status of the GloBE Model Rules, their relation to tax treaties and EU Law, the GloBE STTR, the specifics of jurisdictional blending, their impact on tax competition and on tax incentives Scoping topics including the computation of the EUR 750 million threshold, the definition of MNE Group, territorial allocation of CEs and excluded entities Charging provisions, including GloBE ́...

Multilateral Cooperation in Tax Law
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 415

Multilateral Cooperation in Tax Law

  • Categories: Law

An in-depth analysis of various aspects of multilateral cooperation in tax law Tax evasion and aggressive tax planning causing base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) has been a widely discussed topic among academics and tax policy makers over the past decades. Increasing globalization and digitalization have contributed to the intensification of this issue in recent years. At the same time, states continue to largely insist on their sovereignty in the area of tax law. However, due to their cross-border nature, issues related to BEPS are shared problems among the states and can typically not be solved by a single nation. Therefore, multilateral cooperation represents an option to build a bri...

Customary International Law and Tax Jurisdiction
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 420

Customary International Law and Tax Jurisdiction

  • Categories: Law

Customary International Law and Tax Jurisdiction Céline Braumann Little attention has been paid to the pervasive effects of customary international law in contemporary issues of international taxation. Customary international law influences states’ bargaining power in treaty negotiations, serves as a gap-filler for issues not regulated by treaties, and informs the interpretation of tax treaties by judges and administrative agencies. This study represents the most comprehensive and robust empirical analysis of customary international tax law to date. It adds the – formerly absent – voice of a public international lawyer to the conversation. Using a novel and carefully theorized methodo...

Concept and Implementation of CFC Legislation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 518

Concept and Implementation of CFC Legislation

  • Categories: Law

An in-depth analysis of various aspects of CFC legislation This volume provides an in-depth analysis of various aspects of the topic “Concept and Implementation of CFC legislation”. The volume is divided into four parts. The first part comprises chapters discussing the historical background, policy considerations, and different CFC approaches that have been implemented in domestic legislation. While the chapters included in the second part focus on the recommendation for the effective design of CFC rules found in BEPS Action 3, the chapters encompassed in the third part analyse the implementation of these criteria in Articles 7 and 8 of the ATAD and the compatibility of these provisions ...

Fundos de Investimento no Direito Brasileiro - 2 ed.
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 152

Fundos de Investimento no Direito Brasileiro - 2 ed.

  • Categories: Law

"A matéria fiscal nessa área é de grande importância, pois uma incidência tributária inadequada pode distorcer a alocação de recursos nas diferentes espécies de investimento. Daí por que o enorme crescimento e avanço da indústria de fundos de investimento no Brasil nos últimos 20 anos! Diante de todo o exposto, foi muito oportuna a edição do presente livro pela Editora Almedina, tendo em vista a escassez de doutrina a respeito. São raras as obras que tratam dos fundos de investimento e de sua disciplina tributária no País. Logo, a chegada ao mercado editorial de uma obra desta qualidade é motivo de júbilo nos foros acadêmicos. O autor é um jovem advogado e meu orientando no programa de mestrado da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo. Formado em direito pela referida instituição, dedicou-se nos últimos anos, com grande ênfase, ao estudo da tributação do mercado financeiro e de capitais. Possui uma forte formação em teoria geral do direito tributário o que lhe possibilita transitar por questões bastante complexas. Além disso, dispõe de facilidade na exposição do tema com linguagem simples e direta." - Roberto Quiroga Mosquera

Conflicts of International Legal Frameworks in the Area of Harmful Tax Competition
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 324

Conflicts of International Legal Frameworks in the Area of Harmful Tax Competition

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019
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  • Publisher: Unknown

This book sheds light on the complexity of the environment in which the BEPS Project operates. It contrasts the commands of the modified nexus approach (BEPS Action 5) with those of EU law, WTO law and international investment agreements. Though it is clear that, as soft law, the Actions of the BEPS Project should remain within the limits established by hard law, the book identifies several instances in which this line has been crossed by the modified nexus approach.0 0This conflict between hard and soft law frameworks is treated as analogous to the notion of fragmentation of international law and, against this backdrop, the book proposes that the notion of institutional dialogue could help build a pathway for a more productive relationship between these frameworks.

A tributação das Big Techs pela exploração econômica dos dados de seus usuários e a promoção de justiça tributária na economia digital
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 234

A tributação das Big Techs pela exploração econômica dos dados de seus usuários e a promoção de justiça tributária na economia digital

Este livro tem como tema central a tributação da exploração econômica de uso de dados de usuários brasileiros pelas grandes empresas de tecnologia na economia digital (Big Techs), no qual se investiga como as novas tecnologias da informação e da comunicação impactam os conceitos e modelos tributários tradicionais. Informações e dados de usuários de plataformas digitais, coletados nos mais diversos países, uma vez tratados, são um importante ativo para as grandes empresas de tecnologia obterem mais lucro, riqueza essa que não é devidamente tributada onde foi gerada, surgindo a necessidade de uma nova e equilibrada redistribuição de direitos tributários entre as jurisdiç...

  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 160


  • Categories: Law

O livro estuda a regra do Principal Purpose Test (PPT), uma regra geral antiabuso que lida com planejamentos tributários internacionais. Essa regra foi proposta no âmbito do Projeto BEPS (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting) como fruto da Ação 6 do Projeto. Após uma introdução sobre os planejamentos tributários internacionais e de regras propostas ao longo dos anos para lidar com essa prática, estuda-se a regra PPT. Avalia-se o conceito, os objetivos, o alcance e os elementos estruturantes da regra PPT, bem como o status atual de adoção dessa regra nos tratados internacionais celebrados pelo Brasil.