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Lightbringers of the North
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 617

Lightbringers of the North

• Examines the significant figures and groups of Finland’s occult world, including their esoteric practices and the secret societies to which they were connected • Investigates the relationship of nationalism and esotericism in Finland as well as the history of Finnish parapsychology and the Finnish UFO craze • Looks at the unique evolution of Freemasonry in Finland, showing how, when Finland was still part of Russia and the Masonic order was banned, adherents created a number of other secret societies Finland has long been viewed as the land of sorcerers and shamans. Exploring the rich history of Finnish occultism, Perttu Häkkinen and Vesa Iitti examine the significant figures and ...

Helsinki in Early Twentieth-Century Literature
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 244

Helsinki in Early Twentieth-Century Literature

Helsinki in Early Twentieth-Century Literature analyses experiences of the Finnish capital in prose fiction published in Finnish in the period 1890–1940. It examines the relationships that are formed between Helsinki and fictional characters, focusing, especially, on the way in which urban public space is experienced. Particular attention is given to the description of movement through urban space. The primary material consists of a selection of more than sixty novels, collections of short stories and individual short stories. This study draws on two sets of theoretical frameworks: on the one hand, the expanding field of literary studies of the city, and on the other hand, concepts provide...

Occult Russia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 365

Occult Russia

Explores how the search for meaning in the post-Soviet era has given rise to a revival of ancient spiritual traditions and a plethora of new movements • Reveals the survival of ancient Slavic deities, pagan practices, and folk medicine tradition in modern Russia, including the indigenous pre-Christian customs of the Mari people and the shamanic traditions of Siberia • Examines the precursors to modern spiritual movements in the “Silver Age” (1880-1920) and discusses the impact of the Russian Revolution on spiritual and esoteric groups • Offers a deep look at the controversial Book of Veles, branded by some as a forgery and hailed by others as an epic chronicle of the Slavic people ...

DIY Cultures and Underground Music Scenes
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 396

DIY Cultures and Underground Music Scenes

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-12-07
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This volume examines the global influence and impact of DIY cultural practice as this informs the production, performance and consumption of underground music in different parts of the world. The book brings together a series of original studies of DIY musical activities in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Oceania. The chapters combine insights from established academic writers with the work of younger scholars, some of whom are directly engaged in contemporary underground music scenes. The book begins by revisiting and re-evaluating key themes and issues that have been used in studying the cultural meaning of alternative and underground music scenes, notably aspects of space, place...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 96


  • Type: Magazine
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  • Published: 2009-04
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  • Publisher: Unknown

From the concert stage to the dressing room, from the recording studio to the digital realm, SPIN surveys the modern musical landscape and the culture around it with authoritative reporting, provocative interviews, and a discerning critical ear. With dynamic photography, bold graphic design, and informed irreverence, the pages of SPIN pulsate with the energy of today's most innovative sounds. Whether covering what's new or what's next, SPIN is your monthly VIP pass to all that rocks.

Pocket Handbook for Helsinki Street Art
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 182

Pocket Handbook for Helsinki Street Art

  • Categories: Art

This handbook presents commissioned and uncommissioned street art in and from Helsinki. Helsinki is currently one of the few cities in Northern Europe with such a lively and eclectic menu of street art on its concrete and streets, and this beautiful form of art is constantly in transition. Street art does more than just offer outdoor entertainment; it frames the urban space and everyday with art. Vuojolainen interrogates whether street art and graffiti subculture offers alternative solutions to survive in urban jungles. The Pocket Handbook for Helsinki Street Art includes over 110 images. Os Gemeos (~ ̈), Thierry Noir, EGS, Ai Weiwei, Cindy Sherman, FOSKOR1, ChemiS, Miina Äkkijyrkkä, Edwa...

Historian väitöskirjan tekemisestä
  • Language: fi
  • Pages: 302

Historian väitöskirjan tekemisestä

Kirja dokumentoi yhden, vuosien 2020-2023 välillä koetun Suomen historian väitöskirjan tekoprosessin. Siinä toivossa, että viisikymppisen, historiaa lähes 30 vuotta harrastaneen systeemi- ja operaatiotutkimuksen diplomi-insinöörin historian väitöskirjan teko pandemian aikana, omalla rahalla, kävelyetäisyydellä Suomen suurimmasta tutkimuskirjastosta ja melkein rajoittamattomilla ajankäyttömahdollisuuksilla sisältäisi epätavanomaisuudestaan huolimatta piirteitä, joista olisi hyötyä tai apua muille.

Villi Suomen historia
  • Language: fi
  • Pages: 245

Villi Suomen historia

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-10-05
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  • Publisher: Tammi

Viihdyttävästi ja oivaltavasti tieteestä ja tieteen liepeiltä Tiedonmuruja vai hölynpölyä? Hurmaavan hullunkuriset näkemykset Suomen historiasta ja suomalaisuudesta herättävät pohtimaan, missä kulkevat tieteen ja humpuukin rajat. Ovatko suomalaiset kotoisin Atlantiksesta, vai polveudummeko Israelin kadonneista heimoista? Ovatko Egyptin eli Äijäkupittaan pyramidit suomalaisten rakentamia? Entä onko suomi ihmiskunnan yhteinen alkukieli?Tieteen tulokset eivät aina riitä, kun isänmaanystävät alkavat kertoa menneisyydestä. Villi Suomen historia esittelee Suomea, suomen kieltä ja maamme esihistoriaa koskevaa näennäistieteellistä teoretisointia ja kysyy samalla, mikä erottaa nämä hurjat tarinat tieteellisestä tutkimuksesta. FT Inkeri Koskinen on tieteenfilosofian tutkija. Hän tekee Helsingin yliopistossa väitöksen jälkeistä tutkimusta tieteenulkoista tietoa hyödyntävän tieteen objektiivisuuden mahdollisuuksista.

Nordic Fascism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 272

Nordic Fascism

Nordic Fascism is the first comprehensive history in English of fascism in the Nordic countries. Transnational cooperation between radical nationalists has especially been the case in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland, where fascism has not only developed through interdependent processes but also through interactions between and beyond national boundaries, and where “racial relationship” has been a core argument. With chapters ranging from the inception of fascism in the interwar years up to the present day, this book offers the first fragments of an entangled history of Nordic fascism. It illuminates how The North occupies a special place in the fascist imagination, articulating ideas about the Nordic people resisting the supposed cultural degeneration, replacement, or annihilation of the white race. The authors map ideological exchange between fascist organisations in the Nordic countries and outline past and present attempts at pan-Nordic state building. This book will appeal to scholars of fascism and Nordic history, and readers interested in the general history of fascism.

Back to Nature Finland
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 296

Back to Nature Finland

Back to Nature Finland takes you on a journey through Finland, its most beautiful landscapes, and their stories and mythology. Learn the secrets of the Archipelago Sea, discover Lohja’s groves and caves, and meet the most beautiful tree in Finland. Travel with us from the Åland Islands, across the Nordic archipelago’s seashores and dunes, to mysteries of lake of Saimaa. Join us as we follow The Kalevala’s origins; climb to the top of Pyhä-Nattanen, the Mountain of Gods; and explore some of the many sacred sites of Finnish Lapland.