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As environmental social governance (ESG) increasingly shapes the academic discourse in the European Union, Solveig Gasche provides a conceptual analysis of responsible trading in raw materials. Because the governance concept of responsible trading considers human rights and environmental standards, she defines the decisive determinants of trade in raw materials by considering the main historic, economic and regulative approaches. Illustrating and analysing the international and the German approach to implementing good guidance, strategies and governance, she further deals with the issues of conflict minerals and compliance, supply chain due diligence, corporate social responsibility, and business ethics. Corporate liability is given particular emphasis, taking into account options of contract design, transparency, and reporting as well as aspects of due diligence.
Many elements and inorganic compounds play an extraordinary role in daily life for numerous applications, e. g., construction materials, inorganic pigments, inorganic coatings, steel, glass, technical gases, energy storage and conversion materials, fertilizers, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts, photofunctional materials, semiconductors, superconductors, soft- and hard magnets, technical ceramics, hard materials, or biomedical and bioactive materials. The present book is written by experienced authors who give a comprehensive overview on the many chemical and physico-chemical aspects related to application of inorganic compounds and materials in order to introduce senior undergraduate and postgraduate students (chemists, physicists, materials scientists, engineers) into this broad field. Volume 1 covers construction materials, coatings, metals, intermetallics, technical glasses and technical gases. Vol. 2. From Energy Storage to Photofunctional Materials. Vol. 3. From Magnetic to Bioactive Materials.
Many elements and inorganic compounds play an extraordinary role in daily life for numerous applications, e. g., construction materials, inorganic pigments, inorganic coatings, steel, glass, technical gases, energy storage and conversion materials, fertilizers, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts, photofunctional materials, semiconductors, superconductors, soft- and hard magnets, technical ceramics, hard materials, or biomedical and bioactive materials. The present book is written by experienced authors who give a comprehensive overview on the many chemical and physico-chemical aspects related to application of inorganic compounds and materials in order to introduce senior undergraduate and postgraduate students (chemists, physicists, materials scientists, engineers) into this broad field. Volume 3 presents electronic, magnetic, biomedical, carbon- and sulfur-based materials and ceramics. Vol. 1. From Construction Materials to Technical Gases. Vol. 2. From Energy Storage to Photofunctional Materials.
Includes notices of research projects submitted to the Smithsonian Science Information Exchange concerning toxicological testing.
Many elements and inorganic compounds play an extraordinary role in daily life for numerous applications, e. g., construction materials, inorganic pigments, inorganic coatings, steel, glass, technical gases, energy storage and conversion materials, fertilizers, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts, photofunctional materials, semiconductors, superconductors, soft- and hard magnets, technical ceramics, hard materials, or biomedical and bioactive materials. The present book is written by experienced authors who give a comprehensive overview on the many chemical and physico-chemical aspects related to application of inorganic compounds and materials in order to introduce senior undergraduate and postgraduate students (chemists, physicists, materials scientists, engineers) into this broad field. Volume 2 discusses energy storage, ionic solids, catalytic materials and photofunctional materials. Vol. 1. From Construction Materials to Technical Gases. Vol. 3. From Magnetic to Bioactive Materials.
William Heinesen (1900–1991) erfasste in seinen Romanen, Gedichten und Erzählungen, was das Leben auf den Färöern ausmacht, wie kein zweiter. "Hier wird getanzt!" bietet eine Auswahl seiner besten Erzählungen, mit denen Heinesen Archaik und Moderne gleichermaßen aufgriff und in einem ganz eigenen Ton das spezifische Inselleben der Färinger festhielt. Die Erzählungen und ihre Protagonisten sind wie die Inseln und ihre Bewohner geprägt vom rauen Meereswind, zerklüftet, umspült – Menschen wie Worte gehen vor der ewigen Weite von Himmel und See eigensinnig ihren Weg. Das Leben scheint klein auf den abgelegenen Inseln im nördlichen Atlantik, auf denen gerade einmal 50 000 Menschen ...
Dieses Fachbuch beschäftigt sich mit ökologischen Fragestellungen, die in der öffentlichen Diskussion zu wenig Beachtung finden. In vielen Bereichen bleiben die Lösungsansätze und geforderten Maßnahmen eigenartig vage oder werden einseitig ökonomischen Sachzwängen oder Partikularinteressen unterordnet. Der Autor thematisiert exemplarisch unter anderem Probleme der Mobilität, des Lärms und des Elektrosmogs. Dabei wird immer gefragt, wer ökonomisch von diesen Baustellen und der heutigen Situation profitiert und wer die Kosten bezahlt. Konkret zeigt sich das im Gesundheitsbereich, der einerseits einen wachsenden Markt darstellt, anderseits aber auch hohe Kosten verursacht. Schließlich werden mögliche Strategien und Lösungsansätze diskutiert.
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit dem juristischen Handelsbedingungen zwischen China und der EU im Rohstoffsektor. Sie beleuchtet die Entwicklung dieser Handelsbeziehungen und deren WTO-rechtlichen Rahmen bei Rechtsstreitigkeiten. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf den Rechtsgrundsätzen, die bei bilateralen Verträgen der EU mit der Volksrepublik China zu beachten sind, und vor allem auf die europäischen Rechtsgrundlagen ausgerichtet sind.
This volume understands itself as an invitation to follow a fundamental shift in perspective, away from the self-contained ‘I’ of Western conventions, and towards a relational self, where development and change are contingent on otherness. In the framework of ‘Dialogical Self Theory’ (Hermans & Hermans-Konopka, 2010; Hermans & Gieser, 2012), it is precisely the forms of interaction and exchange with others and with the world that determine the course of the self’s development. The volume hence addresses dialogical processes in human interaction from a psychological perspective, bringing together previously separate theoretical traditions about the ‘self’ and about ‘dialogueâ€...