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Includes "A-Z of Swedish death metal bands - encyclopedia," with band histories and performers.
Äntligen är den tillbaka: En riktig hårdrocksklassiker nu i pocketformat! Denna extended version-utgåva innehåller inte bara bonuskapitel och nya illustrationer, utan även ett sensationellt och exklusivt förord signerat hårdrockens fiende nr 1 - Siewert Öholm - som berättar om när han 1984 försökte skrämma slag på Sveriges föräldrar med bandet W.A.S.P. i sitt debattprogram Svar Direkt. Bara för er, kära hårdrocksfans. Följ med ikonerna Melker och Mattias, kända från radio och tv, på en oförglömlig expedition in i det magiska landet Hårdrock. Resan går via hårdrockens stora legender, galna fans, moralpanik, skräckfilm och några av världens bästa skivomslag - kryddat med Melker och Mattias uppväxtskildringar som hårdrockare under det oskyldiga 80-talet, samt deras oförglömliga möten med sina idoler. Dessutom unikt bildmaterial, roliga listor, oslagbara citat och en välsignelse från deras bortgångne vän Ronnie James Dio. Illustrationer av Henrik Lange.
A 50-year history of the rock era, including every album that made "The Billboard 200" chart - over 25,000! This amazing reference source provides an artist-by-artist listing of every album that charted in Billboard from 1956 through December 31, 2005. It includes all the chart data including peak chart position, total weeks charted, chart debut date, total weeks at #1, #2 or #3 positions, original record label and number, and more! Also features many bonus sections, including a top 500 artists ranking, chronological listing of all #1 albums, the top 100 albums of all time, top artists by decade, albums of longevity, and more. Includes album cover photos, artist biographies, and many other statistics.
Under åren som huvudskribent på Sweden Rock Magazine har Carl Linnaeus träffat så gott som alla inom heavy metal-världen. Efter hans hyllade biografi Kiss Den osminkade sanningen får vi nu ta del av hans största och bästa artiklar i Jag sålde min själ till hårdrocken Stenhårt snack med världens metalgiganter. Samtliga kapitel inleds med nyskrivna reflektioner och kommentarer om och varför saker blev som de blev. I sin strävan att komma sina barndomsidoler in på skinnet har han fått dem att gråta, skratta och bli förbannade. Boken ger därmed en unik inblick bakom kulisserna där Black Sabbaths gitarrist Tony Iommi funderar på livet och döden, Alice Cooper kallas hjärntv...
Vollständig überarbeitet, aktualisiert und deutlich erweitert, liegt die zweite Auflage des Killy Literaturlexikons nun abgeschlossen vor. Damit wird ein renommiertes Standardwerk der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft für Wissenschaftler, Studenten und Literaturliebhaber unserer Zeit in neuer Qualität vorgelegt. Erstmals erschienen in den Jahren 1988 bis 1993, ist der Killy heute ein in Fach- und Literaturkreisen bekanntes und renommiertes Nachschlagewerk, das bio-bibliografische Artikel zu allen wichtigen deutschsprachigen Autoren vom Mittelalter bis in die Gegenwart präsentiert. Die knapp 8.000, gut lesbaren Artikel bieten umfassende Einführungen zu den vorgestellten Autoren und bestec...
This volume sets out a novel approach to theatre historiography, presenting the history of performances of Greek tragedies in Germany since 1800 as the history of the evolving cultural identity of the educated middle class throughout that period. Philhellenism and theatromania took hold in this milieu amidst attempts to banish the heavily French-influenced German court culture of the mid-eighteenth century, and by 1800 performances of Greek tragedies had effectively become the German answer to the French Revolution. Tragedy's subsequent endurance on the German stage is mapped here through the responses of performances to particular political, social, and cultural milestones, from the Napoleo...
This delightful book is the first comprehensive guide to all extant buildings of the great German architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel. With detailed descriptions and color illustrations, it takes the reader from Aachen through Potsdam and Berlin to St. Petersburg. On the occasion of his 225th birthday on March 13, 2006, the compact guide on the work of this universally talented architect was published in German. Now it is available in English, detailing almost 150 remaining buildings, ranging from churches and palaces to museums, technical buildings and monuments. Schinkel's buildings are spread from the Rhineland to Russia, with a particular focus on Berlin and Potsdam, where Schinkel created his most famous buildings, such as the Altes Museum, the buildings on Peacock Island or the Nikolaikirche in Potsdam.
In its 114th year, Billboard remains the world's premier weekly music publication and a diverse digital, events, brand, content and data licensing platform. Billboard publishes the most trusted charts and offers unrivaled reporting about the latest music, video, gaming, media, digital and mobile entertainment issues and trends.
PETER IWERS AND BJOÌ RN GELOTTE are known as two members of the famous heavy metal act In Fla- mes. But outside the world tours and sold-out gigs, Peter and BjoÌ rn are also proud owners of Restaurant 2112 in Gothenburg. Here, together with childhood friend Mattias Lindeblad, they tell the tale of how their dream of their own place became reality -- A Tale of Meat and Metal. In the spring of 2011 Restaurant 2112 -- so named after the famous album by Rush -- opens up on Ma- gasinsgatan 5 in their home town Gothenburg. The restaurant quickly gets a reputation for price winning burgers and a warm, welcoming ambience -- a naturalhang-out for everyone with rock at heart. To the guests, the rest...