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The Conquest of Space
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 415

The Conquest of Space

Although its roots lie in early rocket technologies and the international tensions that followed World War II, the space race began after the Soviet launch of Sputnik 1 on October 4, 1957. The space race became an important part of the cultural and technological rivalry between the USSR and the United States during the Cold War. Modern space exploration is reaching unbelievable areas. Mars is the focal point of space exploration. In the long term, there are tentative plans for manned orbital and landing missions to the Moon and Mars, establishing scientific outposts that will then give way to permanent and self-sufficient settlements. Additional exploration will potentially involve expeditions and settlements on other planets and their moons, as well as the establishment of mining and fueling outposts, particularly in the asteroid belt. Physical exploration outside the solar system will be robotic in the foreseeable future.

Colonization of Near-Earth Space
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 160

Colonization of Near-Earth Space

Several project teams from NASA, ESA and other organizations have investigated the possibility of establishing a colony in orbit. They found that the Moon and near-Earth asteroids have enough materials available, that solar energy is readily available in large quantities. The advantages of this system are its proximity to the Earth and its lower escape velocity, which facilitates the exchange of goods and services.

The Secrets of Soviet Cosmonauts
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 228

The Secrets of Soviet Cosmonauts

This book sheds new light on an amazing history, only partially known in the west: Russian cosmonautics and its spectacular record. From Laika, the cosmonaut dog, to Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, to Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space, to the first spacewalk, the Soviets set many goals that they subsequently achieved. But there are shadows behind these headline moments, moments involving human loss, some of which are known, others only rumored. Questions remain, such as: · What was the “flying coffin”? · What secrets are still hidden inside the Russian archives, despite two rounds of declassification? · Why didn’t Marina Popovich (“Madame Mig”) become a cosmonaut? · What problems made it necessary to film Valentina Tereshkova's return? · What (scientific) hypotheses exist concerning Gagarin's mysterious disappearance? The author addresses all of these issues, with help from the documents now available. This book will benefit a broad readership, from interested laypersons to graduate and undergraduate students to those who merely enjoy good history-based stories.

Az Egyesült Államok filmipara
  • Language: hu
  • Pages: 277

Az Egyesült Államok filmipara

Az Egyesült Államok mozija a 20. Század eleje óta általában nagy hatással van a filmiparra. Az amerikai mozi meghatározó stílusa a klasszikus hollywoodi mozi, amely 1913 és 1969 között alakult ki és jellemzi a legtöbb ott készült filmet a mai napig. Az amerikai mozi hamarosan meghatározó erővé vált a feltörekvő iparágban. Az egyetlen nyelvű nemzeti mozi közül a legtöbb film készül, évente átlagosan több mint 700 angol nyelvű film jelenik meg. Az amerikai filmipar nagyrészt a kaliforniai Los Angeles-i Hollywoodban, a 30 mérföldes zónában és annak környékén volt. DW Griffith rendező központi szerepet töltött be a filmnyelvtan fejlesztésében. Orson Welles Citizen Kane-jét (1941) a kritikusok közvélemény-kutatásaiban minden idők legnagyobb filmjeként emlegetik. Tartalom: Amerikai mozi,Mozitörténet az Egyesült Államokban, Klasszikus hollywoodi mozi, New Hollywood, A COVID-19 járvány hatása a mozira, Nők a filmben, Jelentősebb filmstúdiók, Amerikai vígjátékok, Amerikai Filmintézet, Animáció története, Nagy siker (szórakozás), Sundance Intézet, Mozgókép Egyesület filmértékelési rendszere.

Satyagraha Bumi Katulistiwa
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 206

Satyagraha Bumi Katulistiwa

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: Guepedia

Satyagraha Bumi Katulistiwa PENULIS: Banawa Sekar Academia, Editor: Moh Adib Amrullah Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm ISBN : 978-623-281-633-6 Terbit : Juli 2020 www.guepedia.com Sinopsis: Buku ini merupakan bunga rampai yang membahas berbagai diskursus dalam konteks keindonesiaan, mulai dari kekayaan alam, sumber daya manusia, kemajemukan budaya, pendidikan, hingga aspek politik. Dengan kajian yang kekinian dan disajikan dengan gaya bahasa yang sederhana, pembaca akan memahami berbagai sepuluh tema utama yang penting untuk dikaji. Pembahasan yang dibahas pertama adalah tentang kekayaan alam dengan Dalam bab ini dibahas mengenai kekayaan yang luar biasa, yang hanya dimiliki oleh negeri kita. Berbagai pe...

Da ficção à realidade jurídica
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 191

Da ficção à realidade jurídica

  • Categories: Law

Um mecanismo de IA que evolui para a condição de Ser e requer o seu reconhecimento como Pessoa IA (Pessoa Inteligência Artificial). "Da ficção à realidade jurídica: a pessoa artificial e os direitos da personalidade" é uma obra que desafia o raciocínio lógico e jurídico, uma vez que instiga a análise de uma realidade que até o momento só existe na ficção científica. Este é um trabalho jurídico, com uma passagem para uma viagem no tempo futuro, muito além (espera-se) do ano de 2023. O leitor é confrontado com suas sólidas crenças, já que é apresentado a uma nova espécie de pessoa, que, nesse caso, ocuparia um lugar no ordenamento jurídico ao lado das pessoas natural...

Segurança Pública, Cidadania e Direitos Humanos: pesquisas, relatos e reflexões – Vol. 8
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 334

Segurança Pública, Cidadania e Direitos Humanos: pesquisas, relatos e reflexões – Vol. 8

  • Categories: Law
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-07-29
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  • Publisher: AYA Editora

Prezados leitores, O oitavo volume de “Segurança Pública, Cidadania e Direitos Humanos: pesquisas, relatos e reflexões” reúne estudos que abordam temas atuais e essenciais para a nossa sociedade. Este livro explora a relação entre direitos fundamentais, cidadania digital e os desafios da segurança pública. Começamos com a importância da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados na defesa dos direitos fundamentais, seguida pelo impacto das fake news na cidadania digital e na democracia. Os capítulos sobre cibercrimes corporativos e estelionato virtual discutem métodos de investigação e responsabilização penal, destacando a complexidade do combate aos crimes cibernéticos. A formaç...

  • Language: ja
  • Pages: 87


NASA、ESA、およびその他の組織のいくつかのプロジェクトチームは、軌道上にコロニーを確立する可能性を調査しました。 彼らは、月と地球近傍の小惑星には十分な材料があり、太陽エネルギーが大量に容易に利用できることを発見しました。 このシステムの利点は、地球に近接していることと、商品とサービスの交換を容易にする脱出速度が遅いことです。

  • Language: en


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Başlangıcından Bu Yana Silahların ve Askeri Teknolojinin Tarihi
  • Language: kk
  • Pages: 366

Başlangıcından Bu Yana Silahların ve Askeri Teknolojinin Tarihi

Nesnelerin silah olarak kullanımı şempanzeler arasında gözlemlendi ve bu da ilk insansıların beş milyon yıl kadar erken bir zamanda silah kullandıklarına dair spekülasyonlara yol açtı. Bununla birlikte, bu fiziksel kanıtlar kullanılarak doğrulanamaz çünkü tahta sopalar, mızraklar ve şekilsiz taşlar belirsiz bir kayıt bırakırdı. Bulunan en erken kesin silahlar, 300.000 yıldan daha eski sekiz tahta fırlatma mızrağı olan Schöningen mızraklarıdır. En eski antik silahlar, geç neolitik aletlerin evrimsel iyileştirmeleriydi, ancak malzemelerdeki ve işçilik tekniklerindeki önemli gelişmeler, askeri teknolojide bir dizi devrime yol açtı. Bronz Çağı boyun...