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Several project teams from NASA, ESA and other organizations have investigated the possibility of establishing a colony in orbit. They found that the Moon and near-Earth asteroids have enough materials available, that solar energy is readily available in large quantities. The advantages of this system are its proximity to the Earth and its lower escape velocity, which facilitates the exchange of goods and services.
Although its roots lie in early rocket technologies and the international tensions that followed World War II, the space race began after the Soviet launch of Sputnik 1 on October 4, 1957. The space race became an important part of the cultural and technological rivalry between the USSR and the United States during the Cold War. Modern space exploration is reaching unbelievable areas. Mars is the focal point of space exploration. In the long term, there are tentative plans for manned orbital and landing missions to the Moon and Mars, establishing scientific outposts that will then give way to permanent and self-sufficient settlements. Additional exploration will potentially involve expeditions and settlements on other planets and their moons, as well as the establishment of mining and fueling outposts, particularly in the asteroid belt. Physical exploration outside the solar system will be robotic in the foreseeable future.
This book sheds new light on an amazing history, only partially known in the west: Russian cosmonautics and its spectacular record. From Laika, the cosmonaut dog, to Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, to Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space, to the first spacewalk, the Soviets set many goals that they subsequently achieved. But there are shadows behind these headline moments, moments involving human loss, some of which are known, others only rumored. Questions remain, such as: · What was the “flying coffin”? · What secrets are still hidden inside the Russian archives, despite two rounds of declassification? · Why didn’t Marina Popovich (“Madame Mig”) become a cosmonaut? · What problems made it necessary to film Valentina Tereshkova's return? · What (scientific) hypotheses exist concerning Gagarin's mysterious disappearance? The author addresses all of these issues, with help from the documents now available. This book will benefit a broad readership, from interested laypersons to graduate and undergraduate students to those who merely enjoy good history-based stories.
A Quarta Revolução Industrial representa uma mudança fundamental na maneira como vivemos, trabalhamos e nos relacionamos. É um novo capítulo no desenvolvimento humano, possibilitado por extraordinários avanços tecnológicos proporcionais aos da primeira, segunda e terceira revoluções industriais. Esses avanços estão mesclando os mundos físico, digital e biológico de maneiras que criam enormes promessas e riscos potenciais. A velocidade, amplitude e profundidade dessa revolução estão nos forçando a repensar como os países se desenvolvem, como as organizações criam valor e até o que significa ser humano. Hoje, a inteligência artificial é conhecida como IA estreita (ou IA fraca), na medida em que é projetada para executar uma tarefa estreita (por exemplo, apenas reconhecimento facial ou apenas pesquisas na Internet ou apenas dirigindo um carro). No entanto, o objetivo a longo prazo de muitos pesquisadores é criar IA geral (AGI ou IA forte). Embora a IA estreita possa superar os humanos em qualquer tarefa específica, como jogar xadrez ou resolver equações, a AGI superaria os humanos em quase todas as tarefas cognitivas.
Czwarta rewolucja przemysłowa stanowi fundamentalną zmianę w naszym życiu, pracy i wzajemnych relacjach. To nowy rozdział w rozwoju człowieka, umożliwiany przez niezwykłe postępy technologiczne, proporcjonalne do tych z pierwszej, drugiej i trzeciej rewolucji przemysłowej. Postępy te łączą świat fizyczny, cyfrowy i biologiczny w sposób, który tworzy zarówno ogromną obietnicę, jak i potencjalne zagrożenie. Szybkość, szerokość i głębokość tej rewolucji zmusza nas do przemyślenia, jak rozwijają się kraje, jak organizacje tworzą wartość, anawet co to znaczy być człowiekiem. Sztuczna inteligencja jest dziś właściwie znana jako wąska sztuczna inteligencja (...
Dördüncü Sanayi Devrimi, yaşama, çalışma ve birbirimizle ilişki kurma biçimimizde köklü bir değişikliği temsil eder. Birinci, ikinci ve üçüncü sanayi devrimleri ile orantılı olarak olağanüstü teknoloji gelişmeleri ile insani gelişmede yeni bir bölümdür. Bu gelişmeler, fiziksel, dijital ve biyolojik dünyaları hem büyük vaat hem de potansiyel tehlike yaratacak şekilde birleştiriyor. Bu devrimin hızı, genişliği ve derinliği bizi ülkelerin nasıl geliştiğini, kuruluşların nasıl değer yarattığını ve hatta insan olmanınne demek olduğunu yeniden düşünmeye zorluyor. Günümüzde yapay zeka, dar bir görev (örneğin sadece yüz tanıma veya sadece internet aramaları veya sadece bir araba sürmek) için tasarlandığı için, dar AI (veya zayıf AI) olarak düzgün bir şekilde bilinir. Bununla birlikte, birçok araştırmacının uzun vadeli hedefi genel AI (AGI veya güçlü AI) oluşturmaktır. Dar yapay zeka, satranç oynamak veya denklemleri çözmek gibi belirli görevi ne olursa olsun insanları geride bıraksa da, AGI neredeyse her bilişsel görevde insanlardan daha iyi performans gösterir.
The Space Race was a rivalry of the twentieth century between two great Super Powers in the Cold War, the Soviet Union (USSR) and the United States (USA), aimed at achieving the highest positions in space flight capabilities. It derives from the ballistic missile-based nuclear arms race that followed the Second World War. The technological advantage needed to quickly achieve milestones in space flight was considered essential for national security and combined with the symbolism and ideology to time. The Space Race led to pioneering efforts to launch artificial satellites, unmanned space probes to the Moon, Venus and Mars, and human space flights in low Earth orbit and the Moon.
Prawdziwa rewolucja robotyki jest gotowa do rozpoczęcia. Wiele branż osiąga punkt zwrotny, w którym po raz pierwszy możliwy jestatrakcyjny zwrot z inwestycji w zamianę pracy fizycznej na maszyny na szeroką skalę. Wzrost w globalnej liczbie zainstalowanych zaawansowanych robotów przyspieszy z około 2 do 3 procent rocznie dzisiaj do około 10 procent rocznie w ciągu następnej dekady, gdy firmy zaczną dostrzegać korzyści ekonomiczne z robotyki. W niektórych branżach ponad 40 procent zadań produkcyjnych będą wykonywane przez roboty. Rozwój ten przyniesie radykalny wzrost wydajności pracy w wielu gałęziach przemysłu na całym świecie i doprowadzi do zmian konkurencyjności między gospodarkami produkcyjnymi, gdy firmy osiągną znaczne zyski.
Medical genetics encompasses many different areas, including the clinical practice of doctors, genetic counselors and nutritionists, clinical diagnostic laboratory activities and research on the causes and inheritance of genetic disorders. Examples of conditions that are within the scope of medical genetics include birth defects and dysmorphology, mental retardation, autism, mitochondrial disorders, skeletal dysplasia, connective tissue disorders, cancer genetics, teratogens and prenatal diagnosis. Medical genetics is becoming increasingly relevant for many common diseases. Overlaps with other medical specialties are beginning to emerge, as recent advances in genetics are revealing etiologie...
When we talk about the Middle Ages, we talk about a historical period that extends from the 5th century to the 15th century. Ten centuries of history that begins with the fall of the Roman Empire of the West, in the year 476 A.D. and that is terminated at the end of the fifteenth century, in 1492, with the discovery of the American continent. The Middle Ages was a period of European history that left deep traces on the continent. Marked by important historical events, the beginning and end of this period was marked by major cultural, political, religious, social and economic changes, becoming one of the most fascinating periods in history.