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"Though the book was first published in German in 1988, this English version includes many revisions and updates and will be the definitive English-language study of the Avar empire for years to come. It will be invaluable for those interested in medieval history or in the impact of nomadic steppe empires on sedentary civilizations." ― Choice The Avars arrived in Europe from the Central Asian steppes in the mid-sixth century CE and dominated much of Central and Eastern Europe for almost 250 years. Fierce warriors and canny power brokers, the Avars were more influential and durable than Attila's Huns, yet have remained hidden in history. Walter Pohl's epic narrative, translated into English...
Èe izraz »prazgodovina« uporabimo za èas in prostor, ki ga pisni viri ne »vidijo«, potem imamo ozemlja, ki so »prazgodovinska« tudi v èasu, ki sicer splošno velja za »zgodovino«. V tem pomenu še vedno obstajajo v Evropi v èasu zgodnjega srednjega veka obširna ozemlja, kjer stanje pisnih virov lahko opišemo kot prazgodovinsko. Še posebej velja to za ozemlja, ki so jih naseljevali Slovani. Mednje spada tudi današnja Slovenija, kjer leži Bled. Ta »stopi v zgodovino« šele leta 1004. Ali je ob tem notranji pogled v življenje za pisne vire nevidnih ljudi sploh mogoè? Res se ne moremo preprosto prestaviti v minuli èas, da bi si ogledali, kako je bilo. Lahko pa se postavimo ...
Gestrinov zbornik je zbornik razprav v počastitev osemdesetletnice nestorja slovenske zgodovine akad. prof. dr. Ferda Gestrina. Zbornik poleg predgovora prinaša 48 prispevkov uglednih domačih in tujih avtorjev. V uvodnem delu so združeni bio- in bibliografski podatki o jubilantu. Ostali prispevki so razvrščeni v pet tematskih sklopov. Prvi zajema pet razprav, ki posegajo v obravnavo mediteranskega prostora. Nadaljnji blok devetih prispevkov slika zgodovino vzhodnoalpskega prostora v srednjem in novem veku. Sledi skupina desetih razprav o gospodarski zgodovini. četrti sklop vsebuje dvanajst prispevkov, ki slikajo politično in populacijsko zgodovino od srede 19. stoletja do druge svetovne vojne. Zadnja, peta skupina sedmih prispevkov je heterogena, obravnava pa tematiko šolstva in izobrazbe, teoretična, historiografska in filozofska vprašanja.
"Much needed. Fills an existing gap in the historical period with a wide range of examples from all over the world."--Margarita Díaz-Andreu, author of A World History of Nineteenth-Century Archaeology: Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Past "Provides new, nuanced perspectives that will inspire studies in the materiality of identity creation and transformation in the past and its role in heritage creation in the present."--Stephen A. Brighton, author of Historical Archaeology of the Irish Diaspora: A Transnational Approach "Thoughtful, challenging, and original. Expands the spatial and temporal parameters of the growing literature on nationalism and national identity."--Philip L. Kohl, coedi...
The book deals with the Slovene historiography and history of the Slovene and neighbouring territories in the Middle Ages. It is the first work of its kind published in English. It thus makes the medieval history of this part of Europe and some of its fundamental problems accessible to the widest range of researchers. It contains 18 papers which comply with modern methodological approaches and current trends in historiography and it puts the validity and usefulness of these methods to the test in the case of “Slovene” material and examples. The first part of the book critically examines Slovene historiography, which largely viewed the Middle Ages from a national angle. The second part is dedicated to early medieval history, focussing on issues of Slavic ethnogeneses, society, and political structures. The third part addresses chapters from the history of the Church, the nobility, and the formation of Länder, and also discusses the famous enthronement of the Carinthian dukes.
Although the distant origins of medieval Central Europe have enjoyed constant interest among historians, only marginal attention has been paid to the power and political prerequisites for the first Westernization, i.e. the gradual adoption of the values, norms and patterns of behavior of the Latin West by the communities (gentes) around the eastern edge of the Carolingian and subsequently Holy Roman Empires. Such a gap in knowledge, long overlooked, is now being filled by The Making of Medieval Central Europe: Power and Political Prerequisites for the First Westernization, 791-1122. While respecting the state of research and based on an original analysis of the sources, this book offers an informed reflection of a complex dialogue that was initiated after the collapse of the Avar Khaganate at the end of the 8th century and that, by the beginning of the 12th century, gave rise to a Central Europe that was Westernized (i.e. turned toward the West) yet in many ways distinctive. Another and no less important added value of this book is the author's conscious effort to overcome the narrow interpretive matrices defined by the national interests of the time.
Napoleon's conquests were spectacular, but behind his wars, is an enduring legacy. A new generation of historians have re-evaluated the Napoleonic era and found that his real achievement was the creation of modern Europe as we know it.
Roman identity is one of the most interesting cases of social identity because in the course of time, it could mean so many different things: for instance, Greek-speaking subjects of the Byzantine empire, inhabitants of the city of Rome, autonomous civic or regional groups, Latin speakers under ‘barbarian’ rule in the West or, increasingly, representatives of the Church of Rome. Eventually, the Christian dimension of Roman identity gained ground. The shifting concepts of Romanness represent a methodological challenge for studies of ethnicity because, depending on its uses, Roman identity may be regarded as ‘ethnic’ in a broad sense, but under most criteria, it is not. Romanness is indeed a test case how an established and prestigious social identity can acquire many different shades of meaning, which we would class as civic, political, imperial, ethnic, cultural, legal, religious, regional or as status groups. This book offers comprehensive overviews of the meaning of Romanness in most (former) Roman provinces, complemented by a number of comparative and thematic studies. A similarly wide-ranging overview has not been available so far.
This book aims to enrich the thinking and discussion in relation to the importance that citizenship, immigration, rights and private laws play in the modern world. This is in a time when social cohesion and national identity is being challenged. It will explore the impact these laws have had on Australia, European Union (EU) and Slovenia. Identity and social cohesion are contested concepts and can invoke different responses. The challenges states and the EU are likely to face in retaining and even strengthening their respective identities and social cohesion from continued geopolitical shocks, security, economic volatility and environmental degradation is likely to be formidable. These alone...
How and when a west Slavic principality centred on Nitra originated in the middle Danube is a key question of medieval East Central Europe. In this book, Ján Steinhübel reconstructs the origins, history and expansion of this Nitrian Principality. Based on contemporary sources and extensive historical and archaeological literature, he traces the development of the land for 640 years (470-1110). The book illuminates Nitrian development since the decline of the Avars, its short period of independence in 9th century and later its incorporation to Great Moravia and Hungary respectively. It argues that Nitrian Principality laid the national, territorial and historical foundations of Slovakia.