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The Great Pyramid is a book in stone, a book in which knowledge of mathematics, knowledge of architecture and knowledge of astronomy are stored. This is the knowledge of the Pyramid about our physical world and it is told in the first part of this book. The Great Pyramid also tells the history of human time and human spiritual life, because in the measures of the Pyramid it leaves coded testimonies about biblical events, biblical codes and about the end of time of the Earth in the days of the transformation of this world into a higher existential level between 2035-2070. In the second part of this book, Pyramid's story about our spiritual world is told. The book is intended for a wide readership, especially lovers of mysticism and esotericism, Freemasons, architects and students.
What is the esoteric meaning of the measurements of Solomon's Temple and the measurements of the Great Pyramid? This is the meaning of the measurements of the Earth and we are convinced of this by the scientific method by applying geometry.
The Great Pyramid is a book in stone, a book in which knowledge of mathematics, knowledge of architecture and knowledge of astronomy are stored. This is the knowledge of the Pyramid about our physical world and it is told in the first part of this book. The Great Pyramid also tells the history of human time and human spiritual life, because in the measures of the Pyramid it leaves coded testimonies about biblical events, biblical codes and about the end of time of the Earth in the days of the transformation of this world into a higher existential level between 2035-2070. In the second part of this book, Pyramid's story about our spiritual world is told. The book is intended for a wide readership, especially lovers of mysticism and esotericism, Freemasons, architects and students.
"The largest ship, 15 meters long and 2.65 meters wide, was found at a depth of about seven meters below the surface of the earth, and Roman graves end at a depth of two meters! That is why it is currently impossible to say from which chronological period the vessels originate. They were found in the same area as the million-year-old mammoth remains, at a depth of 19-20 meters. According to that analogy, the ships would come from a period of 70,000 years ago, which is impossible. That's why we sent their exceptionally well-preserved oak wood for age analysis using the C-14 method, as well as others, because we found ourselves in front of a big and completely mysterious discovery." (Archeologist prof. dr. Miomir Korac)
U srpskom imamo riječi SLOV, SLOVO, SLOVEN. Današnji smisao ovih riječi znamo, ali znamo li njihova stara izvorna značenja, značenje njihovog starog korijena od kojeg su postale? Najmanji zajednički dio u pomenutim riječima je LO. Ovo LO danas samo za sebe nama ne znači ništa, ali šta je značilo u davnini prije vremena postanja riječi SLOV, SLOVO i SLOVEN?
"Najveći brod, dug 15 metara i širok 2,65 metara, pronađen je na dubini od oko sedam metara ispod površine zemlje, a rimski grobovi se završavaju na dva metra dubine! Zato je za sada nemoguće reći iz kog hronološkog perioda plovila potiču. Ona su pronađena u istom arealu gde i ostaci mamuta, stari milion godina, na 19-20 metara dubine. Po toj analogiji, brodovi bi poticali iz perioda od pre 70.000 godina, što je nemoguće." (Arheolog prof. dr Miomir Korać)
Rjecnik keltsko-ilirski sastavljen je od rijeci sacuvanih u narodnom govoru, rukopisima ili stampanim djelima, sa njihovim istim i srodnim znacenjima na keltskom i ilirskom jeziku, ilustrovano prikladnim primjerima i etimoloskim napomenama.
오늘날 유일하게 현존하는 세계 7대 불가사의이자 천문학·기하학·측지학·건축공학 등의 과학기술이 집적된 경이로운 지식의 보고, 기자 대피라미드(Great Pyramid of Giza)의 비밀을 낱낱이 밝힌다. 문자와 수 체계의 발명, 고도로 정밀한 광학렌즈, 강철보다 단단한 화성암을 가공하는 기술까지, 인류 문명의 초창기에 이집트에서 놀랍도록 성숙한 고대 유물이 갑작스럽게 쏟아져 나왔다. 과학이 아직 입증하지 못한 인류 문명의 기원에 천착해온 맹성렬 교수의 치밀한 지적 여정. 그레이엄 핸콕의 『신의 지문』을 능가하는 인류 문명사의 놀라운 역작. 고대 이집트의 유물과 관련 연구를 상세히 담은 도판 86점 수록.
Istinita prica o identitetu srbske duhovnosti koju su oni zvali krstjanstvom, a grkoortodoksna SPC i srpski kvazinacionalisti to prozvase svetosavljem. Svetosavlje protiv krstjana.