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Musicians, teachers and those who love music will find in this volume some answers to the question of how gender affects its practice, performance and reception. What was performing like for female rock singers in the 20th century? How did Bowie change our concept of performer identity? Just how sexist are the lyrics in glam metal songs? Is rap as homophobic as has been thought? Can female metal singers growl as well as men? Are LGBTQ+ issues reflected in 21st century music? Did Canadian New Wave groups tackle major social issues? How do Shakespeare and Joyce use musical puns and allusions? From Indian thumri, through French opera, Irish folk songs, and pop, all the way to metal and rap, the 17 contributions gathered here will challenge and inform, while confirming that our music shapes our habits, language, ideas and gendered selves.
This book presents some of the results from the second stage of lEA's study of Computers in Education (CompEd). lEA, the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, conducts international comparative studies focussing on educational achievement, practices, and policies in various countries and education systems around the world. It has a Secretariat located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. lEA studies have reported on a wide range of topics, each contributing to a deeper understanding of educational processes. The CompEd study is a project that sheds light on the way computers have been introduced in education and on how they are being used across the world today. ...
The 1998 edition of Education at a Glance provides comparable information on the human and financial resources invested in education, on how education and learning systems operate and evolve, and on the returns to educational investments.
Introduction to Gauge Field Theory provides comprehensive coverage of modern relativistic quantum field theory, emphasizing the details of actual calculations rather than the phenomenology of the applications. Forming a foundation in the subject, the book assumes knowledge of relativistic quantum mechanics, but not of quantum field theory. The book is ideal for graduate students, advanced undergraduates, and researchers in the field of particle physics.
Bedenice so tretja knjiga, ki jo avtor posveča Koprivi na Krasu. V njej ima glavno besedo pokojni etnolog in slovstveni folklorist Milko Matičetov mednarodnega slovesa, ki je zapustil ogromno neobjavljenih zapisov iz Koprive in kraške okolice. Obsežnost, bogastvo in pestrost teh domoznanskih, etnografskih in folklorističnih zapiskov, ki so nastajali od njegovih mladih let dalje, so narekovali še eno zajetno knjigo, katere poglavitna vsebina sega od zgodovinskih izročil iz starih in polpreteklih časov ter folklornih in drugih ljudskih pripovedi, zgodb, pronicljivih portretov vaščanov in vaščank do raznih anekdot, pravljic, pesmi, molitev, pregovorov, rekov, vaških špotljivk, sta...
Terasirane pokrajine, sestavljene iz kmetijskih teras, so kulturne pokrajine s posebno vrednostjo. Ponekod so v razvitih civilizacijah organizirano nastajale skozi tisočletja, drugje pa povsem spontano, ko se je človek prilagajal naravnim razmeram in izboljševal svoje možnosti za preživetje. Zato se v njih zrcali sožitje med človekom in naravo, marsikje pa tudi med ljudmi. Knjiga jih v sliki in besedi predstavlja v vsej njihovi pestrosti in privlačnosti. Najprej so izpostavljene svetovne in evropske razsežnosti terasiranih pokrajin in njihovih kmetijskih teras, največ prostora pa namenja slovenskim terasiranim pokrajinam, in sicer ločeno po pokrajinskih tipih, po posameznih pokrajinah in po vzorčnih primerih, ki obsegajo območja izbranih naselij. V sklepnem delu opozarja tudi na izjemnost in privlačnost nekmetijskih terasiranih pokrajin, ki sta jih oblikovala narava in človek. Besedila in fotografije dopolnjujejo grafikoni, v katerih so predstavljene temeljne značilnosti izključno terasiranih zemljišč, ugotovljene na podlagi analiz z orodji geografskih informacijskih sistemov.