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This book analyses how turbulence is interwoven into the everyday life of families with children, thus becoming personal and intimate. Chapter authors use empirical data to highlight the contextual and relational nature of both global and local challenges affecting families, discussing complex dynamics across health, work and the environment.
An exploration the phenomena of contemporary fatherhood, this book presents the current state of knowledge on father involvement with young children in six countries: Finland, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, the UK and the USA.
This timely book reveals how policies of childcare and early childhood education influence children’s circumstances and the daily lives of families with children. Examining how these policies are approached, it focuses particularly on the issues and pitfalls related to equal access.
Caring is Sharing? explores why and how mixed-sex couples make decisions around parental leave at the transition to parenthood, and how these decisions shape their work and family care practices during and after the leave period. It does this through a longitudinal qualitative comparative analysis of mixed-sex parent couples in England who do and do not share parental leave after the birth of their first child. The study shows that men and women’s visions and practices of family life are embedded in ideals of appropriate intimate relations, and negotiated with real and imagined reactions from peers, wider family and colleagues. These negotiations are often deeply emotional and shape how pa...
Research on fathers and fatherhood has blossomed in recent years, focusing, for the most part, on present-day fathering experiences but also beginning to uncover hidden narratives of past fatherhood. This collection aims to add something new to this expanding field by exploring the dynamic relationship between present and past fatherhoods. The popular understanding of fathers in past generations, as being detached and uninvolved in the lives of their children, can be said to play a significant part in the construction of modern fathering identities, with ideas of “new” fatherhood being played off against notions of historical fathering practices. However, research has begun to show that ...
This book focuses on the multiple and diverse masculinities ‘at work’. Spanning both historical approaches to the rise of ‘profession’ as a marker of masculinity, and critical approaches to the current structures of management, employment and workplace hierarchy, the book questions what role masculinity plays in cultural understandings, affective experiences and mediatised representations of a professional ‘career’.
This volume offers a variety of perspectives on contemporary fatherhood: from analyses of literature, film, drama, and popular culture, to issues tackled by psychology, gender studies, and social sciences. Arranged into thematic sections, the chapters cover a wide range of approaches to fatherhood, including studies and analyses based on fieldwork and interviews with participants. Each chapter discusses various culture-dependent models of masculinity in relation to the topic of fatherhood depicted in works of literary and film art, emphasizing the crucial factors and features which make all these models different from one another and using examples of such cultural contexts as Australia, China, Indonesia, Brazil, and Iran. With the use of methodological tools provided by literature studies, film studies, culture studies, psychology, gender and queer studies, and sociology, the book is a comprehensive insight into current research on both real-life and fictional realizations of fatherhood.
Rikoksen voi sovittaa, mutta voiko sitä hyvittää? Pimeältä kylätieltä löytyy yliajetun miehen ruumis. Henkilöpapereista selviää, että uhri on juuri vankilasta vapautunut Otto-Petteri Saarinen: seksuaalirikollinen, jonka teot nousivat lööppeihin ja jonka uhrit toipuvat vieläkin kokemastaan. Tapausta tutkii rikosylikonstaapeli Karli Eerola, laulavan romanitähden poika, jonka vuoro on jälleen suunnata valokeila Saarisen uhreihin ja näiden omaisiin. Tapaus ei ole omiaan rauhoittamaan hyvätapaiseksi kristityksi kasvatetun Karlin mieltä, eivätkä isän juopuneet puhelut lohduttamaan poikamiehen öitä. Astuit väärään autoon on rikosromaani kahdesta sovituksen kumppanista: häpeästä ja kunniasta. Se nostaa esiin aran ja vaietun aiheen antaen äänen sekä rikoksen uhrille että sen tekijälle. Marja-Liisa Heino (s. 1969) on Nokialla asuva kirjailija. Hän voitti 2008 ilmestyneellä teoksellaan Suomen suuntaan Kalevi Jäntin palkinnon. Palkintoa perusteltiin seuraavasti: Heino taitaa fiktiivisen proosan vaikeimmat perusasiat: notkean kerronnan, elävän kielen, moni-ilmeisen ihmiskuvan rakentamisen ja kulttuuristen koodien vivahteikkaan käytön.
. . . the book focuses on a very interesting and important. . . dimension of welfare analysis. . . the book provides a very rich and interesting range of analyses of the complex links between culture and welfare state. It deserves to be read both by advanced undergraduates and academics working in this area, and perhaps should also be read by policy-makers and politicians as a useful corrective to an overly economistic approach to welfare in the straitened years ahead. Rob Sykes, Social Policy and Administration The essays in this collection advance cultural analysis of the welfare state by describing the experiences of a large array of developed nations. . . Highly recommended. D. Stoesz, C...