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Swiss Mercenaries in the Dutch East Indies
  • Language: en

Swiss Mercenaries in the Dutch East Indies

Between 1848 and 1914 around 5,800 Swiss Mercenaries enlisted in the Dutch Colonial Army (KNIL) to fight in the Dutch East Indies (present-day Indonesia). Following the traces of these mercenaries beyond the confines of the Dutch Empire, this book elucidates the complexities of the nineteenth-century military labour markets and provides an intricate examination of the mercenaries' socio-cultural backgrounds, their motives, and their engagement with local communities and authorities. In doing so, it reveals the profound effects of colonialism not only on the colonies themselves, but also on the social, economic and cultural landscape of the European hinterland.

Officers, Entrepreneurs, Career Migrants, and Diplomats
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 537

Officers, Entrepreneurs, Career Migrants, and Diplomats

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-08-19
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  • Publisher: BRILL

“Money, money, and more money.” In the eyes of early modern warlords, these were the three essential prerequisites for waging war. The transnational studies presented here describe and explain how belligerent powers did indeed rely on thriving markets where military entrepreneurs provided mercenaries, weapons, money, credit, food, expertise, and other services. In a fresh and comprehensive examination of pre-national military entrepreneurship – its actors, structures and economic logic – this volume shows how readily business relationships for supplying armies in the 17th and 18th centuries crossed territorial and confessional boundaries. By outlining and explicating early modern military entrepreneurial fields of action, this new transnational perspective transcends the limits of national historical approaches to the business of war. Contributors are Astrid Ackermann, John Condren, Jasmina Cornut, Michael Depreter, Sébastien Dupuis, Marian Füssel, Julien Grand, André Holenstein, Katrin Keller, Michael Paul Martoccio, Tim Neu, David Parrott, Alexander Querengässer, Philippe Rogger, Guy Rowlands, Benjamin Ryser, Regula Schmid, and Peter H. Wilson.

Anxieties, Fear and Panic in Colonial Settings
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 405

Anxieties, Fear and Panic in Colonial Settings

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-01-23
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book argues that the history of colonial empires has been shaped to a considerable extent by negative emotions such as anxiety, fear and embarrassment as well as by the regular occurrence of panics. The case studies it assembles examine the various ways in which panics and anxieties were generated in imperial situations and how they shook up the dynamics between seemingly all-powerful colonizers and the apparently defenceless colonized. Drawing from examples of the British, Dutch and German colonial experience, the volume sketches out some of the main areas (such as disease, native ‘savagery’ or sexual transgression) that generated panics or created anxieties in colonial settings and analyses the most common varieties of practical, discursive and epistemic strategies adopted by the colonisers to curb the perceived threats.

Medical Missionaries and Colonial Knowledge in West Africa and Europe, 1885-1914
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 462

Medical Missionaries and Colonial Knowledge in West Africa and Europe, 1885-1914

This open access book offers an entangled history of hygiene by showing how knowledge of purity, health and cleanliness was shaped by evangelical medical missionaries and their encounters with people in West Africa. By tracing the interactions and negotiations of six Basel Mission doctors, who practised on the Gold Coast and in Cameroon from 1885 to 1914, the author demonstrates how notions of religious purity, scientific health and colonial cleanliness came together in the making of hygiene during the age of High Imperialism. The heyday of evangelical medical missions abroad coincided with the emergence of tropical medicine as a scientific discipline during what became known as the Scramble for Africa. This book reveals that these projects were intertwined and that hygiene played an important role in all three of them. While most historians have examined modern hygiene as a European, bourgeois and scientific phenomenon, the author highlights both the colonial and the religious fabric of hygiene, which continues to shape our understanding of purity, health and cleanliness to this day.

Human Porterage and Colonial State Formation in German East Africa, 1880s–1914
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 283

Human Porterage and Colonial State Formation in German East Africa, 1880s–1914

​This book explores the role of caravan transport and human porterage in the colony of German East Africa (present-day mainland Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi). With caravan mobility being of pivotal importance to colonial rule during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the exploration of vernacular transport and its governance during this period sheds new light on the trajectories of colonial statehood. The author addresses key questions such as the African resilience to colonial interventions, the issue of labor recruitment, and the volatility of colonial infrastructure. This book unveils a fundamental contradiction in the way that German administrators dealt with precoloni...

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 173


WerkstattGeschichte ist eine Zeitschrift, in der über Geschichte und ihre Akteur*innen ebenso reflektiert wird wie über historisches Forschen und Schreiben. Sie bietet Platz, konventionelle Perspektiven zu durchbrechen und neue Formen der Darstellung zu erproben. Die Zeitschrift bleibt der Sozialgeschichte verbunden, legt aber deutlichen Wert darauf, die »große Geschichte« aus einer alltagsgeschichtlichen Perspektive zu befragen. Im aktuellen Heft, herausgegeben von Annika Raapke und Isabelle Schürch, adressieren die Beiträger*innen koloniale Gewalthistoriografien. Sie stellen neue Ansätze historischer Gewaltforschung vor, thematisieren Erfahrungen von körperlicher Kolonialgewalt und blicken kritisch auf deren historiografische Handhabung sowie methodologische Fragen.

Education and Modernity in Colonial Punjab
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 292

Education and Modernity in Colonial Punjab

This book explores the localisation of modernity in late colonial India. As a case study, it focuses on the hitherto untold colonial history of Khalsa College, Amritsar, a pioneering and highly influential educational institution founded in the British Indian province of Punjab in 1892 by the religious minority community of the Sikhs. Addressing topics such as politics, religion, rural development, militarism or physical education, the study shows how Sikh educationalists and activists made use of and ‘localised’ communal, imperial, national and transnational discourses and knowledge. Their modernist visions and schemes transcended both imperialist and mainstream nationalist frameworks and networks. In its quest to educate the modern Sikh – scientific, practical, disciplined and physically fit – the college navigated between very local and global claims, opportunities and contingencies, mirroring modernity’s ambivalent simultaneity of universalism and particularism.

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 184


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-10-09
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  • Publisher: V&R Unipress

Für die Kritik der modernen Geschlechterordnung war und ist die Kritik an Naturbezügen zentral – zugespitzt im Argument, das vermeintlich Natürliche sei ganz und gar kulturell und die Geschlechterordnung (ja, die Geschlechtlichkeit selbst) infolgedessen vollständig sozial konstruiert. Aus dieser Perspektive steht jedes Argumentieren mit Natur grundsätzlich unter Essentialismusverdacht. In der historischen Arbeit entpuppt sich diese Kritik zunehmend als vorschnelle Begrenzung – wenn nämlich nicht auch danach gefragt werden kann, worum es Akteur*innen eigentlich geht, wenn sie von "Natur" reden, oder wenn ein Naturbegriff absolut gesetzt wird, der selbst historisch ist. Im vorliegend...

Ordnungen des Todes
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 300

Ordnungen des Todes

Ob Opfer von Genoziden, Attentaten, häuslicher Gewalt, Unfällen oder Naturkatastrophen: Listen sind nie »unschuldig«, sondern verfolgen immer bestimmte Absichten. Register suggerieren Kontrolle, sind aber auch Machtinstrumente. Listen von Verstorbenen dokumentieren gesellschaftliches Handeln und erzählen eine eigene Geschichte des Todes. Die Beiträger*innen untersuchen von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart Zählungen von Gefallenen oder Verstorbenen in kolonialen Kontexten, Unfallstatistiken, Todeslisten in der NS-Zeit, Suizide in der DDR sowie Todesfälle von Geflüchteten. Ihre Analysen fokussieren dabei die Hintergründe und Motivationen der Urheber*innen und liefern damit einen erhellenden Einblick in die Macht der Statistik.

Unter Druck
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 615

Unter Druck

Thema dieses Buchs ist die Zeitungs- und Zeitschriftenpresse in den sechs Zentralschweizer Kantonen Luzern, Zug, Schwyz, Uri, Nid- und Obwalden seit ihrer Entstehung. Der Schwerpunkt der reich bebilderten Untersuchung liegt auf publizistischen, politischen und wirtschaftlichen Aspekten. Der Autor schlägt einen grossen Bogen über 500 Jahre Presse: Er setzt an bei den Anfängen des Buchdrucks und der Genese der frühen Zeitungen und Zeitschriften im frühneuzeitlichen Luzern und schildert die Entwicklung über die Ausbreitung und Instrumentalisierung der Presse in den weltanschaulichen Kämpfen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts bis hin zum Aufstieg und Niedergang der grossen Annoncenfirmen, zum Vormarsch auswärtiger Medienkonzerne und zur Krise der gedruckten Presse, insbesondere der Tageszeitungen, im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung.