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  • Language: en
  • Pages: 467


A comparative treatment of European and Asian responses to German and Japanese occupation during the Second World War.

A Marketplace Without Jews
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 373

A Marketplace Without Jews

This book examines the economics of everyday life and the Final Solution in Southeastern Europe, specifically the role that the mass confiscation of Jewish property and exclusion of Jews as well as other undesired population groups from the national marketplace in Southeastern Europe played in transforming economic life and social relations. It aims to understand how ordinary people in the region responded as beneficiaries, bystanders, perpetrators, rescuers, and, above all, victims to Aryanization, and how regimes and governments adapted its basic principles to their specific national contexts and ideological and ethnic agendas. Aryanization appeared in some of its most radical, accelerated...

  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 408

La "primauté de la nation roumaine" et les "étrangers"

La «primauté de la nation roumaine» et les «étrangers» examine la politique minoritaire du gouvernement Goga et du régime personnel du roi Carol II de Roumanie, dit «dictature royale», par le biais de l'accès au travail, la liberté du travail, que l'État roumain accordait ou refusait aux minorités ethniques. Le livre se focalise surtout sur le traitement des minorités hongroise, allemande, juive et ukrainienne. Il montre comment le gouvernement Goga cherchait à tirer du capital électoral de sa politique à l'égard des Juifs et des autres minorités et comment le régime de Carol II l'utilisait également à des fins de politique étrangère, pour préserver l'intégrité ter...

Above the Abyss
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 640

Above the Abyss

The book focuses on the threat to free self-development and the effort to ward off a perceived threat of extinction as well as the development of self-preservation forces. The challenges for ethnic and religious minorities in the 19th–21st centuries are explained and unfolded against the historical background that serves as a frame of reference. The royal privileges granted in medieval Hungary were abolished in the mid-19th century. The German-speaking people’s church (Saxones) in Transylvania founded on this had to reorient itself, although a pioneer region of religious freedom had established itself behind the “Ottoman Curtain”. Since the reception of the Reformation, the “Saxone...

Conservatives and Right Radicals in Interwar Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 380

Conservatives and Right Radicals in Interwar Europe

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-12-30
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This book features a broad range of thematic and national case studies which explore the interrelations and confrontations between conservatives and the radical Right in the European and global contexts of the interwar years. It investigates the political, social, cultural, and economic issues that conservatives and radicals tried to address and solve in the aftermaths of the Great War. Conservative forces ended up prevailing over far-right forces in the 1920s, with the notable exception of the Fascist regime in Italy. But over the course of the 1930s, and the ascent of the Nazi regime in Germany, political radicalisation triggered both competition and hybridisation between conservative and right-wing radical forces, with increased power for far-right and fascist movements. The book will be of great interest to students and scholars of politics, history, fascism, and Nazism.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 460


In 1920, the Hungarian parliament introduced a Jewish quota for university admissions, making Hungary the first country in Europe to pass antisemitic legislation following World War I. Quotas explores the ideologies and practices of quota regimes and the ways quotas have been justified, implemented, challenged, and remembered from the late nineteenth century until the middle of the twentieth century. In particular, the volume focuses on Central and Eastern Europe, with chapters covering the origins of quotas, the moral, legal, and political arguments developed by their supporters and opponents, and the social and personal impact of these attempts to limit access to higher education.

Interwar East Central Europe, 1918-1941
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 318

Interwar East Central Europe, 1918-1941

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-05-07
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This monograph focuses on the challenges that interwar regimes faced and how they coped with them in the aftermath of World War One, focusing especially on the failure to establish and stabilize democratic regimes, as well as on the fate of ethnic and religious minorities. Topics explored include the political systems and how they changed during the two decades under review, land reform, Church–state relations, and culture. Countries studied include Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania. "Sabrina Ramet has assembled a team of highly respectable country specialists to offer a fresh and historiographically updated reading of interwar developments in East...

Archive in Slowenien (I)
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 206

Archive in Slowenien (I)

Die Republik Slowenien, seit 2004 ein Mitgliedsstaat der Europäischen Union, umfasst Gebiete, die bis zum Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs zur Habsburgermonarchie gehörten. Spuren deutscher und deutschsprachiger Kultur und Geschichte finden sich in zahlreichen Archiven und Sammlungen des Landes, denen sich zwei Ausgaben der "Spiegelungen" widmen. Den Anfang macht Heft 2.24 mit der Präsentation von Archiven in der historischen Untersteiermark, im Osten Sloweniens – mit Fallstudien zu Maribor/Mar-burg und Celje/Cilli.

Introduction générale à la doctrine fasciste de la race
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 440

Introduction générale à la doctrine fasciste de la race

En 1941, Mussolini, favorablement impressionné par la lecture de Sintesi di dottrina della razza, aurorisa Julius Evola à donner à la traduction allemande de ce livre le titre de Grundrisse der faschistischen Rassenlehre. Traduit par lui-même en collaboration avec une traductrice allemande, il fut publié entre l’été 1942 et le premier trimestre de 1943. A vrai dire, il s'agit, plus que d'une traduction, d'une version remaniée de Sintesi. Le texte est précédé d’une présentation d’une centaine de pages, à la fois descriptive et critique, des œuvres des auteurs de langue allemande qui ont eu une influence sur la vision du monde d’Evola et des activités non seulement intel...

Die rumänisch-jüdische Frage
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 685

Die rumänisch-jüdische Frage

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-04-15
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  • Publisher: Böhlau Wien

Dass Liberalismus und jüdische Gleichstellung im 19. Jahrhundert Hand in Hand gingen, kann fast schon als Allgemeinposten europäisch-jüdischer Geschichtsschreibung bezeichnet werden. Die Entwicklung Rumäniens widerspricht dieser Gleichsetzung, da es hier 1866 zu einem kollektiven rechtlichen Ausschluss von Juden als "Fremde" durch selbsternannte "Liberale" kam. Vorliegende Studie bietet erstmals eine Rekonstruktion der geschichtlichen Entwicklungen der rumänisch-jüdischen Emanzipationsfrage vom letzten Drittel des 18. Jahrhunderts bis zum Ende der 1860er Jahre und versucht diese "Anomalie" zu erklären. Dafür wird rumänisch-jüdische Geschichte in europäische Kontexte gesetzt und vor dem Hintergrund transnationaler Verflechtungen analysiert.