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This book is devoted to a new branch of experimental design theory called simulation experimental design. There are many books devoted either to the theory of experimental design or to system simulation techniques, but in this book an approach to combine both fields is developed. Especially the mathematical theory of such universal variance reduction techniques as splitting and Russian Roulette is explored. The book contains a number of results on regression design theory related to nonlinear problems, the E-optimum criterion and designs which minimize bias. Audience: This volume will be of value to readers interested in systems simulation, applied statistics and numerical methods with basic knowledge of applied statistics and linear algebra.
Beginning his work on the monograph to be published in English, this author tried to present more or less general notions of the possibilities of mathematics in the new and rapidly developing science of infectious immunology, describing the processes of an organism's defence against antigen invasions. The results presented in this monograph are based on the construc tion and application of closed models of immune response to infections which makes it possible to approach problems of optimizing the treat ment of chronic and hypertoxic forms of diseases. The author, being a mathematician, had creative long-Iasting con tacts with immunologists, geneticist, biologists, and clinicians. As far back as 1976 it resulted in the organization of a special seminar in the Computing Center of Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sci ences on mathematical models in immunology. The seminar attracted the attention of a wide circle of leading specialists in various fields of science. All these made it possible to approach, from a more or less united stand point, the construction of models of immune response, the mathematical description of the models, and interpretation of results.
This volume considers various methods for constructing cubature and quadrature formulas of arbitrary degree. These formulas are intended to approximate the calculation of multiple and conventional integrals over a bounded domain of integration. The latter is assumed to have a piecewise-smooth boundary and to be arbitrary in other aspects. Particular emphasis is placed on invariant cubature formulas and those for a cube, a simplex, and other polyhedra. Here, the techniques of functional analysis and partial differential equations are applied to the classical problem of numerical integration, to establish many important and deep analytical properties of cubature formulas. The prerequisites of ...
This book is devoted to mean-square and weak approximations of solutions of stochastic differential equations (SDE). These approximations represent two fundamental aspects in the contemporary theory of SDE. Firstly, the construction of numerical methods for such systems is important as the solutions provided serve as characteristics for a number of mathematical physics problems. Secondly, the employment of probability representations together with a Monte Carlo method allows us to reduce the solution of complex multidimensional problems of mathematical physics to the integration of stochastic equations. Along with a general theory of numerical integrations of such systems, both in the mean-square and the weak sense, a number of concrete and sufficiently constructive numerical schemes are considered. Various applications and particularly the approximate calculation of Wiener integrals are also dealt with. This book is of interest to graduate students in the mathematical, physical and engineering sciences, and to specialists whose work involves differential equations, mathematical physics, numerical mathematics, the theory of random processes, estimation and control theory.
Recent years have been characterized by the increasing amountofpublications in the field ofso-called ill-posed problems. This is easilyunderstandable because we observe the rapid progress of a relatively young branch ofmathematics, ofwhich the first results date back to about 30 years ago. By now, impressive results have been achieved both in the theory ofsolving ill-posed problems and in the applicationsofalgorithms using modem computers. To mention just one field, one can name the computer tomography which could not possibly have been developed without modem tools for solving ill-posed problems. When writing this book, the authors tried to define the place and role of ill posed problems in...
This monograph describes an innovative prototyping framework for data and knowledge intensive systems. The proposed approach will prove especially useful for advanced and research-oriented projects that aim to develop a traditional database perspective into fully-fledged advanced database approaches and knowledge engineering technologies. The book is organised in two parts. The first part, comprising chapters 1 to 4, provides an introduction to the concept of prototyping, to database and knowledge-based technologies, and to the main issues involved in the integration of data and knowledge engineering. The second part, comprising chapters 5 to 12, illustrates the proposed approach in technical detail. Audience: This volume will be of interest to researchers in the field of databases and knowledge engineering in general, and for software designers and knowledge engineers who aim to expand their expertise in data and knowledge intensive systems.
The purpose of this book is to give a comprehensive introduction to the theory of spline functions, together with some applications to various fields, emphasizing the significance of the relationship between the general theory and its applications. At the same time, the goal of the book is also to provide new ma terial on spline function theory, as well as a fresh look at old results, being written for people interested in research, as well as for those who are interested in applications. The theory of spline functions and their applications is a relatively recent field of applied mathematics. In the last 50 years, spline function theory has undergone a won derful development with many new directions appearing during this time. This book has its origins in the wish to adequately describe this development from the notion of 'spline' introduced by 1. J. Schoenberg (1901-1990) in 1946, to the newest recent theories of 'spline wavelets' or 'spline fractals'. Isolated facts about the functions now called 'splines' can be found in the papers of L. Euler, A. Lebesgue, G. Birkhoff, J.
This is the second volume of a three-volume set comprising a comprehensive study of the tractability of multivariate problems. The second volume deals with algorithms using standard information consisting of function values for the approximation of linear and selected nonlinear functionals. An important example is numerical multivariate integration. The proof techniques used in volumes I and II are quite different. It is especially hard to establish meaningful lower error bounds for the approximation of functionals by using finitely many function values. Here, the concept of decomposable reproducing kernels is helpful, allowing it to find matching lower and upper error bounds for some linear...
In this book the author sets out to answer two important questions: 1. Which numerical methods may be combined together? 2. How can different numerical methods be matched together? In doing so the author presents a number of useful combinations, for instance, the combination of various FEMs, the combinations of FEM-FDM, REM-FEM, RGM-FDM, etc. The combined methods have many advantages over single methods: high accuracy of solutions, less CPU time, less computer storage, easy coupling with singularities as well as the complicated boundary conditions. Since coupling techniques are essential to combinations, various matching strategies among different methods are carefully discussed. The author provides the matching rules so that optimal convergence, even superconvergence, and optimal stability can be achieved, and also warns of the matching pitfalls to avoid. Audience: The book is intended for both mathematicians and engineers and may be used as text for advanced students.
At the beginning we would like to introduce a refinement. The term 'VLSI planarization' means planarization of a circuit of VLSI, Le. the embedding of a VLSI circuit in the plane by different criteria such as the minimum number of connectors, the minimum total length of connectors, the minimum number of over-the-element routes, etc. A connector is designed to connect the broken sections of a net. It can be implemented in different ways depending on the technology. Connectors for a bipolar VLSI are implemented by diffused tun nels, for instance. By over-the-element route we shall mean a connection which intersects the enclosing rectangle of an element (or a cell). The possibility of the const...