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The one-stop resource to 100+ powerful management methods 100+ Management Models offers a quick overview of the key features and potential applications of each of the most important models in nine different categories: sustainability, innovation, strategy, diversity, customers, human resources, benchmarking, leadership, and implementation. Each section concludes with a summary of the key dilemmas that tend to emerge from the particular function, along with analysis of potential solutions. Fons Trompenaars is a world expert on international management and the author of the global bestseller Riding the Waves of Culture. He is a recipient of the International Professional Practice Area Research Award by the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD). Piet Hein Coebergh is an expert in formulating and communicating corporate strategy. He is a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences, Leiden, and managing consultant at Coebergh Communications & PR.
The rise of China will profoundly change the world, and the rest of us now have a chance to understand how and why this is happening, or continue to moralise about this “disaster”, thought to harm our way of life. What is especially galling is that the Chinese appear better able to create wealth and value than the West. Even in the midst of political denunciations, more and more businesses are profitably engaging China. We have to face the fact that China excels at what we are supposed to admire, the peaceful creation of wealth. It even withstands the current pandemic several hundred times more successfully than we have. The answers to China’s success lie not in “communism” but in Chinese civilization and culture which is 22 centuries old and extends to most of East Asia, and has traded peacefully since Roman times. This is a book about measured business cultures, East and West, and explains, using largely Western scholarship, why China is winning and will continue to do so unless and until we wake up.
MAP index is a uniquely designed management framework for systematically managing best practices in business organizations. Much like a physical map, the MAP index shows the direction and guides the organizations in creating a high performance work environment. The fundamental properties of a map are mapped to the model of the MAP index. It indicates the current state of practices and stage of the organization’s performance, what it needs to do to go the full distance and what is the best possible way to reach the desired destination. As a map is the most valuable tool in the hands of an explorer so is the MAP index, which can become the most valuable tool in the hands of the managers. It can help managers solve problems faster, make better decisions and make their organization the best-in-class business organization. Learn more about MAP index @
Fashions in business thinking change abruptly, and a wide range of management theories has been developed in an attempt to codify the shifting components of business theory. Hundreds of models have emerged to track, measure and forecast business solutions, but many of them have been buried in academic journals or are explained in such theoretical terms that they are all but useless for busy practitioners.100+ Management Models: How to understand and apply the world's most powerful business tools gives an overview of each of the most important of these models in eight categories: sustainability, innovation, strategy, diversity, customers, human resources, benchmarking and leadership. The nint...
«Изменяетесь быстро или умрите медленно», — эта яркая и глубокая мысль-альтернатива Ицхака Адизеса должна быть не только безотлагательно осознана на личностном и организационном уровнях, но, что не менее важно, воспринята как руководство к действию. Современный мир полон изменений — масштабных, динамичных, разноплановых и зачастую непредсказуемых. Сосуществование наций, наро...
Учебное пособие содержит материал для освоения третьей части модуля «Теория менеджмента», являющейся логическим продолжением учебных пособий «История управленческой мысли» и «Основы менеджмента» (2021). Теория организации — фундаментальная наука и управленческая дисциплина, раскрывающая общие алгоритмы создания и эффективного развития организаций. Она сфокусирована на анал...
Сложившаяся в последние годы в сфере высшего образования реальность такова, что объемы информации, адресуемой студентам по различным учебным программам, вступают в противоречие с их способностями или возможностями. Данное обстоятельство стало «вызовом», на который авторы учебного пособия нашли ответ в виде лаконичного изложения тех ключевых проблем, которые обычно рассматри...
Фредерик Тейлор, Генри Форд, Гаррингтон Эмерсон, Фрэнк и Лилиан Гилбреты, Анри Файоль, Элтон Мэйо, Честер Барнард, Мари Паркер Фоллет… Благодаря незаурядным способностям, таланту этих и многих других известных личностей, стоявших у истоков менеджмента, он в течение XX века стал наукой, профессией и искусством. В XXI веке управленческие компетенции необходимы не только менеджерам вс...