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The Workgroup Human–Computer Interaction & Usability Engineering (HCI&UE) of the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) serves as a platform for interdisciplinary - change, research and development. While human–computer interaction (HCI) tra- tionally brings together psychologists and computer scientists, usability engineering (UE) is a software engineering discipline and ensures the appropriate implementation of applications. Our 2008 topic was Human–Computer Interaction for Education and Work (HCI4EDU), culminating in the 4th annual Usability Symposium USAB 2008 held during November 20–21, 2008 in Graz, Austria ( As with the field of Human–Computer Inter...
This volume expands conversations about participatory, community-engaged, and action-oriented research that inspires social change. The authors contend that long-term community partnerships, inspired by solidarity and characterized by equality and reciprocity, result in a deep understanding of community concerns and increase the likelihood that research findings will have an impact on both the community partners and the broader society. Such research relationships, the authors maintain, are best understood as accompaniment. This book recognizes the potential as well as constraints of conceptualizing research as accompaniment and emphasizes that this approach is both a continuum and a process. Suitable for students and scholars of ethnographic and qualitative methods (and professionals using those methods, such as those in non-government organizations), it will appeal to those interested in research with communities in a wide variety of social science and other disciplines, including anthropology, nursing, and public health, amongst others.
This edited collection brings together the work of researchers and educators from Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Colombia, Costa Rica, Portugal,and Mexico on education, pedagogy, and research from a queer perspective. It offers a space for the dissemination and development of new lines of analysis and intervention in the field of Queer Pedagogies in the region, relevant to the present and future of the field both in our countries and beyond. Chapters provide perspectives aware of the regional context but relevant from a theoretical and practical perspective beyond Ibero-America. The volume covers elementary, middle, and higher education, formal and informal, and includes theoretical and applied contributions on a variety of topics including public policies on education, queer youth, sex education, and conservative attacks against "gender ideology" in the region.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, ICCHP 2006, held in Linz, Austria, in July 2006. The 193 revised contributions presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. The papers evaluate how various fields in computer science can contribute to helping people with various kinds of disabilities and impairment.
In this Very Short Introduction Chris Shilling considers the social significance of the human body, and the importance of the body to individual and collective identities. He examines how bodies not only shape but are shaped by the social, cultural, and material contexts in which humans live.
International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies publishes a wide spectrum of research and technical articles as well as reviews, experiments, experiences, modelings, simulations, designs, and innovations from engineering, sciences, life sciences, and related disciplines as well as interdisciplinary/cross-disciplinary/multidisciplinary subjects. Original work is required. Article submitted must not be under consideration of other publishers for publications.
Containing both theoretical discussions of globalization and specific case analyses of individual African countries, this collection of essays examines the intersections of African education and globalization with multiple analytical and geographical emphases and intentions.
Actualmente no existe debate alguno sobre la importancia de la inclusión de la educación social en dichas redes sociales, ya que el debate solo se centra en los beneficios o peligros que conllevan su uso. Los profesionales de la educación social pueden hacer uso de las mismas para aglutinar conocimientos y experiencias, permaneciendo en continuo contacto e interacción, lo que les permitirá desarrollar su trabajo de manera más efectiva. Una vez mostrada la importancia de la relación entre redes sociales y educación social, puede ser fundamental crear una marca en internet, así como espacios que pretendan cubrir este fin. El blog «Educació social? des dels inicis» ofrece una respuesta a esta necesidad al tiempo que proporciona información académica del Grado de Educación Social en la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, reflexiones personales sobre diferentes aspectos relacionados con dicha profesión, así como un apartado destinado a recoger diversas voces de profesionales de la educación social para fomentar el conocimiento de la profesión y generar un debate en torno a la misma.
Apresentar a edição em português do livro Corpo, cultura e educação, publicado no Brasil pela editora Cultura Acadêmica, de São Paulo (UNESP), é quase um sonho. Um autor escreve com a esperança de que será lido por outros, pelos leitores que demonstram interesse pelos mesmos temas. Neste caso, trata-se de uma temática que, quando o livro foi publicado, originalmente, na Espanha pela primeira vez, em 2006, estava praticamente começando a se desenvolver e, de forma muito especial, no campo da educação - falo dos Estudos Corporais.