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Transitional justice is usually associated with international criminal courts and tribunals, but criminal justice is merely one way of dealing with the legacy of conflict and atrocity. Justice is not only a matter of law. It is a process of making sense of the past and accepting the possibility of a shared future together, although perpetrators, victims and bystanders may have very different memories and perceptions, experiences and expectations. This book goes further than providing a legal analysis of the effectiveness of transitional justice and presents a wider perspective. It is a critical appraisal of the different dimensions of the process of transitional justice that affects the imag...
This book discusses the role of the prison in Europe across a divide of over 200 years. Inspired by the travels of the prison reformer John Howard (1726-1790), who visited prisons across Europe in the eighteenth century, it fundamentally reflects on centuries of the practice of locking people up as punishment. Howard travelled across Europe to visit prisons, with a simple method: he travelled and knocked on prison doors on his journey and entered the premises. He then observed the situation in the prison, took notes and left to visit other locations. Howard's influential book The State of the Prisons resulted from his experiences, provoking debate among prison reformers and academics worldwi...
This book proposes and outlines a comprehensive framework for judicial protection in transnational criminal proceedings that ensures the right to judicial review without hampering the effective functioning of international cooperation in criminal matters. It examines a broad range of potential approaches in the context of selected national criminal justice systems, and offers a comparative analysis of EU Member States and non-Member States alike. The book particularly focuses on the differences between cooperation within the EU on the one hand and cooperation with third states on the other, and on the consequences of this distinction for the scope of judicial review.
This study is based on the following questions: Which jurisdiction can and should be exercised for the prosecution of individuals responsible for gross and serious violations of human rights? And especially, in this regard, what is the role of universal jurisdiction? In explaining the modern jurisdictional regime, this study illuminates the historical phenomenon of the expansion of jurisdiction in Chapter II, and conducts in-depth research particularly into universal jurisdiction in Chapter III and IV. This study explicates the notion of universal jurisdiction in history and in theory, categorizing its nature by two aspects (permissive or obligatory, and supplemental or primary), and undersc...
The Palgrave Handbook of Prison Ethnography provides an expansive overview of the challenges presented by qualitative, and particularly ethnographic, enquiry. The chapters reflect upon the means by which ethnographers aim to gain understanding, make sense of what they learn and the way they represent their finished work. The Handbook offers urgent insights relevant to current trends in the growth of imprisonment worldwide. In an era of mass incarceration, human-centric ethnography provides an important counter to quantitative analysis and the audit culture on which prisons are frequently judged. The Handbook is divided into four parts. Part I ('About Prison Ethnography') assesses methodologi...
This book develops a conceptual framework of the principle of mutual trust in EU criminal law. Mutual trust is a household term in the EU criminal law vocabulary and is widely regarded to be a prerequisite for a successful application of mutual recognition. But despite its importance, the parameters of the concept are not clear. The book demonstrates that mutual trust is multi-faceted: combining the elements essential to a successful EU criminal law, as part of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. The book approaches trust from multiple angles. First, a study of social science literature. Second, a meticulous assessment of mutual trust in EU criminal law. Third, a study of trust in US interstate criminal justice cooperation. Finally, the book identifies a comprehensive approach to tackle trust related difficulties in EU criminal law. This timely book will be of great interest to anyone looking to gain a full picture of this core principle in EU criminal law.
Imperfections in the criminal justice system have long intrigued the general public and worried scholars and legal practitioners. In Wrongful Conviction, criminologists C. Ronald Huff and Martin Killias present an important collection of essays that analyzes cases of injustice across an array of legal systems, with contributors from North America, Europe and Israel. This collection includes a number of well-developed public-policy recommendations intended to reduce the instances of courts punishing innocents. It also offers suggestions for compensating more fairly those who are wrongfully convicted.
Ruim twee eeuwen geleden trok John Howard (1726-1790) door Groot-Brittannië en vele andere Europese landen om te kijken hoe mensen in gevangenissen en andere instellingen werden opgesloten. Zijn ervaringen leidden onder meer tot het befaamde The state of the prisons in England and Wales. With preliminary observations, and an account of some foreign prisons and hospitals en inspireerden vele gevangenishervormers en wetenschappers over de hele wereld. De methode van Howard was eenvoudig: hij reisde in een ijltempo rond en klopte voor een bezoek aan bij de gevangenissen die op zijn weg lagen. Hij observeerde de situatie in de gevangenis, nam notities en vertrok naar een nieuwe gevangenis. En d...
Die vorliegende Festschrift erscheint zum 70. Geburtstag von Frieder Dünkel. Versammelt sind fünfundfünfzig Beiträge von Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Schülerinnen und Schülern, Mitstreiterinnen und Mitstreitern, Freundinnen und Freunden – viele Autorinnen und Autoren sind dabei mehreren dieser Kategorien zuzuordnen. Zusammengekommen sind dabei Beiträge aus 21 Ländern aus den Bereichen, in denen Frieder Dün-kel forschend und lehrend aktiv war und ist – Kriminologie, Kriminalpolitik, strafrechtliche Sanktionen, Jugendstrafrecht, Straf- und Maßregelvollzug. Es finden sich Rückblicke und Überblicke, Fallstudien und Detailaufnahmen, Dauerbrenner und aktuelle Probleme, Theorie und Empirie, Landesspezifisches, Europäisches und Internationales.