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Buku yang berjudul Pemikiran dan Filsafat Hukum Islam ini mungkin merupakan usaha untuk memperkuat pemahaman terhadap hukum Islam dengan pendekatan filsafat sekaligus memperkaya khazanah penulisan literature bidang kajian keilmuan hukum Islam sehingga diharapkan memudahkan bagi para pengkaji hukum Islam, khususnya para mahasiswa Fakultas Syari’ah. Karena pendekatan filsafat merupakan bagian dari kajian pemikiran, isi buku ini diawali dengan pengertian istilah-istilah yang sering digunakan atau dijadikan sebagai konsepsi oleh para pemikir kontemporer hukum Islam, dan diakhiri dengan pembahasan elaborasi terhadap konsep-konsep yang berkaitan dengan beberapa materi hukum, semuanya bertujuan agar para pembaca mudah memahami istilah-istilah dan wacana-wacana pemikiran hukum yang lazim dikemukakan di dalam tulisan-tulisan pembaruan hukum Islam. Buku ini bersumber dari karya-karya berbahasa Arab, Inggris, dan sedikit berbahasa Indonesia yang didokumentasikan dengan sangat teliti sehingga hampir tidak ada materi pembahasan yang dikemukakan tanpa disertai bahan-bahan rujukan yang dapat dipercaya. Persembahan penerbit Kencana (Prenadamedia Group)
Falsafah Syariah Hukum Islam: Hakikat, Hikmah, Tujuan dan Karakteristik Hukum Islam dalam Ibadah dan Muamalah” ini berisi pembahasan hukum Islam dari perspektif falsafah. Buku ini telah melengkapi buku-buku filsafat hukum Islam yang telah diterbitkan, dan ini akan mempermudah masyarakat terutama para mahasiswa untuk memilih dan memiliki buku-buku Filsafat Hukum Islam. Melalui buku ini diharapkan akan semakin memasyarakat pemahaman hukum Islam dengan pendekatan filsafat karena bagaimanapun pemahaman hukum Islam secara filosofis akan membuat pembaca memperoleh pemahaman hukum Islam secara mendalam melalui hikmah dan bermuara pada pemahaman yang bijaksana. Buku ini ditulis dalam bentuk buku teks sekaligus bercorak buku daras, setiap item yang dibahas dikaji dan disajikan mulai dari definisi sampai dengan uraian yang relatif panjang, dengan tujuan agar pembaca dapat menemukan hakikat yang dibahas dan sekaligus deskripsinya sehingga pembaca mendapat wawasan yang berakar pada kebenaran dasar (ontologi) dari setiap materi yang dibahas. Buku persembahan penerbit PrenadaMediaGroup #PrenadaMedia
Buku yang ada di tangan pembaca sekarang ini ditulis guna untuk menambah referensi dalam mengkaji hukum perkawinan, hukum adat di Indonesia khususnya adat perkawinan yang ada di Sumatera Selatan, dalam rangka untuk menambah referensi dan pengetahuan terhadap pembacanya maka buku ini ditulis dalam 5 Bab dengan fokus membahas mengenai; Nilai-Nilai Perkawinan, Teori Nilai, Masyarakat Melayu Sumatera Selatan, Tata Cara Adat Pernikahan Masyarakat Melayu Sumatera Selatan, dan Nilai-Nilai Islam Dalam Pernikahan Adat Masyarakat Melayu Sumatera Selatan Dengan demikian maka buku ini dapat bermanfaat bagi mahasisw, akademisi, praktisi, dan masyarakat secara umum.
From Africa to Asia and Latin America, the era of climate wars has begun. Extreme weather is breeding banditry, humanitarian crisis, and state failure. In Tropic of Chaos, investigative journalist Christian Parenti travels along the front lines of this gathering catastrophe--the belt of economically and politically battered postcolonial nations and war zones girding the planet's midlatitudes. Here he finds failed states amid climatic disasters. But he also reveals the unsettling presence of Western military forces and explains how they see an opportunity in the crisis to prepare for open-ended global counterinsurgency. Parenti argues that this incipient "climate fascism" -- a political hardening of wealthy states-- is bound to fail. The struggling states of the developing world cannot be allowed to collapse, as they will take other nations down as well. Instead, we must work to meet the challenge of climate-driven violence with a very different set of sustainable economic and development policies.
Twitter is not just for talking about your breakfast anymore. It’s become an indispensable communications tool for businesses, non-profits, celebrities, and people around the globe. With the second edition of this friendly, full-color guide, you’ll quickly get up to speed not only on standard features, but also on new options and nuanced uses that will help you tweet with confidence. Co-written by two widely recognized Twitter experts, The Twitter Book is packed with all-new real-world examples, solid advice, and clear explanations guaranteed to turn you into a power user. Use Twitter to connect with colleagues, customers, family, and friends Stand out on Twitter Avoid common gaffes and pitfalls Build a critical communications channel with Twitter—and use the best third-party tools to manage it. Want to learn how to use Twitter like a pro? Get the book that readers and critics alike rave about.
This collection of more than one hundred excerpts from speeches, lectures, articles, and pamphlets, most of the not previously available in English, is regarded as the principal source book on Indonesian politics for the post-revolution period of 1945-1965. Chosen to define and illuminate the country's complex issues, the selections provide a balanced, comprehensive, and well-ordered survey of Indonesian political thinking from just before independence to the fall of Sukarno. After an introduction by Herbert Feith in which he discusses the Indonesian intellectual and his place in politics, the major and minor Indonesian figures of the period express their political views and their responses ...
What should be the place of Shari‘a—Islamic religious law—in predominantly Muslim societies of the world? In this ambitious and topical book, a Muslim scholar and human rights activist envisions a positive and sustainable role for Shari‘a, based on a profound rethinking of the relationship between religion and the secular state in all societies. An-Na‘im argues that the coercive enforcement of Shari‘a by the state betrays the Qur’an’s insistence on voluntary acceptance of Islam. Just as the state should be secure from the misuse of religious authority, Shari‘a should be freed from the control of the state. State policies or legislation must be based on civic reasons accessi...
The revival of madrasas in the 1980s coincided with the rise of political Islam and soon became associated with the "clash of civilizations" between Islam and the West. This volume examines the rapid expansion of madrasas across Asia and the Middle East and analyses their role in society within their local, national and global context. Based on anthropological investigations in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Iran, and Pakistan, the chapters take a new approach to the issue, examining the recent phenomenon of women in madrasas; Hui Muslims in China; relations between the Iran’s Shia seminary after the 1979-Islamic revolution and Shia in Pakistan and Afghanistan; and South Asian madrasas. E...
Hermeneutics and Phenomenology in Paul Ricoeur: Between Text and Phenomenon calls attention to the dynamic interaction that takes place between hermeneutics and phenomenology in Ricoeur’s thought. It could be said that Ricoeur’s thought is placed under a twofold demand: between the rigor of the text and the requirements of the phenomenon. The rigor of the text calls for fidelity to what the text actually says, while the requirement of the phenomenon is established by the Husserlian call to return “to the things themselves.” These two demands are interwoven insofar as there is a hermeneutic component of the phenomenological attempt to go beyond the surface of things to their deeper me...