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  • Language: de
  • Pages: 222


Nach dem Tod ihres Vaters, Privatdetektiv Stephan Sonderberg, übernimmt die Künstlerin Maja aus finanziellen Nöten heraus den letzten Fall ihres Vaters: Die 19-jährige Schülerin Jasmin ist in der Nacht vor ihrer ersten Vorabi-Klausur spurlos verschwunden. Majas brachiale Art und ihre unkonventionellen Methoden bringen sie schon bald auf die Spur von Jasmins Hobby: Als Geisterjägerin erkundet sie illegal verlassene Gebäude, sogenannte "Lostplaces", im Ruhrgebiet. Im "Horror-Hotel Oberhausen" filmte sie zuletzt. Wird Maja sie finden?

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 202


Der zweite Fall für Maja Sonderberg. Falsche Musik, Fahrtausfälle, Bügel, die sich nicht schließen lassen -die Geisterbahn auf der Cranger Kirmes wird manipuliert. Doch warum? Und von wem? Aus der ersten Mordgeschichte wird Maja klar, dass sie erneut in die Fußstapfen ihres ermordeten Vaters Stephan Sonderberg treten muss, obwohl sie die grauenhaften Bilder ihres letzten Falls noch nicht verarbeitet hat. Doch sie muss sich beeilen, denn in in nur 10 Tagen zieht die Kirmes weiter. Der Countdown läuft.

Bewerben auf Juniorprofessuren und Professuren
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 176

Bewerben auf Juniorprofessuren und Professuren

Berufungsverfahren spielen für wissenschaftliche Karrieren eine Schlüsselrolle: Hier entscheidet sich oftmals, ob eine akademische Karriere dauerhaft verfolgt werden kann oder Wege außerhalb der Wissenschaft eingeschlagen werden müssen. Mit der Einführung von Tenure-Track-Professuren verlegt sich diese berufliche Weichenstellung verstärkt in eine frühere Karrierephase. Für Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen, die sich erstmals auf eine Professur bewerben, sind Berufungsverfahren oft unbekanntes Terrain mit intrasparenten Anforderungen und Regeln. Für Hochschulen wiederum sind sie komplexe, hochregulierte Prozesse. Das Buch lässt alle Schritte des Verfahrens nachvollziehbar werden und gibt Einblicke in Anforderungen und Auswahlkriterien. Mit Antworten auf typische Fragen und vielen praktischen Tipps aus langjähriger Coaching-Praxis ermöglicht dieser Ratgeber eine individuelle Vorbereitung für die passende Selbstpräsentation und Strategien für eine erfolgreiche Bewerbung auf Professuren.

Quality of Life in Aphasia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 92

Quality of Life in Aphasia

This special issue of the journal Aphasiologyis dedicated to the topic of quality of life in aphasia.

Leading-edge Cognitive Disorders Research
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 200

Leading-edge Cognitive Disorders Research

This new book presents important recent research on cognitive disorders which are disturbances in the mental process related to thinking, reasoning, and judgement. They include delirium, dementia, and other cognitive disorders. Cognition includes the domains of attention, memory, language, gnosis, visuospatial function, praxis, and executive function, and is traditionally distinguished from the emotions or 'feelings'. Cognitive disorders may disturb one domain specifically, as in a selective impairment of memory (amnesia) or language (aphasia), or, more often, a combination of deficits, as in mental retardation and dementia.

Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 155

Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly

Fully updated, the CANE is the recommended tool for assessing the mental health needs of older people.

Common Pitfalls in Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology
  • Language: en

Common Pitfalls in Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020
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  • Publisher: Unknown

"Case: This 68-year-old right-handed man was evaluated after an episode of delirium. Three months prior, in the span of two days, he became confused and agitated. At the hospital, he was found to have a urinary tract infection (UTI). Within three days after treatment, he returned to his baseline cognitive function and remained stable since. Although he initially reported no cognitive problems, upon further questioning he acknowledged word-finding difficulties and forgetfulness for at least the previous 2 years. His daughter reported that he repeated questions and stories"--

Methodology Of Frontal And Executive Function
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 322

Methodology Of Frontal And Executive Function

This volume reflects the pressure to develop useful models and methodologies to study executive behaviour - the ability to update information in working memory in order to control selective attention to formulate plans of action and to monitor their efficient execution. Many models are based on the concept of a single "central executive" that manges these functions; others propose a number of independent "working memory systems" that each serve one task or activity but not others.; This book is a collection of essays by active researchers who discuss their own work on the definition of "executive" or "controlled" behaviours, and on the relation of these behaviours to specific areas of the fr...

Cognitive Screening Instruments
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 351

Cognitive Screening Instruments

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-11-30
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  • Publisher: Springer

This revised and updated second edition provides a practical and structured overview of some of the most commonly used and easily available cognitive screening instruments applicable in the outpatient clinic and bedside setting. It now includes additional chapters on AD8 and also methodological aspects of systematic cognitive screening instrument assessment from the Cochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group. Expert authors from around the world equip the reader with clear instructions on the usage of each screening instrument, its strengths and weaknesses, and the time required for administration. Rules on scoring are also provided, such as how to correct for variations in the patient’s age or education, and suggested cut-off scores. Cognitive Screening Instruments: A Practical Approach, Second Edition is aimed at both clinicians and professionals in disciplines allied to medicine who are called upon to assess patients with possible cognitive disorders, including neurologists, old age psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, primary care physicians, dementia support workers, and members of memory assessment teams.

Cognitive Stimulation Therapy for Dementia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 294

Cognitive Stimulation Therapy for Dementia

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-09-11
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) has made a huge global, clinical impact since its inception, and this landmark book is the first to draw all the published research together in one place. Edited by experts in the intervention, including members of the workgroup who initially developed the therapy, Cognitive Stimulation Therapy for Dementia features contributions from authors across the globe, providing a broad overview of the entire research programme. The book demonstrates how CST can significantly improve cognition and quality of life for people with dementia, and offers insight on the theory and mechanisms of change, as well as discussion of the practical implementation of CST in a ran...