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TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS is a series of books that open new perspectives in our understanding of language. The series publishes state-of-the-art work on core areas of linguistics across theoretical frameworks as well as studies that provide new insights by building bridges to neighbouring fields such as neuroscience and cognitive science. TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS considers itself a forum for cutting-edge research based on solid empirical data on language in its various manifestations, including sign languages. It regards linguistic variation in its synchronic and diachronic dimensions as well as in its social contexts as important sources of insight for a better understanding of the design of linguistic systems and the ecology and evolution of language. TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS publishes monographs and outstanding dissertations as well as edited volumes, which provide the opportunity to address controversial topics from different empirical and theoretical viewpoints. High quality standards are ensured through anonymous reviewing.
L’objectiu de l’obra Catalan Sociolinguistics. State of the Art and Future Challenges és donar compte, de manera sumària, dels grans vèrtexs en què s’ha manifestat l’estudi de la relació entre llengua i societat en la comunitat lingüística catalana, la recepció que s’ha fet dels plantejaments internacionals i l’adaptació domèstica. Cada tradició sociolingüística ha interpretat la interacció esmentada amb plantejaments específics. La catalana, per exemple, ha apostat per una visió integradora de tot un seguit de treballs que arriben des d’àmbits temàtics diversos (economia, dret, ciència política, comunicació, ecologia, variació lingüística, antropologia,...
This book includes some of the papers presented and discussed at the European Regional Conference of the International Society of Family Law (ISFL), held in Tossa de Mar and Girona on the 9th and 10th of October 2003.\n
The issue of human rights becomes very complex when applied to language. 'Individual' rights have little meaning in this domain. People do not ask for the right to speak to themselves, they ask for the right to use their language within their group. Where populations are heterogenous, such rights are difficult to ensure. Language can be a powerful means of inclusion and exclusion and this is particularly true in democratic societies where debate is central to the process. This book looks at these fundamental questions in the context of Catalonia.
La presente colección reúne una serie de títulos publicados bajo los auspicios del Departamento de Filología Latina de esta Universidad, y con los cuales se desea aportar instrumentos para el mejor conocimiento de la cultura clásica en nuestro país.
When a scientific journal like "Oecologia Aquatica" reaches its tenth issue, it is perhaps not an occasion for extraordinary celebration. However, if it turn out that this coincides with a series of unusual circunstances, then the perspective changes somewhat. Moreover, if the editors hasten to confess that this modest milestone of issue na 10 was really taken as an excuse to pay tribute to Professor Ramon Margalef, who was the founder, the first director and the driving force behind the journal, we can be forgiven for waiting to celebrate.
Al País Valencià és poca la documentació conservada pertanyent a les senyories laiques, en contraposició a altres dominis més potents, com les institucions eclesiàstiques. Tot i això, a la Biblioteca de Catalunya es conserva un còdex, fins ara gairebé desconegut, relatiu a l’alqueria de Xestalgar, a la comarca dels Serrans. El propòsit del còdex fou, segons l''autor, deixar manifesta la jurisdicció que els senyors de Xestalgar exerciren sobre el seu terme i la forma de transmissió dels seus drets, des de Jaume I -que l’any 1238 la cedí a Rodrigo Ortís- fins els comtes d’Alcúdia. Ara bé, la major part de la documentació abasta tan solament el període feudal on es configurà aquesta jurisdicció.