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Public Speaking
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 227

Public Speaking

Speaking in front of audiences is quite challenging because it requires certain skills to be mastered. This kind of skill is very important especially in a working situation. You will be required to be able to speak in public, either through presentations or otherwise. Sometimes people facing difficulties when they are speaking in front of audiences and it will make them feel anxious and fearful. Public Speaking: From Fear to Fun is the best solution for those who want to practice speaking in front of audiences especially using the English language. In this book, you will be given some theories and activities to improve your confidence speaking in front of the audience using the English lang...

Speaking is Fun
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 211

Speaking is Fun

Speaking English fluently is the goal of learning English. The ability of speaking is an essential factor in communicating with the foreigner. But, a lot of people get difficulties in learning how to speak English well. The common problem is confidence. “Speaking is Fun” is the best solution for your problem. In this book, we will learn English through fun activities. This book will improve your confidence in speaking English. Speaking is about practice. So, the more you practice speaking, the more you will master it, and the more you will feel confident. This book consists of thirteen units, which will help you to learn speaking from the basics. You will learn about theory, expressions, and the context of the situation.

COVID-19: from Health, Education, Economic, to Science and Technology in South East Asia and India
  • Language: en

COVID-19: from Health, Education, Economic, to Science and Technology in South East Asia and India

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-02-02
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  • Publisher: Unknown

A major crisis is happening in the world today. It all started in December 2019, when an outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) began in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern. Despite all preventive steps taken by government and health agencies, rising death tolls seem inevitable. The confines of social distancing have driven society toward a sudden and rapid change in all aspects of life, and we are forced to embrace this change as the new "normal". Research conducted in these uncertain times allows us...

Titipan Rindu
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 173

Titipan Rindu

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: J-Maestro

Sinopsis: Segala sesuatu di dunia ini tidak ada kesempurnaan, namun kita berusaha untuk mempertahankan cinta yang dimiliki. Seperti diriku yang menyematkan rasa dalam jiwa untuk selalu meletakkan cinta di sudut hati paling terdalam, karena cinta adalah anugerah yang terindah

Book # 1 Tree - 3500 Plant Species of the Botanic Gardens of Indonesia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 550

Book # 1 Tree - 3500 Plant Species of the Botanic Gardens of Indonesia

  • Categories: Art

A tree is defined as a woody perennial plant, having a single elongated trunk with several branches spreading at a certain height which give shape to its canopy (crown). The trunk usually has a minimum diameter of 10 cm at chest height. The leaves may be deciduous (falling seasonally) or evergreen. Young trees with a trunk measuring less than 10 cm in diameter are called saplings. Most tree species are flowering plants or conifers. They are distributed throughout the world, with the highest diversity in rainforests of the tropical regions. The majority of tree species belong to the families Dipterocarpaceae (Dipterocarps), Fagaceae (Beech family) and Lauraceae (Laurel family). Trees are used to produce a variety of our needs, including timber, furniture, paper and medicine. They also play an important role in preserving the environment (ecosystems) by preventing land degradation and erosion, producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide and managing microclimates.

  • Language: id


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: GUEPEDIA

ANTOLOGI PUISI AKROSTIK SERPIHAN KISAH Penulis : Lilis Puji Astuti Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm Terbit : April 2021 www.guepedia.com Sinopsis : Buku Antologi Puisi Akrostik Serpihan Kisah ini adalah hasil karya Lilis Puji Astuti. Buku ini menceritakan tentang kisah hidup seseorang yang di ambil dari serpihan kisah kehidupan yang pernah di alami selama menikmati indahnya dunia. Bahkan mengisahkan tentang alur kehidupan sanak keluarga serta orang terdekat. Baik suka, duka, canda, tawa, sedih, bahagia, air mata, rindu, cinta, dan kasih sayang, Bahkan dalam hidup yang di jalani akan selalu mendapatkan ujian membingkai indah setiap alur kehidupan. Namun semua itu selalu dihadapi dengan penuh kesabaran, pe...

Elite Polite Tim G
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 181

Elite Polite Tim G

Yuki sebagai tuan muda memiliki sifat manja dan cengeng. Namun, semua berubah saat ayahnya meninggal. Sekarang, Yuki hanya tinggal bersama adik dan pelayannya. Dari anak yang manja dan cengeng, Yuki mendaftarkan diri menjadi polisi. Dia pun ingin mengucapkan terima kasih saat polisi mengungkap kasus kematian ayahnya itu. Padahal kalau dia mau, dia bisa menjadi bos di perusahaan ayahnya, tetapi Yuki menolak. Tak ada rasa penyesalan, dia berjuang demi menegakkan prinsip tanggung jawab. Petinggi kepolisian pun mengaguminya. Dan saat itu pula mereka mencoba mengangkat Yuki menjadi Kapten Tim Elite, dengan anggota masing-masing mempunyai keahlian khusus. Tim ini mengemban tugas berat untuk mengungkap kasus pembunuhan anggota kepolisian saat bertugas karena tugasnya amat berat, Yuki mengalami kesulitan. Akankah Tim G mampu menyelesaikan tugas utamanya atau gagal dan dibubarkan begitu saja? Temukan jawabannya di novel ini.

Agricultural Economics and Agri-Food Business
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 126

Agricultural Economics and Agri-Food Business

As countries develop economically, the relative importance of agriculture decreases. However, this does not mean that the importance of agriculture has decreased overall. Agriculture has been of vital importance for humanity in every period and will remain important from now on. Agricultural economics is a branch of science that examines the allocation, distribution, and use of resources and goods produced in agriculture. Events in recent years, including climate change, environmental pollution, global warming, and the COVID-19 pandemic, have clearly demonstrated the importance of food safety and security. This book discusses the theory and practice of sustainable agriculture as well as the importance of agricultural economics and agri-food business in combating the effects of threats such as climate change and meeting the world’s food demand.

Filsafat Ilmu: Sebuah Pengantar
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 142

Filsafat Ilmu: Sebuah Pengantar

Buku ini memberikan gambaran komprehensif tentang konsep dasar dan relevansi filsafat ilmu dalam dunia keilmuan. Filsafat ilmu tidak hanya mengkaji apa yang dianggap sebagai pengetahuan ilmiah, tetapi juga menyelidiki bagaimana pengetahuan tersebut diperoleh, divalidasi, dan diaplikasikan. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan mendasar seperti apa yang membedakan pengetahuan ilmiah dari bentuk pengetahuan lainnya, bagaimana metode ilmiah digunakan, serta peran asumsi, nilai, dan etika dalam praktik ilmiah dijelaskan dengan rinci di sini. Diulas juga tentang tiga jenis pengetahuan utama yang berperan penting dalam pengembangan wawasan manusia: pengetahuan filsafat, pengetahuan sains, dan pengetahuan mistik. ...

Pengantar dan Analisis Desain Eksperimen Menggunakan MINITAB
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 338

Pengantar dan Analisis Desain Eksperimen Menggunakan MINITAB

Desain eksperimen dalam menyelesaikan suatu penelitian kini dibutuhkan oleh berbagai kalangan. Umumnya, desain eksperimen dilakukan oleh peneliti dan praktisi yang bergerak dalam bidang sains dasar hingga rekayasa teknologi mulai dari fisika, kimia, biologi, hingga ilmu- ilmu turunannya seperti teknik, kedokteran, pertanian, peternakan, dan Iain-Iain. Namun, kini desain eksperimen mulai banyak digunakan oleh kalangan sosial terutama dalam bidang ekonomi dan manajemen.Buku Pengantar dan Analisis Desain Eksperimen Menggunakan MINITAB ini dibuat untuk membantu para praktisi, ilmuwan, dan kalangan mahasiswa yang membutuhkan analisis data dengan perancangan eksperimen menggunakan software yang mu...