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Dunia sedang menghadapi berbagai krisis: dari keadaan darurat iklim hingga pandemi COVID-19, dari perang regional antara Rusia dan Ukraina hingga ketidaksta- bilan keuangan saat ini di Global North, dan dari krisis rantai pasokan hingga inflasi di seluruh dunia. Berhadapan dengan puspa-ragam tantangan ini, sangat penting untuk memiliki pemahaman yang jelas tentang struktur ekonomi dan sosial yang mendasarinya, struktur yang menciptakan dan melanggengkan krisis-krisis tersebut. Di sini, analisis Marxis mena- warkan lensa yang kuat untuk memahami krisis-krisis ini dan bagaimana krisis-krisis ini dibentuk oleh kekuatan-kekuatan kapitalisme Jurnal IndoPPROGRESS kali ini didedikasikan untuk tema ...
"Islam in the Malay world of Southeast Asia or Islam Nusantara, as it has come to be known, had for a long time been seen as representing the more spiritual and Sufi dimension of Islam, thereby striking a balance between the exoteric and the esoteric. This image of 'the smiling face of Islam' has been disturbed during the last decades with increasing calls for the implementation of Shari’ah, conceived of in a narrow manner, intolerant discourse against non-Muslim communities, and hate speech against minority Muslims such as the Shi’ites. There has also been what some have referred to as the Salafization of Sunni Muslims in the region. The chapters of this volume are written by scholars and activists from the region who are very perceptive of such trends in Malay world Islam and promise to improve our understanding of developments that are sometimes difficult to grapple with." — Professor Syed Farid Alatas, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore
The theme of the conference is "Reconstructing Morals, Education, and Social Sciences for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals". This theme was formulated due to several considerations. First, the symptoms of moral decline that have the potential to destroy the nation. Morals guide humanity towards truth and civilization. The phenomenon of the dehumanization process in the industrial era that pushed people to be part of abstract societies tends to ignore humanity. The education process as a humanitarian system is increasingly marginalized, especially during discussions about the industrial revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0. The conference placed six sub-themes for speakers and participants to share ideas, namely: Social Sciences and Laws, History and Cultural Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, Morals and Humanities, Policy, Politics, and Communication, Education. The committee has received 195 abstracts from prospective speakers. However, there are only 80 abstracts that are eligible to be presented at this conference.
Tan Malaka, 1897- 1949, was an Indonesian Muslim, Marxist, philosopher, teacher, and founder of the Persatuan Perjuangan (Struggle Front), a coalition of groups negotiating the terms of Indonesian independence in the1940s. He was awarded the Government designation of National Hero in 1963. This book offers new findings regarding Tan Malaka's Islamic thought, and discusses how to analyse his works and legacy. These findings are novel and significant. Tan Malaka, as a left-leaning Muslim who embraced critical thinking, is still seen as a controversial figure in Indonesia and the wider world. Today, he is often discredited in history books. In fact, his Islamic ideas can provide answers to problems or themes in the discourse of Islamic studies today. The scope of this book falls within the scope of Islamic Philosophy, Islamic Political, and Social Science Studies. In other words, interdisciplinary. The specific purpose of this book is to fill in the gaps of analysis and new findings regarding Tan Malaka's Islamic thought. As well as providing new discourses in Islamic Political.
Di Indonesia, kelas menengah adalah sebuah mitos: ia dianggap sebagai agen perubahan sosial, kelas utama penopang demokrasi dan lambang kemakmuran ekonomi. Mitos ini terus diproduksi dan direproduksi setiap saat hingga dianggap sebagai kebenaran tak terbantahkan. Tetapi mitos tetaplah mitos begitu kita bisa membongkar dan menelanjanginya secara historis dan ilmiah. Buku yang hendak didiskusikan ini adalah sebuah upaya untuk itu, dimana posisi kelas menengah ketika diletakkan dalam struktur sosial yang berkelas-kelas maka perannya sebenarnya tidak lain adalah melanggengkan struktur sosial yang timpang dan eksploitatif ini. Sebagai kelas yang terombang-ambing dan terjepit di antara kelas kapit...
This Handbook addresses the role of women in communism as a global, social and political movement for the first time, exploring their lives, forms of activism, political strategies and transnational networks. Comprising twenty-five chapters, based on new and primary research, the book presents the lives of self-identified communist women from a truly international perspective and outlines their struggles against fascism and colonialism, and for women’s emancipation and national liberation. By using the lens of transnational political biography, the chapters capture the broader picture of these women’s lives, unpacking the links between the so-called public and private, the power structur...
In 1965–66, army-organized massacres claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of supporters of the Communist Party of Indonesia. Very few of these atrocities have been studied in any detail, and answers to basic questions remain unclear. What was the relationship between the army and civilian militias? How could the perpetrators come to view unarmed individuals as dangerous enemies of the nation? Why did Communist Party supporters, who numbered in the millions, not resist? Drawing upon years of research and interviews with survivors, Buried Histories is an impressive contribution to the literature on genocide and mass atrocity, crucially addressing the topics of media, military organization, economic interests, and resistance.
NUANSA WACANA INTELEKTUAL PMII: Sebuah Pergulatan Pemikiran Penulis : Mizanul Akrom Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm ISBN : 978-623-6429-81-5 Terbit : Juli 2021 Sinopsis : Buku ini mengkaji wacana yang menarik dalam diskursus wacana intelektual yang ditampilkan PMII, di mana dalam nuansa wacana intelektual PMII senantiasa mengalami lompatan jauh. Jika flash back input mayoritas kadernya adalah kelompok pinggiran yang lekat dengan tradisi (kolot). Namun kini stereotip itu tidak layak lagi menjadi predikatnya. Ini menandakan bahwa gerbong kultural-tradisonal beringsut perlahan menuju sentrum. Kaum sarungan mulai diperebutkan dan dijadikan idola. Di sisi lain, orang mulai percaya bahwa kebangkitan intelektu...
Dunia kita saat ini sedang mengalami sebuah krisis keberagaman dan pluralitas yang serius. Ada normalisasi intoleransi dan sikap diskriminatif pada kalangan minoritas. Apa yang disebut dalam konstitusi sebagai hak-hak yang sama sebagai warga negara, seringkali tidak berlaku penuh untuk kelompok minoritas. Kondisi ini justru sering diperparah dengan munculnya political entrepreneur yang merepresentasikan kelompok minoritas sebagai “unsur asing” yang harus disudutkan ataupun dibersihkan dari tubuh negara. Ada berbagai upaya untuk melawan arus itu. Imbauan atas dasar Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) merupakan salah satunya. Imbauan berdasar atas kewarganegaraan yang setara tanpa ada pembedaan (diffe...
Planet bumi semakin tak layak ditinggali. Laju krisis sosial-ekologis semakin pesat, intensitasnya semakin tinggi, dan skalanya semakin meluas. Tak sedikit ilmuan memprediksi bahwa kepunahan spesies akan terjadi hanya dalam beberapa tahun lagi. Pada saat yang sama, konsep Konstitusi Hijau sebagai fondasi konstitusional yang sangat penting bagi pelestarian lingkungan saat ini umumnya masih berkarakter antroposentris, belum disertai dengan analisis radikal atas akar krisis ekologis, sehingga berhenti hanya pada level wacana. Situasi yang kurang lebih serupa juga dialami Ijtihad Ekologi. Istilah Konstitusi Hijau dan ljtihad Ekologis berasal dari sumber disiplin keilmuan yang berbeda, yakni huku...