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The 1996 conference of the Centre for Faith & Culture in Oxford and the associated Oxford Declaration on Liturgy (included in this volume) gave a voice to calls for the 'reform of the reform.' This book forms a point of reference and a resource for those who are concerned about the need to recover a sense of the sacred in Catholic Liturgy.
How can India--a land of intense poverty as well as unparalled spirituality--be liberated? Where do the sources for its liberation lie? Leave the Temple brings together writings that weigh the practical and theoretical problems of hermeneutic pre-understandings of the socio-political situation in South Asia. Is the challenge of social transformation and human liberation one in which people must leave the temple to embrace the freeing insights of secularization? Or does leaving the temple--to find God in the world of suffering humanity--provide a richness and empowerment that secular models of the human future cannot replace? Contributors include Walter Fernandes, on a socio-historical perspe...
The Vatican II was an event of a new facelift for the entire edifice of the Catholic ecclesiology. It called for the renewal in the universal Catholic Church. This book deals with the question: How can the Catholic Church in India accept the council's challenge for renewal and become truly Indian in its being and essence? Undertaking a systematic examination of the post-conciliar ecclesiological development in the Indian Catholic Church, in its existential multi-religious and multi-cultural context, the author attempts to develop an ecclesiological reflection for the Indian context.
Theology of religions is an area of theological reflection on inter-religious relations which raises fundamental questions for all people of faith in a pluralist, post-modern world. How to practise a religious faith with integrity while respecting other claims to ultimate truth? Must 'the other' always be regarded as a problematic complication on the fringes of a Christianity-centred world? Is there a 'third way' between an all-dominating exclusivism and a vapid relativism? This book contributes to the debate about the place of inter-religious relations in the life of the Church by developing a 'theology of dialogue'. In offering a critique of much current thinking in this area, Michael Barnes SJ proposes instead a theology rooted in the themes of welcome and hospitality. He argues for a vision of Christianity as a 'school of faith', a community called not just to teach others but to learn from them as well.
A bible theological didactic is not principally reduced to learning and teaching Bible alone but rather extended to understanding and interpreting Bible in one's own religious and pedagogical context. Bible didactic, moreover, does not circumscribe itself only to biblical knowledge in virtue of deducing some abstract and moral principles, but it rather prospects to strengthen and reconstruct one's identity within the choices offered by culture and context. This book aims to engage in an intercultural interpretation of the parables and the miracles of Jesus by dialoging with the culture of Tamils. This comparative study subsequently proposes an alternative synchronic hermeneutic in biblical d...
Drawing together international and Indian sources, and new research on the ground in South India, this book presents a unique examination of the inculturation of Christian Worship in India. Paul M. Collins examines the imperatives underlying the processes of inculturation - the dynamic relationship between the Christian message and cultures - and then explores the outcomes of those processes in terms of architecture, liturgy and ritual, and the critique offered of these outcomes, especially by Dalit theologians. This book highlights how the Indian context has informed global discussions, and how the decisions of the World Council of Churches, Vatican II and Lambeth Conferences have impacted upon the Indian context.
In Life in Freedom Michael Amaladoss analyzes the many rich and complex strands of Asian religious thought on the notion and nature of the path toward liberation. As he shows, Asian "liberation theology" departs significantly from the Latin American model, with which it is commonly compared. Rather than put primary emphasis on economic issues, Asian cultures give much greater priority to the role of religion in the composition of a healthy society. In Part One Amaladoss discusses current liberation movements and thought in Korea, the Philippines, and India. In two other chapters, he shows also that the awakening of women is integral to the search for human freedom and development and the gro...
This wide-ranging collection of essays takes up the pathbreaking study of worship and culture sponsored by the Lutheran World Federation in the last decade of the twentieth century and carries the conversation forward into the twenty-first century.
Indian and Christian: Changing Identities in Modern India is a collection of essays from the 1st SAIACS Consultation that took place during November 2010 at SAIACS, Bangalore. ‘Who am I?’ is a question that every human needs to ask themselves. In this book, this question is looked at from a dual perspective—Indian and Christian. Can one be both ‘Indian’ and ‘Christian’ in the modern world? Should one have a single identity or can one have multiple identities? The book attempts to address these issues with clarity and conviction through sixteen articles covering areas of Biblical Studies, Theology & Philosophy, Religion & Culture, and Pastoral Theology & Psychology.