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Judul : Penyelesaian Tindak Pidana Korupsi Dengan Kerugian Kecil (Petty Corruption) Berdasarkan Analisa Ekonomi Dalam Hukum (Economic Analysis Of Law) Penulis : I Made Agus Mahendra Iswara, S.H., M.H. Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 156 Halaman ISBN : 978-623-497-876-6 SINOPSIS Korupsi dengan kerugian keuangan negara dengan jumlah kecil atau petty corruption dengan jumlah kurang atau sama dengan Rp. 50.000.000,- (lima puluh juta rupiah) diperlukan upaya penyelesaiannya melalui pendekatan analisis ekonomi pada hukum atau dikenal Economic Analysis of Law (EAL) sebagai solusi permasalahan persoalan anggaran penanganan perkara yang terbatas dan kelebihan muatan (over capacity) di Lembaga Pemasyara...
Buku ini tersusun oleh bagian sebagai berikut: Bab 1: Introduction to Force Majeure Bab 2: Problem Konteks dalam Penerapan Force Majeure Bab 3: Konsep Overmatch dalam Paradigma Kriminologi Bab 4: Force Majeure dalam Usaha Asuransi Bab 5: Tindakan Penertiban Kepolisian Republik Indonesia dalam Masa Pandemi Corona
Judul : Serba Serbi Pungutan Liar (Pungli) dalam Tinjauan Yuridis Penulis : I Made Agus Mahendra Iswara, S.H., M.H., Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 216 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. ISBN : 978-623-162-125-2 SINOPSIS Tidak dapat dipungkiri praktik Pungutan Liar (Pungli) tumbuh dalam kegiatan sehari-hari berhubungan dengan prosedur pelayanan publik. Pada umumnya kesan masyarakat terhadap mutu pelayanan publik aparatur pemerintah bersifat negatif dan dirasakan masih rendah antara lain : proses dalam birokrasi yang berbelit-belit dan tidak transparan, pelayanan yang tidak ramah, tidak ada kepastian, menggunakan formalitas dan rutinitas daripada hasil kerja yang esensial, aorgansi petugas, memerl...
We are delighted to introduce the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Progressive Education (ICOPE) 2020 hosted by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Lampung, Indonesia, in the heart of the city Bandar Lampung on 16 and 17 October 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we took a model of an online organised event via Zoom. The theme of the 2nd ICOPE 2020 was “Exploring the New Era of Education”, with various related topics including Science Education, Technology and Learning Innovation, Social and Humanities Education, Education Management, Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Teacher Professional Development, Curriculum and Instructions, A...
Media and Democracy addresses key topics and themes in relation to democratic theory, media and technology, comparative media studies, media and history, and the evolution of media research. For example: How does TV entertainment contribute to the democratic life of society? Why are Americans less informed about politics and international affairs than Europeans? How should new communications technology and globalisation change our understanding of the democratic role of the media? What does the rise of international ezines reveal about the limits of the internet? What is the future of journalism? Does advertising influence the media? Is American media independence from government a myth? How have the media influenced the development of modern society? Professor Curran’s response to these questions provides both a clear introduction to media research, written for university undergraduates studying in different countries, and an innovative analysis written by one of the field’s leading scholars.
This proceedings volume gathers together selected peer-reviewed papers presented at the second edition of the XXVI International Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IJCIEOM), which was virtually held on February 22-24, 2021 with the main organization based at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Works cover a range of topics in industrial engineering, including operations and process management, global operations, managerial economics, data science and stochastic optimization, logistics and supply chain management, quality management, product development, strategy and organizational engineering, knowledge and information management, sustainability, and disaster management, to name a few. These topics broadly involve fields like operations, manufacturing, industrial and production engineering, and management. This book can be a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in optimization research, operations research, and correlated fields.
The Glory of Sri Sri Ganesh shows the lives of the underdogs the Lachhimsa, the Rukmanis, the Mohors and the Haroas as a contrast to the lives of their all-powerful overlords the Medinis and Ganeshes. Lachhima, whose leashed bitterness and anger of a lifetime against Medini and Ganesh is liberated at the end of the novel when Ganesh begs her to save his life, decides to save him, but on her own terms. The title of the work itself becomes a tool for subversion in this sprawling novel which takes the reader through a multilayered narrative into the socio-economic malaise of post-independence rural India. Mahasweta Devi s corrosive humour and cryptic style are at their best as she takes on issu...
Chapters 1, 6 and 8 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via