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Buku "Asuhan Keperawatan Medikal Bedah : Sistem Pencernaan dan Endokrin" adalah panduan komprehensif untuk perawat yang ingin memberikan asuhan terbaik kepada pasien dengan kondisi sistem pencernaan dan endokrin. Dengan fokus pada pendekatan holistik, buku ini mengulas berbagai kondisi seperti apendisitis, hepatitis, sirosis hepatis, pankreatitis akut, gastroenteritis, kolelitiasis akut, ileus obstruktif, kanker kolon, gastritis, tifoid, diabetes melitus, dan hipertiroidisme. Setiap bab menyajikan informasi penting tentang gejala, diagnosis, pengelolaan, dan perawatan yang diperlukan untuk setiap kondisi. Panduan praktis ini membantu perawat dalam memberikan perawatan yang efektif dan terempatkan kepada pasien, mengakomodasi peran penting perawat dalam pemulihan dan dukungan pasien. Dengan menyatukan pengetahuan medis dengan pemahaman asuhan keperawatan yang mendalam, buku ini menjadi sumber informasi berharga bagi para perawat yang ingin meningkatkan kualitas perawatan dan dukungan kepada pasien dengan kondisi medis dalam bidang sistem pencernaan dan endokrin.
Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal Bedah II merupakan media pembelajaran yang digunakan mahasiswa untuk membantu jalannya proses perkuliahan sejak awal semester sampai akhir semester. Buku ini dilengkapi dengan latihan soal pada masing-masing babnya. Buku ajar ini diimplementasikan dari kurikulum kesehatan yang terbaru sehingga ilmu yang disajikan dalam buku ajar ini dapat menjadi rujukan yang tepat untuk mahasiswa Keperawatan. Buku ini ditulis tim dosen yang ahli dibidangnya, kemudian melewati proses tinjauan (Review) dan pengeditan (editing) yang cukup ketat hingga tangan panel expert dan proofreading. Harapan kami, buku ini dapat memperkaya pengetahuan mahasiswa terkait ilmu kesehatan dan kemampuan dalam menjawab latihan soal berbentuk kasus, sehinggan dapat mengantarkan calon tenaga kesehatan yang sukses dan professional. Salam Cumlaude.
The second edition of Nina's Brown's Psychoeducational Groups provides an overview of the major learning and instructional theories together with specific guidelines for conducting a variety of psychoeducational groups. Presented are principles of group instruction; specific guidelines for creating groups and understanding phases of group development; and a guide for planning and leading experimental activities. This new edition includes two new chapters covering aspects of group planning and providing examples of preparing themed sessions with special population groups such as children, adolescents and adults.
A comprehensive guide to assessing operational excellence. Used by thousands of manufacturing firms, this recent edition enables companies to evaluate their performance in areas such as strategic planning, people and team systems, product development, continuous improvement and planning and control.
This title has been removed from sale by Penguin Group, USA.
Joel Spring’s American Education introduces readers to the historical, political, social, and legal foundations of education and to the profession of teaching in the United States. In his signature straightforward and concise approach to describing complex issues, Spring illuminates events and topics and that are often overlooked or whitewashed, giving students the opportunity to engage in critical thinking about education. In this edition he looks closely at the global context of education in the U.S. Featuring current information and challenging perspectives—with scholarship that is often cited as a primary source, students will come away from this clear, authoritative text informed on...
This handbook for administrative assistants and secretaries covers such topics as telephone usage, keeping accurate records, making travel arrangements, e-mail, using the Internet, business documents, and language usage.
A History of Women in America integrates the stories of women in America into the national narrative of American history. By weaving women's lives into the heart of the country's narratives, readers will see women where they were, rather than having them appear as appendages to events controlled largely by men. Coryell and Faires use accessible language, telling stories that will attract beginning scholars to the field of history. Major ethnic groups are incorporated, from Native American and African women who appear earliest in the text, to the major immigrant groups, such as Hispanic, Latina, Chicana, and Asian women, who occupy increasingly larger roles throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.