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Raising Two Fists is a historically grounded ethnography of Afro-Colombian political mobilization after the multicultural turn that swept Latin America in the 1990s, when states began to recognize and legally enshrine rights for Afro-descendants. Roosbelinda Cárdenas explores three major strategies that Afro-Colombians' developed in their struggles against racialized dispossession—the defense of culturally specific livelihoods through the creation of Black Territories; the demand for differential reparations for Afro-Colombian war victims; and the fight for inclusion in Colombia's peace negotiations and post-conflict rebuilding—illustrating how they engage in this work both as participa...
This volume shifts the focus from violence to peace studies in Latin America and sheds light on how social groups and individuals resist to violence and strive to create peaceful or at least less violent conditions of conviviality. Drawing on social sciences, history, and anthropology, but also on cultural, literary, and film studies, the book examines the role of social mobilizations, civic activism, and cultural/artistic initiatives as responses to the crisis of violence, which the state is unable or unwilling to address. In this sense, it debates what a culture of peace could mean in Latin America. Divided into four chapters, Chapter 1 discusses peace from an epistemological and philosoph...
By combining chronological coverage, analytical breadth, and interdisciplinary approaches, these two volumes—Histories of Solitude and Histories of Perplexity—study the histories of Colombia over the past two centuries as illustrations of the histories of democracy across the Americas. The volumes bring together over 40 scholars based in Colombia, the United States, England, and Canada working in various disciplines to discuss how a country that has been consistently presented as a rarity in Latin America provides critical examples to re-examine major historical problems: republicanism and liberalism; export economies and agrarian modernization; populism and cultural politics of state fo...
Dieses Werk untersucht die Spuren, die der Friedenprozess mit der Guerrilla FARC-EP in der kolumbianischen Fernsehfiktion hinterlassen hat. Dazu ergründet es das Phänomen kolumbianischer Versöhnungstelenovelas, welche untrennbar mit dem nationalen Transitional Justice Prozess verknüpft sind. Gestützt auf Analysen der Telenovelas und Expert:innen-Interviews wird das Versöhnungspotential der Telenovelas beleuchtet und werden Chancen und Risiken ausgelotet, die aus der Nutzung von massenmediierten Formaten der Popkultur in Friedensprozessen erwachsen. Die Telenovelas, die vorschnell als seichte Unterhaltung abgetan werden könnten, stellen sich als integraler Bestandteil des kolumbianischen Transitional Justice Strategie heraus.
Latin American Geographies introduces student readers to cutting-edge scholarship on a range of topics from Indigenous geographies to sustainable development and dependency theory. The book is written primarily by a Latin American-based authorship and blends complex theory with in-depth case studies in an accessible way for students with little prior knowledge. Each chapter contains a general overview of the topic and includes summary boxes, review questions and annotated further readings. The book is divided into three sections. Section 1, “Core Themes,” gives the reader the necessary historical, conceptual and theoretical tools to make sense of and engage in contemporary geographical d...
The 2021 volume of the benchmark bibliography of Latin American Studies.
On November 24, 2016, the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia signed a revised peace accord that marked a political end to over a half-century of war. Feel the Grass Grow traces the far less visible aspects of moving from war to peace: the decades of campesino struggle to defend life, land, and territory prior to the national accord, as well as campesino social leaders' engagement with the challenges of the state's post-accord reconstruction efforts. In the words of the campesino organizers, "peace is not signed, peace is built." Drawing on nearly a decade of extensive ethnographic and participatory research, Angela Jill Lederach advances a theory of "slow pea...
Most recent works about the efforts of local communities caught up in a civil war have focused on their efforts to remain places of security and safety from the violence that surrounds them—neutral peace communities or zones. This book, in contrast, focuses on local peace communities facing new challenges and opportunities once a peace agreement has been signed at the national level, such as those in South Africa, the Philippines, Burundi, East Timor, Sierra Leone, and the present peace process in Colombia between the FARC and the Colombian Government. The communities’ task is to make a stable and durable peace in the aftermath of a violent civil war and a deal on which local people have...
Este trabajo es producto de una etnografía realizada en la región del Medio Atrato chocoano, en el Pacífico colombiano. En esta región, mayoritariamente habitada por colectivos afro e indígenas emberá, existen prácticas de resistencia que se definen como defensa de la vida y el territorio. En las últimas décadas esa resistencia responde a las amenazas impuestas por la guerra y la militarización de los territorios. Para analizar esas prácticas privilegio los conceptos propios que están atados a las luchas cotidianas, en lugar de acudir a marcos conceptuales como los derechos humanos o la justicia transicional. La idea del vivir sabroso hace parte de esos conceptos y articula campos como los de la terapéutica, las relaciones de parentesco, la espiritualidad y el movimiento social. Este trabajo hace un recorrido por los lugares y experiencias donde es modulada la vida sabrosa, identificando como allí se ponen en juego procedimientos que procuran mantener un balance entre temperaturas, fuerzas y distancias.
La creación de un grupo de investigación de derecho internacional humanitario supone un doble reto. Por un lado, la dificultad de recoger las diferentes visiones con respecto al papel del Estado en escenarios de conflicto armado. Por otro, la consciencia de que la búsqueda de teorizaciones sobre el conflicto armado se cimienta sobre las pérdidas y profundos dolores de las víctimas. Este grupo de investigación conformado por Édgar Solano González, Manuela Losada Chavarro, María Camila Medina García y María Alejandra Osorio Alvis ha podido asumir ese reto con el apoyo incondicional del doctor Humberto Sierra Porto, director del Departamento de Derecho Constitucional. Esta obra colectiva es el resultado del interés de la comunidad académica y jurídica que de manera desinteresada aceptó nuestro llamado a construir Estado desde la perspectiva teórica del conflicto armado. Gracias a las autoras y los autores que participaron en estos libros podemos entregar un producto que espera fortalecer la dogmática del derecho internacional humanitario en Colombia y Latinoamérica