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Cancer Chemotherapy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 363

Cancer Chemotherapy

This textbook is a clear and accessible introduction to thescientific and clinical aspects of the creation, development andadministration of drugs or drug regimens used in the treatment ofcancer. Unique in its approach, this book enables the student togain an understanding of the pathological, physiological andmolecular processes governing malignancy, whilst also introducingthe role of health professionals and scientists in the research andtreatment of cancer. The book consolidates all the essentialinformation necessary for a full understanding of cancerchemotherapy, providing an informative, inexpensive and up-to-datecoverage of the subject aimed at an undergraduate level readership. Key Fe...

Cancer Chemotherapy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 320

Cancer Chemotherapy

Provides a clear and accessible summary of all stages and aspects of the discovery, design, development, validation and clinical use of anticancer drugs This new edition provides an update on the current state of the art of cancer chemotherapy and clinical practice and presents new pipeline anticancer agents and promising therapeutic strategies that are emerging alongside new breakthroughs in cancer biology. Its unique approach enables students to gain an understanding of the pathological, physiological, and molecular processes governing malignancy, while also introducing the role of health professionals and scientists in the research and treatment of cancer. Invaluable for its clarity and a...

Therapeutics and Human Physiology
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 228

Therapeutics and Human Physiology

The Integrated Foundations of Pharmacy series is for those at the start of their journey to become a pharmacist. It helps students understand how a drug molecule is made and then turned into a medicine; the role they will have when dispensing; and how the medicine works in the body. Most importantly, it shows how all of these aspects come together.

The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 624

The Emperor of All Maladies

Selected as One of the Best Books of the 21st Century by The New York Times Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, adapted as a documentary from Ken Burns on PBS, this New York Times bestseller is “an extraordinary achievement” (The New Yorker)—a magnificent, profoundly humane “biography” of cancer. Physician, researcher, and award-winning science writer, Siddhartha Mukherjee examines cancer with a cellular biologist’s precision, a historian’s perspective, and a biographer’s passion. The result is an astonishingly lucid and eloquent chronicle of a disease humans have lived with—and perished from—for more than five thousand years. The story of cancer is a story of human ingenuity, ...

Technical Aspects of Toxicological Immunohistochemistry
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 237

Technical Aspects of Toxicological Immunohistochemistry

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-12-23
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  • Publisher: Humana Press

This authoritative volume examines immunohistochemical methods aimed at investigating the toxicologic pathology of rodent, non-human primate and aquatic animal tissues. Eleven comprehensive chapters provide pathologists and researchers in various sub-disciplines of toxicology with a comprehensive review of the methods and approaches for immunohistochemical staining in various target tissues. It explores the tissue-antigen and antibody-specific problems that may be encountered during the staining procedures and provide potential avenues for resolving various methodological issues. Special attention is paid to the latest enhancement procedures for antigen retrieval and visualization as well as image analysis and antigen quantification. Written by leading researchers in toxicology and pathology, this book is a significant resource for toxicologists and pathologists working with rodents, monkeys and aquatic animal tissues.

The British National Bibliography
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 2744

The British National Bibliography

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2009
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Vládkyně všech nemocí
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 523

Vládkyně všech nemocí

Vědecký thriller o zhoubném nádoru překvapuje čtenáře celého světa svým strhujícím tempem a hluboce lidským vyzněním. Jeho autor Siddharta Mukherjee, lékař, vědec a oceňovaný spisovatel, se na nádorové onemocnění dívá s precizností buněčného biologa, s nadhledem historika a se zaujetím životopisce. Výsledkem je úžasně poutavá kronika nemoci, s níž lidé žijí a umírají více než pět tisíc let. Životopis rakoviny začíná prvními doloženými zmínkami ve starověku, graduje epochální bitvou ve dvacátém století, kdy se lidé snažili nemoc vyléčit, ovládnout a porazit, a zatím končí radikálně novým pochopením její podstaty. Mukherjee byl za svou knihu oceněn Pulitzerovou cenou (2011) a cenou deníku Guardian. Časopis TIME dílo zařadil mezi 100 nejvlivnějších anglických knih od roku 1923 a New York Times Magazine mezi 100 nejlepších odborných knih všech dob. Siddhartha Mukherjee (nar. 1970) je světoznámý americký lékař a vědec indického původu, specialista v oborech hematologie a onkologie. Studoval na špičkových amerických školách, nyní pracuje na Kolumbijské univerzitě v New Yorku.

De keizer aller ziektes
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 758

De keizer aller ziektes

De keizer aller ziektes, een biografie van kanker, beschrijft de ziekte van de eerste gedocumenteerde gevallen duizenden jaren geleden tot de dag van vandaag en biedt zelfs een blik in de toekomst. Siddhartha Mukherjee, oncoloog, onderzoeker en gelauwerd auteur, onderzoekt kanker met de precisie van een celbioloog, het perspectief van een historicus en de hartstocht van een biograaf. Het resultaat: een indrukwekkend, helder en inzichtelijk relaas van een ziekte waar mensen al meer dan vijfduizend jaar mee leven en aan sterven. Het is een verhaal van vindingrijkheid, veerkracht en doorzettingsvermogen, maar ook van overmoed, paternalisme en onbegrip. Mukherjee doet verslag van decennia van on...

Kanker: Biografi Suatu Penyakit
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 682

Kanker: Biografi Suatu Penyakit

“Dalam menulis buku ini, saya memulainya dengan membayangkan proyek saya sebagai ‘sejarah’ kanker. Namun lama-lama terasa seolah saya bukan sedang menulis tentang sesuatu, melainkan seseorang. Subjek saya hari demi hari berubah menjadi menyerupai individu—cerminan suatu diri yang membingungkan sekaligus gila. Buku ini bukan hanya sejarah medis suatu penyakit, melainkan sesuatu yang lebih pribadi, lebih mendalam: biografi.” Kanker merupakan penyakit yang amat besar pengaruhnya, dapat mengubah hidup pasien maupun orang-orang di sekelilingnya. Kanker juga memiliki banyak wajah dan variasi; itu karena kanker bukan hanya satu penyakit, melainkan banyak penyakit dengan ciri sama: pertumbuhan sel tak terkendali. Melawan kanker seolah melawan tubuh yang berkhianat: sel-sel kita sendiri yang berubah jadi ganas dan lepas kendali. Apa sebenarnya kanker itu? Sejak kapan kanker mulai menyerang manusia? Apa penyebab kanker? Bisakah dan bagaimanakah kanker disembuhkan dan dicegah? Buku ini, ditulis seorang dokter kanker, menawarkan jawaban untuk semua pertanyaan itu.

Lịch Sử Ung Thư
  • Language: vi
  • Pages: 704

Lịch Sử Ung Thư

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: Omega plus

Ung thư đang càng ngày càng là mối đe dọa của nhiều người dân ở Việt Nam cũng như trên toàn thế giới. Ở một vài quốc gia, ung thư vượt qua cả bệnh tim mạch để trở thành nguyên nhân gây tử vong hàng đầu. Theo số liệu của Ghi nhận ung thư toàn cầu (GLOBOCAL) và ước tính của ghi nhận ung thư Việt Nam, mỗi năm Việt Nam có hơn 126.000 ca mắc mới và khoảng 94.000 người tử vong vì ung thư. Trong xếp hạng 172 quốc gia và vùng lãnh thổ về tỷ lệ chết vì bệnh ung thư do Tổ chức Y tế Thế giới (WHO) công bố tháng 5/2014, Việt Nam đứng ở vị trí 78. Tron...