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Many countries in the Middle East and North Africa continue to face major economic and political challenges, including volatile economic growth, low economic diversification, high unemployment levels, and, in some cases, pervasive authoritarian regimes. These economic and political challenges are interdependent, and reform is needed in both spheres if structural, long-lasting change is going to be achieved. This book combines the World Bank’s concept of “good governance” with other analytical tools of political economy – including rent-seeking theory, political settlements approach, the resource curse, and Dutch Disease – to explore how government institutions in the region affect ...
This book takes a fresh look at an age-old controversy in ethics and political economy that stretches right back to Aristotle: the morality and the economics of debt financing, or the charging of interest on loans. It endeavours to show the immense relevance of those ancient debates in the contemporary economy. Outside of countries which practise Islam and Islamic finance, the charging of interest is taken completely for granted today and little or no thought is devoted to its morality or economic and social impacts. This book argues that in fact the question of the morality of charging interest is still debatable and deserves to be considered anew in the 21st century for the light it can sh...
Economic and organizational literature has long separated the figure of the capitalist and the manager, but it often continues to assimilate that of the capitalist and the entrepreneur around the notion of risk-bearing. Yet confusion between the two prevents any understanding of the essence of capitalism and delivers an erroneous and negative image of the private corporation. Taking care to distinguish individuals and functions, creators and beneficiaries of revenues, this book examines the respective places of both entrepreneurs and capitalists within the organization. It considers where these roles come into partnership and conflict, demonstrating the circumstances in which entrepreneur an...
Many philosophers today take the empiricist or rationalist stance that mainstream economics is self-centered and naïve. For their part too, most economists don’t know much formal philosophy. The purpose of the present book is to help bridge this great divide between philosopher and economist. Arguing for the person-centered mainstream economics over what would be an objects-centered scientific one, it makes a systematic case that the epistemology of the economics used in research and teaching today derives from the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. On these grounds it is shown that understanding modern economics is a matter of becoming familiar with Kant’s interpretative forms of perception, judgment, and reason. It will be vital reading for philosophers, economists, and others interested in these two critical professions.
The book introduces a novel approach to international taxation through the lens of heterodox economic and social theories, in particular Marxism. The book argues that the radical reorganization of the international tax system that has been underway for the last few decades – initiated by the OECD, and furthered by the G20 and the European Union – is a response to changes in the global structure of capitalism, especially in terms of “center-periphery”. Through both normative analysis and empirical evidence, the book shows that the global tax system emerging from these changes consolidates the regulatory and tax revenue control of the central states. It also demonstrates that this cons...
In response to the global crises in recent decades, many countries – both developed and developing economies – have resorted to populist forms of economic policy instead of undertaking meaningful institutional change. This book explores two forms of economic populism in particular (wage populism and exchange rate populism) and demonstrates that these types of policies result in high inflation, unstable exchange rates, and chronic macroeconomic problems. The book opens with an elucidation of the institutional economics approach – drawing on Commons and Veblen, and foregrounding laws, rules, norms, regulations, religions, and traditions – which sheds particular light on economic populi...
A Financial Theory of the Business Cycle presents a new approach to business cycle theory based on the net present value. The book develops a novel diagrammatic approach to illustrate how fractional reserve banking systematically distorts net-present-value calculations. In addition to providing fresh insights, the new diagrammatic approach provides a comparative framework that can be used to compare pre-existing theories, including those of John Maynard Keynes, Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, and Robert E. Lucas, Jr. The net present value is the most important concept in the theory and practice of modern finance. As such, it is the proper framework for explaining the systematic financial l...
« Miel y almendras huele a sábado por la tarde, a nammura, ese pastel de sémola libanés. Maha Akhtar nos regala una narración al estilo del Oriente, propia de los grandes contadores de historias.» Mariló Montero Mouna Al-Husseini es la propietaria del Cleopatra, un salón de belleza algo decadente en un barrio de Beirut. Mouna es una mujer atrevida y liberal, que lucha por desmarcarse de la rígida tradición, a pesar de que a sus 37 años su madre todavía le recuerda día a día lo mal que ha encaminado su vida. La casualidad llevará a las puertas del Cleopatra a Imaan Sayah, una importante diplomática libanesa, y con ella a tres de sus amigas: Nina, Lailah y Nadine. Tras ese primer encuentro, Mouna, Imaan, Nina y Lailah desarrollarán una amistad profunda y honesta al margen de sus procedencias sociales, religiosas y culturales. Las cuatro compartirán momentos de soledad, desamor e incluso humillación que acabarán por forjar una amistad inquebrantable.
En un primer momento la cuestión que nos ha ocupado en esta tesis ha sido la de los fundamentalismos; el estudio del concepto, el nacimiento, la evolución de éste y el estudio de tres casos (sionismo, Hermanos Musulmanes, evangélicos estadounidenses). Este trabajo ha dado como fruto nuestra propia definición del concepto. En un segundo momento, hemos hecho lo propio con la cuestión de los terrorismos. Hemos estudiado de nuevo en qué momento surge el concepto, en que circunstancias, su evolución, paradojas, tipos etc. Esto nos ha permitido, a su vez, aportar nuestra propia definición de terrorismo y dar constancia del carácter provisional que caracteriza a las definiciones de ambos ...