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"Some women can touch a man and heal like Jesus. The man who sees sunrise from a Belle woman's bed will swear he's been born again." So begins Paula Wall's funny, poignant, and sexy novel, The Rock Orchard. Musette Belle could lay her hand on a baby's heart and see his life as if he'd already lived it. Even in death, she continues to shock the good citizens of Leaper's Fork, Tennessee, and her descendents are doing their best to carry on her legacy. Angela Belle, a haunting and beautiful siren, lures every man she meets into greatness, while her illegitimate and very independent daughter, Dixie, serves tea and vanilla wafers to the statue of the Confederate soldier she believes is her father. But when Charlotte Belle, a woman who would rather spend the night with Jack Daniel's than any man she knows, seduces a stranger in the cemetery, it not only transforms the two people involved but the entire town. Blending sensuality, wisdom, and wry wit to create a truly unique love story, The Rock Orchard is about the strength of community, the might of God, and the ultimate power of extraordinary women.
Zdravka is a young hot-headed Scorpio always ready to make sudden decisions. Due to this her decisions are often wrong. After a broken engagement she practically leaves overnight her promising career and homeland to study in Germany. She later continues working in Germany, where she meets a charming compatriot, very attentive and loving and she believes she found a partner for life. They marry and soon after on her husband's initiative they migrate to Australia. In spite of being badly neglected by her husband, whose personality changed in a matter of months after the marriage, she plays deaf and blind and sticks to him through thick and thin. She finds herself in a new country with unwelcoming locals, experiences isolation, betrayal, humiliation and racism – all without sympathy, understanding and protection of a man she is emotionally involved with. One day, and after almost fifteen years of a bad relationship, Zdravka finally woke up.
Mungkinkah rasa sayang bercampur benci bisa mengabadikan seseorang di kepalamu? Gemina, mahasiswi Desain Komunikasi Visual, suka "mojok" di toko buku untuk membaca serial populer. Di sinilah ia bertemu IgGy (benar, G kedua kapital), penulis Trilogi Runako, yang protes karena bukunya tidak laku. Dunia Gemina jungkir balik begitu ia menerima tawaran IgGy untuk me-review dan mengilustrasi novelnya. Trilogi Runako menjerat Gemina dalam kehidupan pribadi sang penulis. IgGy ternyata identik dengan labirin menyesatkan terkait latar belakang keluarga, tunangan, dan rahasia yang ia tulis di notebook-nya. Menelusuri labirin itu, Gemina mendapati sesuatu yang terperangkap di kepala IgGy. Sesuatu yang menjadikan IgGy sosok egois penuh kebencian. Sesuatu yang telah mewujud dalam Trilogi Runako. "Terbayang-bayang scene IgGy dan Gemi, sampai-sampai enggak bisa komen hal lain. Suka bagian Random karena kepingan masa lalu dan masa depan saling bersatu membentuk cerita. Rating 5 bintang kalau di Goodreads! :D" —@caroll13 "Bikin baper, pasti. Setiap orang memang layak dikasih kesempatan kedua." —@Ashiraa_ [Mizan, Mizan Publishing, Novel, Romance, Ringan, Muda, Remaja, Indonesia]
Originally published in 1985, Liberated Cinema: The Yugoslav Experience received the first annual "Close-up" award from the Yugoslav Film Institute in 1986 for "outstanding scholarship and for promoting the values of Yugoslav film art internationally." This new edition has been revised and updated throughout. It has been expanded to complete the story of the new Yugoslav cinema of the 1980s and to address major film developments that have taken place in the former Yugoslavia's five successor states. As in his analysis of past periods of Yugoslav cinema, Goulding situates the most recent developments within the context of film economics, state subsidies, and changing patterns of political control. Most significantly, however, he provides an insightful discussion of the ways in which critically important domestic feature films produced or co-produced from 1991 to 2001 reflect on recent brutal internecine warfare and other contemporary social, cultural, and political realities after the breakup of Yugoslavia.
Máte tento týden svátek? Jestliže ano, bude vás určitě zajímat, že vám vaše jméno může v mnohém pomoct, nebo také uškodit. Každé jméno nese v sobě určitý druh energie, kterou působí na svého nositele. Představte si to jako mantru - vyřčené slovo, poskládané z řady zvuků. A tyto zvuky neomylně míří k vám a celý život vás pojmenovávají. Jistě se vám stalo, že jste se pozastavili nad tím, jak se vám najednou vaše jméno přijde zvláštní a v dané situaci zní nějak…no, jinak. Jak se ale dozvědět, jakou energií vás posiluje právě to vaše jméno? Na tuto otázku umí odpovědět numerologie. Ta umí popsat energii písmen a dešifrovat ji převedením do číselného kódu. Zkrátka mít dobře zvolené jméno je terno a může vám hodně pomoct ve vašem životě. Vždyť šíří vaši slávu. Tato kniha vám poví mnohé o původu, výhodách a nevýhodách vašeho vlastního jména a přináší příklady z bohaté autorčiny praxe. Rovněž je skvělým rádcem pro nastávající rodiče.
Riandra, seorang remaja ber-IQ tinggi, diculik ke masa lampau melewati celah dimensi. Saat di sana Riandra terkejut setelah mengetahui jati dirinya yang sesungguhnya. Siapa yang membawa Riandra? Apa misi Riandra di sana dan apakah Riandra bisa kembali ke masa depan?
Ehemalige Jugoslawen leben in Wien zum Teil wie im Jahr 1970. Auch wenn der Krieg sie zerstritten hat, so haben sie alle ihre kulturellen Merkmale mitgenommen. Und auch wenn sie sagen, sie unterscheiden sich, so haben sie alle eine Gemeinsamkeit: das kollektive Trauma ihrer eigenen Erziehung, die sie mit allen Mitteln versuchen auf ihre Kinder zu übertragen, die Liebe zu Brot und zur Musik, die Gewaltenteilung der Geschlechter, die Freude am Leben. Auch wenn, die Kinder dieser Generationen, hart daran arbeiten diese Teufelskreise zu durchbrechen, so wundern wir uns immer wieder selbst, wie viel wir eigentlich von unseren Eltern trotzdem mitnehmen und sogar in unserem Leben behalten.