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Em sua 1ª edição no ano de 2016, o Congresso Internacional Conhecimentos Pertinentes para a Educação na América Latina - EDUPALA teve como norte a perspectiva teórica descolonial e a possibilidade de compreensão do mundo a partir do local em que se vive, valorizando a história cultural e regional. As reflexões sobre esses pressupostos potencializaram o protagonismo na pesquisa, ensino e extensão, tripé que fundamenta as ações da Universidade do Planalto Catarinense - UNIPLAC. Na 2ª edição de 2018, ano em que se comemorou os 13 anos de existência do Curso de Mestrado em Educação, nossos olhares se voltaram ao "formador latinoamericano". Campo ainda pouco explorado pela Edu...
Apresentação A II Jornada Internacional de Pós-graduação em Educação - Brasil e Argentina é um evento promovido pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade de Caxias do Sul (PPGEDU - UCS), pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade do Planalto Catarinense (PPGE - UNIPLAC) e pela Área de Educação da Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF) de Buenos Aires. Docentes, estudantes e pesquisadores dos programas de pós-graduação, na área de humanidades, foram provocados a escrever sobre a temática “Um tributo ao pensamento educacional da América Latina” e, como resposta, foram produzidos vinte e nove trabalhos, cujos resumos comp...
O Simpósio Internacional dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Educação - PPGE's do Sistema ACAFE - SIPPE ACAFE é uma iniciativa do PPGE da UNIPLAC em parceria com os PPGE’s da FURB, UNESC, UNIARP, UNIVALI, UNIVILLE, UNOCHAPECÓ e UNOESC. O evento de abrangência Estadual, com ações de internacionalização, tem por objetivo socializar e publicizar as pesquisas desenvolvidas pelos mestrandos, doutorandos e egressos vinculados aos PPGE’s das IES do Sistema ACAFE, bem como fortalecer as pesquisas e integrar os pesquisadores dos Programas envolvidos. Em sua 1ª edição, o evento teve como tema a ‘Relevância da pesquisa educacional da pós-graduação na contemporaneidade’. Para a...
Chronicling the dramatic history of the Brazilian Amazon during the Second World War, Seth Garfield provides fresh perspectives on contemporary environmental debates. His multifaceted analysis explains how the Amazon became the object of geopolitical rivalries, state planning, media coverage, popular fascination, and social conflict. In need of rubber, a vital war material, the United States spent millions of dollars to revive the Amazon's rubber trade. In the name of development and national security, Brazilian officials implemented public programs to engineer the hinterland's transformation. Migrants from Brazil's drought-stricken Northeast flocked to the Amazon in search of work. In defense of traditional ways of life, longtime Amazon residents sought to temper outside intervention. Garfield's environmental history offers an integrated analysis of the struggles among distinct social groups over resources and power in the Amazon, as well as the repercussions of those wartime conflicts in the decades to come.
After having lectured at large corporations around Brazil and several other countries, Rabbi Nilton Bonder wrote Boundaries of Intelligence to meet the rising interest from the business world for spirituality. It talks about the ultra-wisdom that can be found in the frontiers between intelligence and ignorance. The very border that divides clarity and superstition, intuition and illusion, discernment and fantasy, is an area of mixed light and darkness. In this twilight zone abide truths that will never turn into certainties. This is the zone where good sense is usually not common sense, but counter sense. Where wisdom is forged out of experience, sensitivity and intuition; where doubt is the resource and where fog rather than light is the medium. Companies searching for their "earthly kingdom" have discovered that the intelligence of the "kingdom of heaven" could be of some use for efficiency sake, and in a highly competitive world nobody can afford to ignore a form of intelligence. In today's ever-changing business world, we have begun to recognize a field of thought that until just recently was seen as lying outside the realm of categories of intelligence.
Profound theoretical and philosophical approach to contemporary music Unsayable Music presents theoretical, critical and analytical reflections on key topics of contemporary music including acoustic, electroacoustic and digital music, and audiovisual and multimedia composition. Six essays by Paulo C. Chagas approaching music from different perspectives such as philosophy, sociology, cybernetics, musical semiotics, media, and critical studies. Chagas’s practical experience, both as a composer of contemporary music and sound director of the Electronic Music Studio of Cologne, nourishes his observations on the specific creativity that emerges with the use of the technical apparatus, the development of the electronic music studio, the different aesthetics of electroacoustic music, and the forms of audiovisual and multimedia composition. The title Unsayable Music is a reference to Wittgenstein, who suggested that sound is only the surface of music and that the musical work conceals something more profound that can hardly be described by philosophical models or scientific theories.
Previously published as Strategic Information Management in Hospitals; An Introduction to Hospital Information Systems, Health Information Systems Architectures and Strategies is a definitive volume written by four authoritative voices in medical informatics. Illustrating the importance of hospital information management in delivering high quality health care at the lowest possible cost, this book provides the essential resources needed by the medical informatics specialist to understand and successfully manage the complex nature of hospital information systems. Author of the first edition's Foreword, Reed M. Gardner, PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Medical Informatics, University of...
This book studies relations between Brazil and the USA during the 20th century and outlines some perspectives for the start of the 21st century. Issues related to a wide variety of aspects of the relationship are addressed by bringing together a number of texts by Brazilian and American historians and political scientists. The reader will find studies relating to different historical periods on the economic, political, military, social and cultural relations of these two countries.
In Brazil, the United States, and the Good Neighbor Policy: The Triumph of Persuasion during World War II, Alexandre Busko Valim studies the use of cinema in Brazil as an instrument of political persuasion by the United States during the period of the so-called Good Neighbor policy during World War II by examining extensive documentation found in the National Archives in College Park, Maryland. In doing so, Valim demonstrates the modus operandi of media imperialism: its mapping strategies and control of the market, its actions, and its objectives of domination. When thinking about the place of images as a means of convincing and imposing an ideological project, the author notes the methods necessary to examine this relationship between art and politics, a problem that is central in the contemporary world. Scholars of Latin American Studies, international relations, history, political science, and media studies will find this book particularly useful.