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This book is a lightly edited version of the unpublished manuscript Maximal Cohen–Macaulay modules and Tate cohomology over Gorenstein rings by Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz. The central objects of study are maximal Cohen–Macaulay modules over (not necessarily commutative) Gorenstein rings. The main result is that the stable category of maximal Cohen–Macaulay modules over a Gorenstein ring is equivalent to the stable derived category and also to the homotopy category of acyclic complexes of projective modules. This assimilates and significantly extends earlier work of Eisenbud on hypersurface singularities. There is also an extensive discussion of duality phenomena in stable derived categories, extending Tate duality on cohomology of finite groups. Another noteworthy aspect is an extension of the classical BGG correspondence to super-algebras. There are numerous examples that illustrate these ideas. The text includes a survey of developments subsequent to, and connected with, Buchweitz's manuscript.
This book features survey and research papers from The Abel Symposium 2011: Algebras, quivers and representations, held in Balestrand, Norway 2011. It examines a very active research area that has had a growing influence and profound impact in many other areas of mathematics like, commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, algebraic groups and combinatorics. This volume illustrates and extends such connections with algebraic geometry, cluster algebra theory, commutative algebra, dynamical systems and triangulated categories. In addition, it includes contributions on further developments in representation theory of quivers and algebras. Algebras, Quivers and Representations is targeted at researchers and graduate students in algebra, representation theory and triangulate categories.
This book presents algorithmic tools for algebraic geometry, with experimental applications. It also introduces Macaulay 2, a computer algebra system supporting research in algebraic geometry, commutative algebra, and their applications. The algorithmic tools presented here are designed to serve readers wishing to bring such tools to bear on their own problems. The first part of the book covers Macaulay 2 using concrete applications; the second emphasizes details of the mathematics.
It is well known that there are close relations between classes of singularities and representation theory via the McKay correspondence and between representation theory and vector bundles on projective spaces via the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand construction. These relations however cannot be considered to be either completely understood or fully exploited. These proceedings document recent developments in the area. The questions and methods of representation theory have applications to singularities and to vector bundles. Representation theory itself, which had primarily developed its methods for Artinian algebras, starts to investigate algebras of higher dimension partly because of these applications. Future research in representation theory may be spurred by the classification of singularities and the highly developed theory of moduli for vector bundles. The volume contains 3 survey articles on the 3 main topics mentioned, stressing their interrelationships, as well as original research papers.
Focusing on the theme of point counting and explicit arithmetic on the Jacobians of curves over finite fields the topics covered in this volume include Schoof's $\ell$-adic point counting algorithm, the $p$-adic algorithms of Kedlaya and Denef-Vercauteren, explicit arithmetic on the Jacobians of $C_{ab}$ curves and zeta functions.
On April 7-10, 1980, the American Mathematical Society sponsored a Symposium on the Mathematical Heritage of Henri Poincari, held at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. This title presents the written versions this Symposium. It contains two papers by invited speakers who were not able to attend, S S Chern and L Nirenberg.
The class of cycle-free partial orders (CFPOs) is defined, and the CFPOs fulfilling a natural transitivity assumption, called k-connected set transitivity (k-CS-transitivity), are analysed in some detail. Classification in many of the interesting cases is given. This work generlizes Droste's classification of the countable k-transitive trees (k>1). In a CFPO, the structure can be branch downwards as well as upwards, and can do so repeatedely (though it neverr returns to the starting point by a cycle). Mostly it is assumed that k>2 and that all maximal chains are finite. The main classification splits into the sporadic and skeletal cases. The former is complete in all cardinalities. The latter is performed only in the countable case. The classification is considerably more complicated than for trees, and skeletal CFPOs exhibit rich, elaborate and rather surprising behaviour.
This book is a comprehensive treatment of the representation theory of maximal Cohen-Macaulay (MCM) modules over local rings. This topic is at the intersection of commutative algebra, singularity theory, and representations of groups and algebras. Two introductory chapters treat the Krull-Remak-Schmidt Theorem on uniqueness of direct-sum decompositions and its failure for modules over local rings. Chapters 3-10 study the central problem of classifying the rings with only finitely many indecomposable MCM modules up to isomorphism, i.e., rings of finite CM type. The fundamental material--ADE/simple singularities, the double branched cover, Auslander-Reiten theory, and the Brauer-Thrall conject...
Understanding the behavior of basic sampling techniques and intrinsic geometric attributes of data is an invaluable skill that is in high demand for both graduate students and researchers in mathematics, machine learning, and theoretical computer science. The last ten years have seen significant progress in this area, with many open problems having been resolved during this time. These include optimal lower bounds for epsilon-nets for many geometric set systems, the use of shallow-cell complexity to unify proofs, simpler and more efficient algorithms, and the use of epsilon-approximations for construction of coresets, to name a few. This book presents a thorough treatment of these probabilistic, combinatorial, and geometric methods, as well as their combinatorial and algorithmic applications. It also revisits classical results, but with new and more elegant proofs. While mathematical maturity will certainly help in appreciating the ideas presented here, only a basic familiarity with discrete mathematics, probability, and combinatorics is required to understand the material.
If $G$ is a reductive algebraic group acting rationally on a smooth affine variety $X$, then it is generally believed that $D(X) $ has properties very similar to those of enveloping algebras of semisimple Lie algebras. In this book, the authors show that this is indeed the case when $G$ is a torus and $X=k \times (k ) $. They give a precise description of the primitive ideals in $D(X) $ and study in detail the ring theoretical and homological properties of the minimal primitive quotients of $D(X) $. The latter are of the form $B =D(X) /({\germ g}-\chi({\germ g}))$ where ${\germ g}= {\rm Lie}(G)$, $\chi\in {\germ g} ast$ and ${\germ g}-\chi({\germ g})$ is the set of all $v-\chi(v)$ with $v\in {\germ g}$. They occur as rings of twisted differential operators on toric varieties. It is also proven that if $G$ is a torus acting rationally on a smooth affine variety, then $D(X/\!/G)$ is a simple ring.