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With the beginning of the National Socialist dictatorship, Germany not only experienced a deep political turning point but the private life of Germans also changed fundamentally. The Nazi regime had far-reaching ideas about how the individual should think and act. In "A Third Reich, as I See It" Janosch Steuwer examines the private diaries of ordinary Germans written between 1933 and 1939 and shows how average citizens reacted to the challenges of National Socialism. Some felt the urge and desire to adapt to the political circumstances. Others felt compelled to do so. They all contributed to the realization of the vision of a homogeneous, conflict-free, and "racially pure" society. In a detailed manner and with a convincing sense of the bigger picture, Steuwer shows how the tense efforts of people to fit in, and at the same time to preserve existing opinions and self-conceptions, led to a close intertwining of the private and the political. "A Third Reich, as I See It" offers a surprisingly new look at how the ideological visions of National Socialism found their way into the everyday reality of Germans.
An exploration of anti-Semitic behaviors in the German empire in the pre-WWI period
This book explores the wide-ranging consequences of Germany's short-lived colonial project for the nation, and European and global history.
German colonialism is a thriving field of study. From North America to Japan, within Germany, Austria and Switzerland, scholars are increasingly applying post-colonial questions and methods to the study of Germany and its culture. However, no introduction on this emerging field of study has combined political and cultural approaches, the study of literature and art, and the examination of both metropolitan and local discourses and memories. This book will fill that gap and offer a broad prelude, of interest to any scholar and student of German history and culture as well as of colonialism in general. It will be an indispensable tool for both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. .
The last third of the 19th century witnessed a considerable increase in the active participation of women in the various Christian missions. Katharina Stornig focusses onthe Catholic case, and particularly explores the activities and experiences of German missionary nuns, the so-called Servants of the Holy Spirit,in colonial Togo and New Guinea in the late 19th and first half of the 20th centuries. Introducing the nuns' ambiguous roles as travelers, evangelists, believers, domestic workers, farmers, teachers, and nurses, Stornig highlights the ways in which these women shaped and were shaped by the missionary encounter and how they affected colonial societies more generally. Privileging the ...
With the right to petition the United Nations, the Ewe and Togoland unification movement enjoyed a privilege unmatched by other dependent peoples. Using language conveying insecurity, the movement seized the international spotlight, ensuring that the topic of unification dominated the UN Trusteeship System for over a decade. Yet, its vociferous securitisations fell silent due to colonial distortion, leaving unification unfulfilled, thus allowing the seeds of secessionist conflict to grow. At the intersection of postcolonial theory and security studies, Julius Heise presents a theory-driven history of Togoland's path to independence, offering a crucial lesson for international statebuilding efforts.
Das Verhaltnis christlicher Missionare und Missionsgesellschaften gegenuber den politischen Machthabern und Bewegungen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert steht im Mittelpunkt des Sammelbandes. Die Beitrage analysieren sowohl die wechselseitigen Beziehungen der Leitungen von Missionsgesellschaften zu den jeweiligen Regierungen in Europa als auch das Verhaltnis ihrer Missionare - Manner und Frauen - auf den Arbeitsfeldern in Asien und Afrika zu den lokal bzw. regional maageblichen politischen Kraften (Kolonialmachte eigener oder fremder Nationalitat, souverane Staaten, lokale politische Systeme und Unabhangigkeitsbewegungen) in den einzelnen Facetten. Aus dem Inhalt C. Auffarth: aWeltreligiono als ein Leitbegriff der Religionswissenschaft im Imperialismus T. de Souza: D. Jose da Costa Nunes - a Patriarch who Cared for More than Souls: a Case of Caesaro-papism in Portuguese India, 1942-1953 R. Elphick: Dutch Reformed Missions and the Roots of the Apartheid Ideology W. Ustorf: Kairos 1933 - Occidentosis, Christofascism, and Mission K. Poewe: Liberalism, German Missionaries, and National Socialism u.a.
Die Geschichte Homosexueller, trans- und intergeschlechtlicher (LSBTI) Menschen gewinnt in der öffentlichen Debatte immer größere Beachtung. Im Geschichtsunterricht kommt sie bisher allerdings kaum vor. Dieses Heft möchte das ändern. In zahlreichen Materialien wird die LSBTI-Geschichte in Deutschland, die bis heute immer auch eine Geschichte von Verfolgung und Emanzipation ist, für den Unterricht erschlossen. Das Heft setzt dabei im Kaiserreich ein und spannt den Bogen über Weimarer Republik, Nationalsozialismus, Nachkriegszeit und die großen Debatten der 1980er und 90er Jahre bis in die Gegenwart.
Famed historian and author of the groundbreaking "The Case for Colonialism" demonstrates that, contary to modern presuppositions, German colonialism from its early roots to the mid-twentieth century was overall a force for good in the world where development was encouraged and native governance flourished. Historian and university professor, Bruce Gilley, delves into the history of German colonialism from its earliest roots through the 20th century, demonstrating that contrary to modern presuppositions, it served as a global force for good—elevating the lives of its subjects and encouraging scientific development while allowing native cultures to flourish within its governance.