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TEFL in the 21st century First of all, teaching and learning English in the digital age means using digital tools in TEFL classrooms. This introduction exemplifies how to implement them in a meaningful way in combination with reliable methods (for additional practice-oriented teaching and learning suggestions see: . A further important aspect of digitization is teaching and learning about media. Teachers have to create and deploy opportunities that allow students to develop a critical stance toward media in general and digital media in particular. This introduction to TEFL shows that the rapidly increasing influences of digitization lead to more internationalized and globalized science-based approaches to teaching and learning English. In this perspective, digitization offers an opportunity to rethink and reshape didactic concepts.
This text is a call to action. The title Escape from Teaching may sound a bit like an imperative. However, much of the recent findings from educational and brain research, especially regarding the potential benefits of informal and self-structured learning, are never realized in educational practice. It is time to ask: What did we really learn from all those years that we spent in instructional and often insulting contexts? What have we got to show from our formal education and what can we become as a result of this experience? What do we forget in such contexts and did it deprive us of our self-confidence and self-structuring skills? What consequences are associated with seeking and testing can equip us with permanent skills and abilities? How could educational institutions change to become places for successful self-directed skills development? And, how can we, as individuals and as a society, develop the potential that rests within us all?
Defeat cancer before it develops. Prevent crime before it happens. Get the perfect job without having to know the right people. Algorithms turn long-wished-for dreams into reality. At the same time, they can weaken solidarity in healthcare systems, lead to discriminatory court judgements and exclude individuals from the labor market. Algorithms are already deeply determining our lives. This book uses illuminating examples to describe the opportunities and risks machine-based decision-making presents for each of us. It also offers specific suggestions for ensuring artificial intelligence serves society as it should.
This book examines how the Global Education Industry (GEI) has brokered, funded, and implemented new conceptualizations of ‘good’ education. With a focus on new private providers and policy actors in education, the authors of the book analyze the impact of the GEI on educational research, policy and practice. How did philanthropies and foundations manage to make their voices heard in school reform debates, what are the implication of digital technologies and data infrastructures on teaching and learning, and should the fast advance of the GEI be merely seen as a logical consequence of the commercialization of education? Moving beyond single-country case studies, the book focuses on key issues related to the study of the Global Education Industry in an international context, discussing the rationales, processes and impacts of current developments. This comprehensive book will be of interest and value to scholars and researchers of the GEI, as well as policy makers.
This volume addresses the broad spectrum of challenges confronting today?s universities. Elkana and Kl”pper question the very idea and purposes of universities, especially as viewed through curriculum?what is taught, and pedagogy?how it is taught. The reforms recommended in the book focus on undergraduate or bachelor degree programs in all areas of study, from the humanities and social sciences to the natural sciences, technical fields, as well as law, medicine, and other professions. The core thesis of this book rests on the emergence of a ?New Enlightenment. This will require a revolution in curriculum and teaching methods in order to translate the academic philosophy of global contextualism into universal practice or application. Are universities willing to revamp teaching in order to foster critical thinking that would serve students their entire lives? This book calls for universities to restructure administratively to become truly integrated, rather than remaining collections of autonomous agencies more committed to competition among themselves than cooperation in the larger interest of learning. ÿ
Dealing with digitality is one of the most urgent challenges of the present. The increasing importance and spread of computer technology not only challenges societies and individuals - this development also puts pressure on the concept of digitality, which tries to grasp the totality and peculiarity of the conditions and consequences of electronic digital computing (in all its forms). However, precisely because digitality is commonplace, so should be its critique, its analysis and assessment. How can an analysis do justice to both fundamental characteristics and changing concrete forms, infrastructures, and practices? How do the developments of a digitalization that programmatically encompas...
Provocative takes on cyberbullshit, smartphone zombies, instant gratification, the traffic school of the information highway, and other philosophical concerns of the Internet age. In The Death Algorithm and Other Digital Dilemmas, Roberto Simanowski wonders if we are on the brink of a society that views social, political, and ethical challenges as technological problems that can be fixed with the right algorithm, the best data, or the fastest computer. For example, the “death algorithm ” is programmed into a driverless car to decide, in an emergency, whether to plow into a group of pedestrians, a mother and child, or a brick wall. Can such life-and-death decisions no longer be left to th...
Unser Weltbild besteht zu etwa 10 Prozent aus Fakten, die unsere Sinne wahrnehmen, zu 90 Prozent jedoch aus Bildern, die wir im Kopf entwickeln. Mit dem jüngsten Wissen der Naturwissenschaften erklärt Martin Urban, warum diese ›Bilder im Kopf‹ oft stärker sind als die Wirklichkeit ist, wir also Vorurteile haben. Was einst eine notwendige Voraussetzung für das Entstehen und Überleben des modernen Menschen war, der sich als Homo sapiens sapiens versteht, bildet heute einen Boden für radikale Positionen und stellt eine ernsthafte Gefahr für unseren gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt dar. Urbans Ziel ist, die Zusammenhänge unter den Gegebenheiten unserer Zeit – in ihren historischen E...
Das digitalisierte und von multiplen Krisen geprägte Alltagsleben hat große Auswirkungen auf die Welt- und Selbstbeziehungen junger Menschen. Vor allem die zunehmende Verlagerung von Lern- und Lebensprozessen in den digitalen Raum erweist sich als Ausdruck vorherrschender Bildungsparadigmen, die mit einer Entpädagogisierung einhergehen. Der Band benennt aktuelle Herausforderungen und zeigt Ansätze für eine Verlebendigung des Pädagogischen in post-pandemischen Zeiten auf.
Digitalisierung war für Opernhäuser und Konzertsäle, Theater und Museen lange allenfalls ein Marketingthema. Dass sich für die Zauberorte des Analogen auch digitale Wunderkammern öffnen könnten – kaum vorstellbar. Holger Noltze vermisst dieses neue Terrain und prüft seine Entdeckungen auf ihren Mehrwert für die ästhetische Erfahrung der Zukunft. Langsam erst – manchmal von der Not getrieben, manchmal von Abenteuerlust – entdecken Opern- und Konzerthäuser die eigenständigen Qualitäten des Streaming, entwickeln Museen digitale Sammlungen, die Schaulust und Kunstverstand ansprechen. Es ist höchste Zeit, dass die Kulturinstitutionen sich auf ihre Kernkompetenzen der Kuratierung und qualitativen Unterscheidung besinnen. Dann können sie die Möglichkeiten des Web zur Vertiefung und Differenzierung nutzen, um den Hunger auf ästhetische Entdeckungen jenseits des Erwarteten und Erwartbaren zu wecken. Dafür braucht es neben überzeugenden Erlösmodellen vor allem kluge Lenkung, Fantasie, Komplexitätstoleranz – und die Bereitschaft, ins Unbekannte aufzubrechen.