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Buku berjudul "MSDM Era Milenial : Pengelolaan MSDM yang Efektif untuk Generasi Milenial" adalah sebuah panduan penting bagi perusahaan dan praktisi sumber daya manusia yang ingin memahami dan mengelola generasi milenial dengan efektif di lingkungan kerja modern. Penulis memulai dengan memperkenalkan generasi milenial, mengungkapkan siapa mereka dan nilai-nilai yang mendasari perilaku mereka di tempat kerja. Buku ini mengulas beragam topik, mulai dari analisis kebutuhan SDM di era milenial hingga tren masa depan dalam MSDM, memberikan wawasan mendalam tentang bagaimana mengelola generasi milenial dalam organisasi. Buku ini juga membahas strategi rekrutmen yang menarik milenial, menciptakan b...
Buku "Technopreneurship: Ide dalam Menggapai Kesuksesan di Era Digital" mengulas tentang bisnis yang mengkombinasikan teknologi dengan kewirausahaan. Buku ini ditulis oleh beberapa dosen dan praktisi binsis di bidang teknologi dan kewirausahaan, sebagai panduan yang inspiratif dan informatif bagi mereka yang tertarik untuk membangun bisnis di era digital yang terus berkembang. Buku ini memberikan pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang teknologi dan kewirausahaan, dan memberikan pembaca alat yang diperlukan untuk meraih kesuksesan dalam dunia yang terus berubah ini. Selengkapnya, buku ini membahas tentang konsep dasar technopreneurship, ide dan validasi bisnis, membangun rencana bisnis yang tepat, memilih model bisnis yang sesuai, strategi pengembangan produk, user experience design dan testing, peluncuran produk dan pemasaran, skala bisnis dan mengelola pertumbuhan, memperluas pasar dan mempertahankan keunggulan bersaing, dan menjaga keuangan yang sehat dan memperoleh pendanaan tambahan. Buku ini memberikan wawasan dan panduan praktis kepada pembaca untuk menjadi technopreneur, yaitu seorang pengusaha yang menerapkan teknologi dalam membangun dan mengembangkan bisnisnya.
Shopper Marketing will help managers think systematically about shopper marketing challenges and opportunities. By defining shopper marketing to encompass all marketing activities that influence a shopper along, and beyond, the path-to-purchase, Shankar provides a unified framework for manufacturer and retailer collaboration. He encourages a win-win perspective in which manufacturers and retailers align their marketing activities to meet shopper needs and build better relationships with customers.
Real strategies, tactics & solutions for succeeding in emerging markets now Attract non-consumers and upscale current customers Reflect local culture, tradition, and preferences across your business Make your products easier to find, buy, and use Strengthen your brand and deliver on your brand promises Engage and serve all your stakeholders Build a sustainable, profitable business How big is your emerging market opportunity? Potential annual consumption will hit $30 trillion by 2025, with $10 trillion in India and China alone. Emerging economies are transforming markets worldwide–attracting multinationals, strengthening domestic firms, and launching local brands onto the global stage. Best...
Bringing together several key elements needed to identify the most promising themes for future research in selection and classification, this book's underlying aim is to improve job performance by selecting the right persons and matching them most effectively with the right jobs. An emphasis is placed on current, innovative research approaches which in some cases depart substantially from traditional approaches. The contributors -- consisting of professionals in measurement, personnel research, and applied and military psychology -- discuss where the quantum advances of the last decade should take us further. Comprehensive coverage of the selection and classification domain is provided, including a broad range of topics in each of the following areas: performance conceptualization and measurement, individual differences, and selection and classification decision models. The presentations in each of these areas are integrated into a set of coherent themes. This integration was the product of structured group discussions which also resulted in a further evolution of some of the ideas presented.
Data Quality provides an exposé of research and practice in the data quality field for technically oriented readers. It is based on the research conducted at the MIT Total Data Quality Management (TDQM) program and work from other leading research institutions. This book is intended primarily for researchers, practitioners, educators and graduate students in the fields of Computer Science, Information Technology, and other interdisciplinary areas. It forms a theoretical foundation that is both rigorous and relevant for dealing with advanced issues related to data quality. Written with the goal to provide an overview of the cumulated research results from the MIT TDQM research perspective as it relates to database research, this book is an excellent introduction to Ph.D. who wish to further pursue their research in the data quality area. It is also an excellent theoretical introduction to IT professionals who wish to gain insight into theoretical results in the technically-oriented data quality area, and apply some of the key concepts to their practice.
Web-based Support Systems (WSS) are an emerging multidisciplinary research area in which one studies the support of human activities with the Web as the common platform,mediumandinterface.TheInternetaffectseveryaspectofourmodernlife. Moving support systems to online is an increasing trend in many research domains. One of the goals of WSS research is to extend the human physical limitation of information processing in the information age. Research on WSS is motivated by the challenges and opportunities arising from the Internet. The availability, accessibility and ?exibility of information as well as the tools to access this information lead to a vast amount of opportunities. H- ever, there a...
Successful businesses recognize that the development of strong customer relationships through quality service (and services) as well as implementing service strategies for competitive advantage are key to their success. In its fourth European edition, Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus across the Firm provides full coverage of the foundations of services marketing, placing the distinctive Gaps model at the center of this approach. The new edition draws on the most recent research, and using up-todate and topical examples, the book focuses on the development of customer relationships through service, outlining the core concepts and theories in services marketing today. New and upd...
Worldwide, tourism is the third largest economic activity in direct earnings after petroleum and automobile industries, and by far the largest one if indirect earnings are also taken into consideration. Taking into account the profound economic impact the tourism and hospitality industries can have on regions and cities around the world, further research in this area is critical. Global Dynamics in Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality takes a holistic approach to tourism and hospitality operations, education, and research. Highlighting the latest research in the field, real-world examples of how these industries are shaping economic development as well as future outlooks and opportunities for growth, this publication is an essential reference source for researchers, professionals, and graduate-level students.