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This book contains the proceedings of the The 5th Annual International Seminar on Trends in Science and Science Education (AISTSSE) and The 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Education, Science and Culture (ICIESC), where held on 18 October 2018 and 25 September 2018 in same city, Medan, North Sumatera. Both of conferences were organized respectively by Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Research Institute, Universitas Negeri Medan. The papers from these conferences collected in a proceedings book entitled: Proceedings of 5th AISTSSE. In publishing process, AISTSSE and ICIESC were collaboration conference presents six plenary and invited speakers from Australia, Japan...
This is the ninth time we are hosting this seminar and we are proud to inform you that this seminar is an annual event in our calendar and has been held every year since 2014. This year, for the third year, we are holding it via Zoom meeting (online meeting) due to Covid-19 pandemic. We are inviting internationally recognized speakers from several countries to share their latest discoveries in the fields of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Science Education. Well-known researchers in science and science education will share their experiences and knowledge so that we can stay up-to-date with the latest information. This is one of the goals of this seminar. As science researchers, ...
We are delighted to present the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Science and Technology Applications (ICoSTA-2022) that organized by Research and Community Service Centre of Universitas Negeri Medan (LPPM UNIMED). This conference has brought researchers, academicians and practitioners from the national and international institutions to discuss and sharing around the big theme which is “Innovation in Science and Technology for Sustainable Human Quality Development”. The ICoSTA2022 conference presents 4 distinguised keynote speakers with several expertation including of The Educational and Learning System, Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd, Glass Technology and Materials Scie...
Proceedings of the 7th Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2022) contains several papers that have presented at the seminar with theme “Technology and Innovation in Educational Transformation”. This seminar was held on 20 September 2022 and organized by Postgraduate School, Univesitas Negeri Medan and become a routine agenda annually. The 7th AISTEEL was realized this year with various presenters, lecturers, researchers and students from universities both in and out of Indonesia. The 7th AISTEEL presents 4 distinguished keynote speakers from Universitas Negeri Medan - Indonesia, Murdoch University-Australia, Curtin University Perth...
This is an open access book.Fostering Synergy and Innovation in Digital Learning EnvironmentsThe 4th ICOPE 2022 is an international conference in education with the theme of fostering synergy and innovation in digital learning environments. It is organized by the faculty of teacher training and education, at the University of Lampung, Indonesia. Bandar Lampung, the capital city of Lampung Province, will be the host of this event. It will be taken place on the 15th — 16th of October 2022. This conference involves keynote speakers from Indonesia, USA, Malaysia, and Australia. It is intended to be a forum to convey specific alternatives and significant breakthroughs in rapid social developmen...
Sebagian besar biokimia berhubungan dengan struktur, fungsi, dan interaksi makromolekul biologis, seperti karbohidrat, lipid, protein dan asam nukleat. Molekul-molekul ini membangun struktur sel dan melakukan banyak fungsi yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan. Sifat kimiawi sel juga bergantung pada reaksi molekul dan ion. Mereka dapat berupa senyawa anorganik (misalnya air dan ion logam) atau organik (misalnya asam amino yang digunakaan untuk mensintesis protein). Mekanisme yang digunakan oleh sel untuk memanfaatkan energi dari lingkungannya melalui reaksi kimia yang dikenal dengan metabolisme. Temuan biokimia diterapkan terutama di bidang kedokteran, nutrisi, dan pertanian.
Nanas (Ananas comosus L.) adalah salah satu komoditas buah unggulan Indonesia yang kaya manfaat. Selain dikonsumsi dalam bentuk segar, buah nanas juga dapat diolah menjadi berbagai jenis produk olahan seperti jus, selai, sirup, keripik, dan lain sebagainya. Buah nanas mengandung unsur air, gula, asam organik, mineral, nitrogen, protein, bromelin serta semua vitamin dalam jumlah ke-cil, kecuali vitamin D. Kulit buah nanas dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai campuran pakan ternak yang disebut silase, sedangkan serat pada daunnya dapat diolah menjadi kertas dan tekstil (Hadiati dan In-driyati, 2008). Produksi nanas di Indonesia cukup besar. Berdasarkan Angka Tetap (ATAP) tahun 2015 produksi nanas mencapai 1,73 juta ton. Pada tahun 2016 produksi nanas Indonesia sebesar 1,85 juta ton dan diperkirakan akan mencapai 2,08 juta ton pada tahun 2020. Untuk wilayah Asia Tenggara, Indonesia penghasil nanas terbesar ketiga setelah Filipina dan Thailand dengan kontribusi sekitar 23%. Hampir seluruh wilayah di Indonesia merupakan daerah penghasil nanas karena didukung oleh iklim tropis yang sesuai (Pusat Data dan Sistem Informasi Pertanian, 2016).
Bahan Ajar yang dirancang untuk belajar mandiri, memberikan pengalaman belajar yang bermakna bagi anda untuk mencapai kompetensi yang dituju secara mandiri. Materi ini termasuk salah satu materi yang kontekstual dan banyak dijumpai dikehidupan sehari - hari seperti makanan, minuman, obat - obatan, dsb. Serta ada soalan esai yang akan membantu siswa SMA dalam mempelajari materi.
Buku ini membahas strategi pembelajaran problem based learning, teori, praktik dan hasil penelitian
Polkespad Press Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Padang Covid 19 was declared as a global pandemic, it has had many impacts on health education and practice. So a strategy is needed to continue the academics activities. Virtual learning using technology is one way to keep the learning process running smoothly. Based on the situation, this year’s schedule of the Health Ministry Polytechnic of Padang 2022 wil focus on the substantial theme “The Role of Health Education in Preparedness Reserved Health Task Force for Disaster”, held in Padang, Indonesia, blended conference on 2nd – 3 rd November 2022. The conference particularly welcomes contributions from health educationalists, education managers, practitioners, researchers, and students. The number of participants conference is 35 participants for oral/ poster presentation.