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Exploring Classical Greek Construction Problems with Interactive Geometry Software
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 194

Exploring Classical Greek Construction Problems with Interactive Geometry Software

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-02-02
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  • Publisher: Birkhäuser

In this book the classical Greek construction problems are explored in a didactical, enquiry based fashion using Interactive Geometry Software (IGS). The book traces the history of these problems, stating them in modern terminology. By focusing on constructions and the use of IGS the reader is confronted with the same problems that ancient mathematicians once faced. The reader can step into the footsteps of Euclid, Viète and Cusanus amongst others and then by experimenting and discovering geometric relationships far exceed their accomplishments. Exploring these problems with the neusis-method lets him discover a class of interesting curves. By experimenting he will gain a deeper understanding of how mathematics is created. More than 100 exercises guide him through methods which were developed to try and solve the problems. The exercises are at the level of undergraduate students and only require knowledge of elementary Euclidean geometry and pre-calculus algebra. It is especially well-suited for those students who are thinking of becoming a mathematics teacher and for mathematics teachers.

Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: An Interdisciplinary Approach
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 367

Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: An Interdisciplinary Approach


Cities in Crisis
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 365

Cities in Crisis

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-09-16
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  • Publisher: Routledge

In recent years, European societies and territories have witnessed the spatial impacts of a severe financial and socio-economic crisis. This book builds on the current debate concerning how cities and urban regions and their citizens deal with the consequences of the recent financial and socio-economic crisis. Cities in Crisis examines the political and administrative implications of austerity measures applied in southern European cities. These include cuts in local public spending and the processes of privatization of local public assets, as well as issues related to the re-scaling, recentralization or decentralization of competencies. Attention is paid to the rise of new ‘austerity regim...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 280



  • Language: en
  • Pages: 292



American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 658

American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2002
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  • Publisher: Unknown


The SAGE Handbook of Youth Work Practice
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 672

The SAGE Handbook of Youth Work Practice

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-07-02
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  • Publisher: SAGE

Showcases the value of professional work with young people as it is practiced in diverse forms, and in locations from around the world.

Valencia 1940-2014: Construcción y destrucción de la ciudad
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 468

Valencia 1940-2014: Construcción y destrucción de la ciudad

Desde 1940, la ciudad de Valencia ha cambiado de forma radical, mucho más que durante todo el siglo XX. Ha aumentado el radio, se ha construido la mayor parte del stock de viviendas existente, la población ha crecido en más de 300.000 personas, el área metropolitana se ha consolidado y ha incorporado nuevos territorios. Las infraestructuras y servicios se han multiplicado. Y todo ello ha sido el resultado de un proceso de construcción- destrucción. Es cierto que la ciudad -todas las ciudades- se construye sobre sus ruinas, pero la ciudad construida no necesariamente tiene que ser motivo de orgullo. Ha habido destrucción, física y de la memoria histórica, no siempre necesaria y justificada, y los nuevos tejidos urbanos y sociales con los que nos toca lidiar no son una bicoca más allá de la propaganda oficial.

Medi ambient i desenvolupament territorial
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 304

Medi ambient i desenvolupament territorial

Aquesta publicació recopila diferents estudis, experiències i casos pràctics de docents, associacions o tècnics municipals especialitzats en desenvolupament local, fruit de les ponències impartides en el Segon Congrés UV-IEC, celebrat al novembre de 2014. Aquesta obra aprofundeix en el desenvolupament territorial valencià, fonamentat, entre altres factors, en la sostenibilitat mediambiental, és a dir, en la protecció del medi, la riquesa biòtica o el patrimoni paisatgístic. El Vicerectorat de Participació i Projecció Territorial, en col·laboració amb la Federació d'Instituts d'Estudis Comarcals, ha promogut la publicació d'aquest llibre perquè entén que és primordial fomentar l'intercanvi d'experiències en matèria de recerca, recuperació i salvaguarda del medi, amb la finalitat de dinamitzar el desenvolupament territorial en l'àmbit valencià.

Síntesi memòria : 2018-2019
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 98

Síntesi memòria : 2018-2019
