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The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the information profession. The series IFLA Publications deals with many of the means through which libraries, information centres, and information professionals worldwide can formulate their goals, exert their influence as a group, protect their interests, and find solutions to global problems.
Recently identified as a killer, tobacco has been the focus of health warnings, lawsuits, and political controversy. Yet many Native Americans continue to view tobacco-when used properly-as a life-affirming and sacramental substance that plays a significant role in Native creation myths and religious ceremonies. This definitive work presents the origins, history, and contemporary use (and misuse) of tobacco by Native Americans. It describes wild and domesticated tobacco species and how their cultivation and use may have led to the domestication of corn, potatoes, beans, and other food plants. It also analyzes many North American Indian practices and beliefs, including the concept that Tobacc...
The Spanish Second Republic, 1931-1939, has been written about widely and remains mired in antifascist, anti-communist, and historical memory controversies. A deep dive into the Soviet, British intelligence and other European archives, this new book brings the majority consensus among historians of the Second Republic into question and sheds new light on the scale of Soviet communist activity in Spain before the outbreak of war in July 1936. Providing an in-depth analysis of Comintern (RGASPI) and other European archival documentation, much of which has not been discussed until now, Gustavo Martín Asensio here demonstrates the growing and fundamentally subversive activity of the Comintern within the socialist union and party, the armed forces and cultural influencers which culminated in the spring of 1936.
University and university students of various disciplines (health, technology and engineering, humanities, social sciences or basic sciences) have set their sights on certain cultural references to return them to the citizenry and invite us to reflect on these manifestations of collective and diachronic solidarity, of how those people in the past did or created things that have contributed to our welfare, but that above all-, they are manifestations of the personal and collective drive of so many people to improve their living conditions and enrich themselves with the creativity of others, thus generating human development. The texts and references presented here are the results of a University Workshop on Cultural Heritage and Human Development. This is a civic reflexive exercise that anyone can do about the cultural and scientific references of their environment or the place they visit.
In 25 innovative thematic essays, The Bloomsbury Handbook of the Spanish Civil War sees an interdisciplinary team of scholars examine a conflict that, more than 80 years after its conclusion, continues to generate both scholarly and public controversy. Split into four main sections covering Military and Diplomatic Issues, Society and Culture, Politics, and Debates, the volume offers a number of unique features. It is unprecedented in its comprehensiveness and includes chapters on topics that are rarely, if ever, explored in the literature of the field: humanitarianism, children and families, material conditions, the decimation of elites, archives and sources, archaeological approaches, digit...
Aquest llibre és fruit del treball de diferents historiadors de l'educació, provinents de diferents zones geogràfiques que es mostren apassionats per oferir mirades històriques a les problemàtiques socials actuals que ens acompanyen en les projeccions del futur. El llibre revisa els temes clau que ens permeten entendre l'actual praxis de l'Educació Social.
Aquest llibre, que transcriu 322 cartes dels protagonistes de l'aventura científica que va ser ALPI - seleccionades entre més de mil localitzades en arxius públics i privats, i classificades cronològicament per períodes significatius-, és una història interna dels intents per a construir una parcel·la de la ciència lingüística, la dialectologia i la geografia lingüística, a l'altura del que existia en altres països europeus. El seu interès resideix no només en el valor testimonial que posseeixen els textos epistolars, que adonen dels fets esdevinguts durant més de mig segle entorn d'aquest projecte científic ambiciós, que va estar envoltat de mil incidents, el major dels quals va anar la gran tragèdia de la guerra civil espanyola i el posterior exili de gran part dels materials.
EL GANADOR DEL PREMIO ALFAGUARA VUELVE A LA NOVELA CON LA VIDA DE MARÍA MOLINER EN EL 125 ANIVERSARIO DE SU NACIMIENTO «María Moliner hizo una proeza con muy pocos precedentes: escribió sola, en su casa, con su propia mano, el diccionario más completo, útil y divertido de la lengua castellana». Gabriel García Márquez «Una espléndida novela que rescata la vida de la mujer que nos trajo las palabras». Ana Rodríguez Fischer, Babelia Solemos identificar a María Moliner con su diccionario, «el más completo, útil y divertido de la lengua castellana», según García Márquez. ¿Pero por qué se sentó a escribirlo a los cincuenta años, en plena dictadura franquista? ¿Cómo pudo ...
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