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This book sketches out an innovative Afro-Iberian mosaic that puts forgotten memories and histories into circulation, constructing an Afro-Iberian past that is critical of the cultural racialization of Spaniards and Portuguese. It builds an early late modern and contemporary Afro-Iberian history and approaches African and Maghrebi experiences and memories in order to explain the close relation between race, class, ethnicity and gender in Portugal and Spain between 1850 and 2021. The book approaches the African presence in the Iberian Peninsula by identifying and documenting the traces of these population groups in Spain and Portugal. Cultural Studies, Anthropology and Sociology are some of t...
Can music be made “independently” in the 21st century? More than a generation of musicians, music workers, and music companies have now been operating in the context of the profound shifts in music production and dissemination in the “digital era.” Scholarly focus on musical independence has often been centered on genres, like punk and indie, rooted in the US and UK. This volume, focused outside the Euro-American context, shows the variety of ways musicians, music workers and businesses manage the economic, media and cultural shifts propelled by digitalization, asking what it means now to say one is “independent.” It brings together scholars from around the globe who are researching forms of music production, circulation, consumption and finance that blur the boundaries between the dominant corporate players and “independent” cultural production. With chapters detailing popular music in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Indonesia, Portugal, Spain and Taiwan, independence is shown to be a concept and practice simultaneously nebulous, contradictory, and practical.
Laboring in the Shadow of Empire: Race, Gender, and Care Work in Portugal examines the everyday lives of an African-descendant care service workforce that labors in an ostensibly “anti-racial” Europe and against the backdrop of the Portuguese colonial empire. While much of the literature on global care work has focused on Asian and Latine migrant care workers, there is comparatively less research that explicitly examines African care workers and their migration histories to Europe. Sociologist Celeste Vaughan Curington focuses on Portugal—a European setting with comparatively liberal policies around family settlement and naturalization for migrants. In this setting, rapid urbanization ...
Analyzing the confluence between coloniality and activist art, Art Activism for an Anticolonial Future argues that there is much to gain from approaching contemporary politically committed art practices from the angle of anticolonial, postcolonial, and decolonial struggles. These struggles inspired a vast yet underexplored set of ideas about art and cultural practices and did so decades before the acceptance of radical artistic practices by mainstream art institutions. Carlos Garrido Castellano argues that art activism has been confined to a limited spatial and temporal framework—that of Western culture and the modernist avant-garde. Assumptions about the individual creator and the belated...
Anthropologists working in Italy are at the forefront of scholarship on several topics including migration, far-right populism, organised crime and heritage. This book heralds an exciting new frontier by bringing together some of the leading ethnographers of Italy and placing together their contributions into the broader realm of anthropological history, culture and new perspectives in Europe.
Hoje, vivemos uma nova «normalidade», de crise, incerteza e propensa à polarização, numa sociedade em rede, líquida e de risco global. Acresce que verificamos um descontentamento em algumas franjas da sociedade, relativamente à democracia constitucional, a emergência do discurso populista e o apelo ao Direito Penal máximo, o que representa uma ameaça aos direitos humanos e um retrocesso civilizacional. Neste contexto, surge a 2.a edição da presente Obra, onde o Autor aborda um tema social e cientificamente relevante: a trajetória da Polícia portuguesa em democracia, apresentando um estado da arte sobre a evolução das atitudes e representações face ao multiculturalismo, os direitos das mulheres, o idadismo, a saúde mental e a comunidade LGBTQIA+. Uma Obra essencial para a compreensão do papel da Polícia enquanto fiel guardiã dos direitos humanos na sociedade contemporânea.
This volume investigates sociolinguistic discourses, identity choices and their representations in postcolonial national and social life, and traces them to the impact of colonial contact. The chapters stitch together current voices and identities emerging within both ex-colonized and ex-colonizer communities as each copes with the social, lingual, cultural, and religious mixes triggered by colonialism. These mixes, reflected in the five thematic parts of the book - 'postcolonial identities', 'nationhood discourses', 'translating the postcolonial', 'living the postcolonial', and 'colonizing the colonizer' - call for deeper investigations of postcolonial communities using emic approaches.
This book examines today’s massive migrations between Global South and Global North in light of Spain and Portugal’s complicated colonial legacies. It offers unique material on Spanish-speaking and Lusophone Africa in conjunction to transatlantic and transpacific perspectives encompassing the Americas, Asia, and the Caribbean. For the first time, these are brought together to explore how movement within and beyond these former metropoles came to define the Iberian Peninsula. The collection is composed of papers that study human mobility in Spanish-speaking or Lusophone contexts from a myriad of approaches. The project thus sheds critical light on migratory movement within the Luso-Hispanic world, and also beyond its traditional geo-linguistic parameters, through an eclectic and inter-disciplinary collection of essays, traversing anthropology, literary studies, theater, and popular culture. Beyond focusing solely on the geo-political limits of Peninsular space, several essays interrogate the legacies of Iberian colonial projects in a global perspective, and how the discursive underpinnings of these impact the politics of migration in the broader Luso-Hispanic world.
As expressões artísticas em meio urbano são rico objeto de estudo na atual produção das Ciências Sociais. Este livro enfoca e debate estratégias e experiências de pesquisa, problematizando as práticas artísticas enquanto expressões de identidades múltiplas em contextos urbanos diversos. Os textos refletem sobre a linguagem artística nas suas variadas perspectivas, cujas marcas e inscrições não se esgotam dentro e fora de instituições culturais, galerias de arte, festas, ruas, muros, becos, etc. O ineditismo e originalidade do fio condutor desta coletânea é dialogar sobre expressões artísticas tais como dança (funk, hip hop, samba), manifestações festivas, música, fotografia, enfocando especificamente a perspectiva etnográfica no estudo antropológico dessas expressões em contextos urbanos. Esta obra certamente suscitará o interesse não só de estudantes e pesquisadores de várias áreas, como também do público em geral, interessado na temática das práticas e expressões artísticas em contexto urbano.
Originally published: Australia: Giramondo, 2013.