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The NOVA system is a food classification system based on the degree and purpose of industrial food processing. NOVA, which introduced ‘ultra-processed’ as a food category, has been widely employed within the research community, and is increasingly used by national governments, international organisations, and civil society. Ultra-processed foods (UPF) are defined as formulations of food-derived substances (e.g., fats, sugars, starch, protein isolate) that contain little if any whole food and include classes of additives whose function is to make the final product palatable or more appealing (‘cosmetic additives’), like colours, flavours, and emulsifiers. The impact of the production and consumption of ultra-processed foods on human and planetary health has been acknowledged and has started to gather global attention more recently. Because UPFs have become dominant components in diets of populations worldwide, there is an urgent need to scrutinise the human health, sustainability, and food environment impacts across a range of populations and country contexts and to understand the implications of their consumption for health inequalities.
The bibliographic news of Montes-Clarense literature, in recent times, has cataloged hundreds of books and other literary productions. Although not the most complete, it is considerable for the quality and quantity of works it brings to light. Thus, in this dynamic of North Minas Gerais intellectuals, we are very happy to highlight the participation of the illustrious writer, Dr. Wanderlino Arruda, who already has more than a dozen good books, disseminating knowledge and pleasure to all who enjoy a good read. This time, the author makes known to us a work that praises, with full merit, the literary world of Montes Claros and region. This is the substantial book “ Prefaces and Comments ”,...
"Concrete Revolution "offers a compelling historical account of the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation's contributions to dam technology, Cold War politics, and the social and environmental adversity perpetuated by the U.S. government in its pursuit of capitalist economic development. Founded in 1902, the Bureau amassed geopolitical power after the Second World War, in response to the Soviet Union's increasing global influence. By offering technical and water resource management advice to the world's underdeveloped regions, the Bureau found that it could not only provide them with economic assistance, and provide the U.S. with investment opportunities, but also gain alliances for the U.S. and furth...
This Encyclopedia of Tropical Biology and Conservation Management is a component of the global Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), which is an integrated compendium of twenty one Encyclopedias. Tropical environments cover the most part of still preserved natural areas of the Earth. The greatest biodiversity, as in terms of animals and plants, as microorganisms, is placed in these hot and rainy ecosystems spread up and below the Equator line. Additionally, the most part of food products, with vegetal or animal origin, that sustain nowadays human beings is direct or undirected dependent of tropical productivity. Biodiversity should be looked at and evaluated not only in terms of numb...
A notícia bibliográfica da literatura montes-clarense, nos últimos tempos, tem catalogado centenas de livros e de outras produções literárias. Embora não sendo a mais completa, ela é considerável pela qualidade e pela quantidade de obras que traz a lume. Assim, nessa dinâmica da intelectualidade norte-mineira, destacamos com muita alegria a participação do ilustre escritor, o doutor Wanderlino Arruda, que já reúne mais de uma dezena de bons livros, disseminando conhecimento e prazer, para todos que gostam de uma boa leitura. Desta vez, o autor nos dá a conhecer uma obra que enaltece, com pleno mérito, o mundo literário de Montes Claros e região. Trata-se do substancioso l...
Leisure disguised as a task is reading and presenting the 18th book by Wanderlino Arruda. Although he was born in São João do Paraíso, on September 4, 1934, he is the most authentic Monte-Clarense that exists around here. He came to study in Montes Claros in 1951, something he did with dedication, immersing himself in books and work, growing and accompanying Montes Claros as it developed. Eyewitness, by passion and profession, since he worked as a reporter at Jornal de Montes Claros, he was in important historical events of the city. Montes-claridades is a walk through the people, streets and entities of Montes-Claridades, in an enthusiastic walk of someone present in many of the mentione...
Aquatic microorganisms are tidily related to the carbon cycle in aquatic systems, especially in respect to its accumulation and emission to atmosphere. In one hand, the autotrophs are responsible for the carbon input to the ecosystems and trophic chain. On the other hand, the heterotrophs traditionally play a role in the carbon mineralization and, since microbial loop theory, may play a role to carbon flow through the organisms. However, it is not yet clear how the heterotrophs contribute to carbon retention and emission especially from tropical aquatic ecosystems. Most of the studies evaluating the role of microbes to carbon cycle in inland waters were performed in high latitudes and only a...
Terminada a investigação a uma antiga embarcação portuguesa naufragada no Estreito de Malaca, Filipe recebe um telefonema enigmático de um grande empresário sul-africano; este pede-lhe que descubra o paradeiro de três passageiros clandestinos de um cargueiro português – o Angoche – que, em 1971, foi encontrado a arder ao largo de Moçambique sem ninguém a bordo. A busca levará Filipe a vários países africanos, mas também ao tempo em que Lourenço Marques florescia com a nova linha férrea e o Império Britânico combatia as repúblicas boers para se apoderar da sua riqueza – guerra em que um português chamado Miguel Ferreira acabaria por envolver-se, antes de regressar à Ilha de Moçambique para desposar Maria Teresa, a mulher da sua vida. Mas que mistério liga este homem nascido no século xix aos homicídios obscuros que Filipe descobre ao longo das suas viagens? E, apesar das ameaças de morte e do preço que pode vir a pagar, deve realmente continuar a sua pesquisa? Na senda de O Segredo da Flor do Mar e Taprobana, Eduardo Pires Coelho oferece-nos mais um thriller histórico trepidante, que nos vai oferecendo surpresas até mesmo à última página.
Pesquisadores, estudiosos e cidadãos interessados na situação do negro no Brasil muitas vezes têm dificuldade de encontrar fontes de pesquisa confiáveis. Obter informações embasadas cientificamente, avaliar a veracidade, checar as fontes e ter um olhar crítico sobre o conteúdo encontrado não é tarefa fácil. Pensando em auxiliar o trabalho de quem precisa encontrar e filtrar referências entre tantas disponíveis, a Câmara dos Deputados, por iniciativa do Programa Pró-Equidade de Gênero e Raça e da Biblioteca da Câmara dos Deputados, organizou esse guia de fontes de pesquisa sobre a temática racial no país. O livro reúne uma bibliografia abrangente e diversificada sobre a condição do negro, facilitando o acesso a artigos que informam, debatem, analisam, refletem e denunciam a questão racial ao longo da história do Brasil até os dias atuais. Com esta publicação, a Câmara dos Deputados reafirma o seu compromisso com a promoção da igualdade racial no país.