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Following the format of Fitzroy Dearborn's highly successful International Dictionary of Historic Places and International Dictionary of University Histories, the International Dictionary of Library Histories provides basic information for each institution - location and holdings - followed by an extensive (1,000-5,000 word) essay on its history as well as a Further Reading list. In addition, the dictionary includes introductory articles on the history of various types of libraries and a library history in various regions of the world. The dictionary profiles more than 200 institutions from around the world, including the world's most important research libraries and other libraries with glo...
A history of early modern libraries and the imperial desire for total knowledge. Medieval scholars imagined the library as a microcosm of the world, but as novel early modern ways of managing information facilitated empire in both the New and Old Worlds, the world became a projection of the library. In The Librarian’s Atlas, Seth Kimmel offers a sweeping material history of how the desire to catalog books coincided in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries with the aspiration to control territory. Through a careful study of library culture in Spain and Morocco—close readings of catalogs, marginalia, indexes, commentaries, and maps—Kimmel reveals how the booklover’s dream of a comprehensive and well-organized library shaped an expanded sense of the world itself.
This book shows the influence of medieval musical manuscripts on the articulation of national identity in Enlightenment Spain. For the eighteenth century Jesuit Andres Marcos Burriel (1719-1762) and his associate the calligrapher Francisco Palomares (1728-1796), the notation that preserved the music of the past was a central source in the study of history.
Die auf die 1819 vom Reichsfreiherrn Karl vom Stein gegründete „Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde“ zurückgehenden Monumenta Germaniae Historica haben die Aufgabe, durch kritische Quellen-Ausgaben und -Studien der wissenschaftlichen Erforschung der mittelalterlichen Geschichte Deutschlands und Europas zu dienen. Dieses Ziel verfolgen sie dadurch, dass sie in ihren Editionsreihen mittelalterliche Textquellen der Forschung zugänglich machen und durch kritische Studien zur wissenschaftlichen Erforschung der deutschen und europäischen Geschichte beitragen. Die Aufgaben der Monumenta Germaniae Historica haben sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten durch die Einbeziehung neuer Quellengruppen und durch die Vermehrung der Forschungsbereiche stetig erweitert. Neben Werken der Geschichtsschreibung, Urkunden, Gesetzen und Rechtsbüchern werden auch Briefsammlungen, Dichtungen, Memorialbücher und Necrologe, politische Traktate und Schriften zur Geistesgeschichte herausgegeben.
Lumbre de fe is the most extensive and articulate text of polemic against Islam written during the 16th century in Spanish in the Iberian Peninsula. The work is the result of the preaching task carried out by Joan Martí de Figuerola for the conversion of the Mudejars of Zaragoza between 1517 and 1518, a task that brought Figuerola into numerous confrontations with both ecclesiastical and secular authorities in Aragon for disturbing the coexistence between the two confessions. Lumbre de fe also stands out for its use of qur’ānic texts in Arabic to attack Islam. These texts, also transliterated in Latin characters and translated into Spanish, are commented and discussed by Figuerola, making use of his vast theological erudition and his experience as a preacher in the crown of Aragon. The manuscript in which the work is preserved also contains numerous images representing Islamic beliefs and rites, which further reinforces the enormous originality and strength of the work.
The essays in Private Libraries and their Documentation revolve around the users and contents of early modern private book collections, and around the sources used to document and study these collections. They take the reader from large-scale projects on historical book ownership to micro-level research conducted on individual libraries, and from analyses of specific types of primary sources to general typologies and overviews by period and by region. As a result of its comparative approach and active engagement with questions regarding the nature, selection and accessibility of sources, the volume serves as a guide to sources and resources in different regions as well as to state-of the-art methods and interpretational approaches. Publication of this volume in open access was made possible by the Ammodo KNAW Award 2017 for Humanities.
This book is a volume in the Penn Press Anniversary Collection. To mark its 125th anniversary in 2015, the University of Pennsylvania Press rereleased more than 1,100 titles from Penn Press's distinguished backlist from 1899-1999 that had fallen out of print. Spanning an entire century, the Anniversary Collection offers peer-reviewed scholarship in a wide range of subject areas.
Las selecciones coránicas son textos constituidos por fragmentos escogidos del Corán que circulan de manera independiente. Estas manifestaciones de la literatura devocional islámica, conocidas en diferentes sociedades musulmanas, constituyen uno de los modos de transmisión del texto sagrado del islam. El presente volumen trata sobre un tipo específico de selecciones coránicas que las minorías musulmanas hispánicas elaboraron entre mediados del siglo XV e inicios del XVII y al que un morisco denominó los tres ‘hizbes’ arábigos en 1609. Estas selecciones, antes interpretadas por algunos autores como ‘Corán abreviado’ o ‘Corán morisco’, esconden una rica variedad de estructuras formales que permite distinguir entre plegarias, destinadas al uso devocional, y compendios, que guardan, además, una estrecha vinculación con los contextos de enseñanza y aprendizaje del texto sagrado. Acompaña a esta monografía un catálogo exhaustivo de más de cincuenta testimonios de estas selecciones que circularon tanto en árabe como en romance y que conforman una muestra excepcional de la literatura islámica española.
During the sixteenth century, antiquarian studies (the study of the material past, comprising modern archaeology, epigraphy, and numismatics) rose in Europe in parallel to the technical development of the printing press. Some humanists continued to prefer the manuscript form to disseminate their findings – as numerous fair copies of sylloges and treatises attest –, but slowly the printed medium grew in popularity, with its obvious advantages but also its many challenges. As antiquarian printed works appeared, the relationship between manuscript and printed sources also became less linear: printed copies of earlier works were annotated to serve as a means of research, and printed works could be copied by hand – partially or even completely. This book explores how antiquarian literature (collections of inscriptions, treatises, letters...) developed throughout the sixteenth century, both in manuscript and in print; how both media interacted with each other, and how these printed antiquarian works were received, as attested by the manuscript annotations left by their early modern owners and readers.