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Buku ini berisi tentang jejak cerita para penulis untuk jadi penulis, serta langkah-langkah dan tips untuk jadi penulis
Anak remaja sekarang biasanya selalu memiliki minimal satu akun sosial media. Kalau tidak punya, biasanya bakal dicap Nggak Gaul oleh temannya. Twitter, Facebook, Path, Instagram, blog, bahkan YouTube, itu adalah salah satu dari banyak akun sosial media yang ada. Pasti kalian memilikinya bukan? Bagi remaja muslim tentu tak elok jika dunia maya hanya dimanfaatkan untuk menunjukkan kegaulan belaka. Buat apa berjam-jam nongkrong di dunia maya, menulis status, dan berkicau yang nggak jelas tapi kurang manfaatnya. Saatnya kini untuk unjuk gigi bahwa kamu bukan hanya gaul, tetapi juga unggul. Buku ini menjelaskan bagaimana kiat seorang remaja muslim bisa mendapat predikat gaul, unggul, dan bermutu dalam arti yang positif dengan memanfaatkan dunia maya.
Saat Andra pergi berlibur, dia membelikan ketiga sahabatnya; Alina, Meli dan Zaki, masing-masing sebuah buku cerita. Namun di luar dugaan, Zaki justru marah dan membanting buku-buku tersebut ke tanah. Lalu di sekolah, ada orang yang secara diam-diam memasukkan nama Zaki ke daftar lomba baca puisi untuk mempermalukannya. Alina dan kawan-kawan pun bertekad untuk membantu Zaki dalam menghadapi perlombaan tersebut. Dan saat mereka berpikir masalah telah berakhir, ternyata Zaki justru masih menyimpan sebuah rahasia besar. Apakah rahasia tersebut? Berhasilkah Alina dan kawan-kawan mengungkap siapa dalang di balik peristiwa lomba baca puisi itu?
Apa itu TERP? adalah singkatan dari Interpreter. TERP merupakan Call Sign atau nama panggilan yang menandakan bahwa seorang prajurit bertugas sebagai interpreter atau penerjemah lisan dalam suatu penugasan militer. Perwira interpreter merupakan jembatan penghubung antar kedua negara dalam melaksanakan diplomasi pertahanan yang dituntut memiliki keterampilan menerjemahkan suatu bahasa secara langsung dan tepat. Dalam buku ini penulis menceritakan secara singkat awal mula bertugas sebagai penterjemah militer khususnya bahasa Korea-Indonesia. Selain pengalaman penulis sebagai interpreter selama kurun waktu 6 tahun ke belakang, dibahas juga apa saja perbedaan interpreter militer dan sipil serta perbedaan interpreter militer di Korea Selatan dan Indonesia.
Popular blogger Lauren Casper shares poignantly simple yet profound wisdom about removing the barriers we construct around our hearts and doing life full-on, all from the least expected source: her five-year-old son, Mareto. Five-year-old Mareto finds color and light in the ordinary happenings of every day and delights in beauty just waiting to be found. Those are lessons he shares, often unknowingly, with his mom, Lauren Casper. For Lauren, living with Mareto is a lot like playing the telephone game. He blurts out little phrases that have their origin in something he saw or heard, but by the time they make their way through his mind and back out of his mouth, they’ve transformed—often i...
Have you ever wondered why things happen the way they do? Whether some things are just meant to be? Or what role your free will plays in creating your destiny? These are questions we all ask ourselves, but it's hard to get past conjecture or gut feeling to find any definitive answers. Now, in this ground-breaking book, David Hamilton looks at hard scientific evidence to bring us closer to understanding the balance between the forces of destiny and the power of free will. Exploring new, cutting-edge scientific research into the nature of time, and drawing on fields such as quantum physics, epigenetics, solar cycles and even reports of near-death experiences, David explores how, rather than being a question of one versus the other, destiny and free will can in fact work simultaneously in his fascinating new theory, 'The Tree of Probable Life'. He shows how, ultimately, we create many of the conditions of our own lives and offers powerful yet practical principles that can bring amazing results.
An enchanting celebration of life's small pleasures, this little book captures the French imagination and art of living a good life. Each chapter features a small pleasure that is both uniquely Gallic and universal. From the smell of apples maturing in a cellar to the gentle whir of a bicycle dynamo at dusk to turning the pages of a newspaper over breakfast, to the joy of a snowstorm inside a paperweight . . . Recounted with a lively, innocent curiosity about the little things that make life worthwhile, this is an unforgettable, absorbing read to be savoured at length by everyone looking to create more peace and joy in their lives.
This is a biography of one of the greatest Caliphs of the Islamic epoch.The well known author Moin Qazi describes the vast range of his noble qualitiesIn the seventh century, the envoy of the Roman Emperor set out for Medinah, accompanied by a large entourage, flaunting the pageantry of adornments for which the Roman Empire was famous. On arrival in the metropolis of Islam, he enquired from a passer-by: “Tell me please, where is the palace of the Caliph?” The Arab looked around and was confused by the absence of any sign of royalty. He was amazed and prompted by a curious emotional thought. He hinted to the Arab commoner, “What do you mean by a palace?” retorted the Arab.” I mean t...