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O GPEEC NATUREZA é um grupo de pesquisa que iniciou seu trabalho em março de 2018, com a realização de seu primeiro grupo. Atualmente o grupo de pesquisa está composto por vários pesquisadores, professores da Universidade e do PPGQVS, mestrandos, doutorandos, pós doutorandos bem como de alunos da graduação de diversos cursos da UFRGS. O GPEEC NATUREZA está propondo a publicação de seu primeiro livro que retrata as pesquisas que estão sendo realizadas por seus membros que se encontram num crescente de produção científica bem como de professores, pesquisadores que solicitam o seu ingresso no referido grupo. Dentro deste contexto, GPEEC NATUREZA lança o projeto de publicização de suas pesquisas através do Volume 1 do Livro DEBATES EM EDUCAÇÃO EM CIÊNCIAS: desafios e possibilidades.
Este livro coloca, no mesmo plano, tanto uma citação do gênio multimilionário do varejo Sam Walton quanto uma pergunta feita pela mãe de Alexandre sobre o primeiro dia do filho no novo emprego como administrador no Bank Boston: "Gostaram de ti?". Alguém poderia subestimar essa indagação, vinda de uma dona de casa, mas não o fará quem sabe ouvir: Alexandre usa essa reminiscência como ponto de partida para tecer seu pensamento amplo sobre carreira e vivência empresarial, de forma bonita, simples, franca. Revela a visão aguda contida na pergunta da mamma. Se é verdade que não existe nada de novo debaixo do sol, também é fato que cada um de nós, isoladamente, sabe sempre muito pouco. Você, que sabe ouvir, encontrará na fala e escrita de Alexandre De Bem dicas preciosas em administração, direto da fonte: a experiência. Lirio A. Parisotto
Nitrous oxide gas is a long-lived relatively active greenhouse gas (GHG) with an atmospheric lifetime of approximately 120 years, and heat trapping effects about 310 times more powerful than carbon dioxide per molecule basis. It contributes about 6% of observed global warming. Nitrous oxide is not only a potent GHG, but it also plays a significant role in the depletion of stratospheric ozone. This book describes the anthropogenic sources of N2O with major emphasis on agricultural activities. It summarizes an overview of global cycling of N and the role of nitrous oxide on global warming and ozone depletion, and then focus on major source, soil borne nitrous oxide emissions. The spatial-temporal variation of soil nitrous oxide fluxes and underlying biogeochemical processes are described, as well as approaches to quantify fluxes of N2O from soils. Mitigation strategies to reduce the emissions, especially from agricultural soils, and fertilizer nitrogen sources are described in detail in the latter part of the book.
This paper takes a new approach to assess the costs and benefits of using different policy tools—macroprudential, monetary, foreign exchange interventions, and capital flow management—in response to changes in financial conditions. The approach evaluates net benefits of policies using quadratic loss functions, estimating policy effects on the full distribution of future output growth and inflation with quantile regressions. Tightening macroprudential policy dampens downside risks to growth stemming from loose financial conditions, and is beneficial in net terms. By contrast, tightening monetary policy entails net losses, calling for caution in the use of monetary policy to “lean against the wind.” These findings hold when policies are used in response to easing global financial conditions. Buying foreign-exchange or tightening capital controls has small net benefits.
Disconnected is a path-breaking analysis of the relationship between schooling and employers in Latin America. It is sophisticated in its design, using multiple surveys and multiple methods. It distinguishes carefully among different types of skills and the relationship of each type to employment outcomes and employer needs. It examines both the demand and the supply side of the labor market. And it provides guidance for further work. We commend this book to all readers, scholars, and practitioners concerned with schooling and job markets in Latin America.
"Nitrous oxide, N2O, is the third most important (in global warming terms) of the greenhouse gases, after carbon dioxide and methane. As this book describes, although it only comprises 320 parts per billion of the earth's atmosphere, it has a so-called Global Warming Potential nearly 300 times greater than that of carbon dioxide. N2O emissions are difficult to estimate, because they are predominantly biogenic in origin. The N2O is formed in soils and oceans throughout the world, by the microbial processes of nitrification and denitrification, that utilise the reactive N compounds ammonium and nitrate, respectively. These forms of nitrogen are released during the natural biogeochemical nitrog...
Probes the perils of nationalism based on single identity.
Cultural Writing. Middle Eastern Studies. Religious Studies. ASHURA is largely made up of photographs or video stills of Ashura, the ceremony of self-flagellation and bloodletting performed by some Twelver Shi'ites to mark their wait for the coming of a twelfth imam. Blood literally soaks these men, the floor, the street, their sneakers, and Toufic's lens does not blink. Meanwhile his thoughts on the cultural and philosophic implications of the ritual, strangely cool and confident against a background of such ecstatic religious fervor, reframes everything from film to Islam to Toufic himself. Toufic writes: "Al-Husayn, the grandson of the prophet Muhammad and the son of the first Shi'ite imam, 'Ali, was slaughtered alongside many members of his family in the desert in 680. This memory is torture to me. But, basically, one can say "this memory is torture to me" of every memory, since each reminiscence envelops at some level the memory of the origin of memory..."
The NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2021 presents research-central issues in contemporary macroeconomics. Robert Hall and Marianna Kudlyak examine unemployment dynamics during economic recoveries. They present new empirical findings and explore models in which the labor market gradually draws down the stock of unemployed workers in the aftermath of a downturn. Titan Alon, Sena Coskun, Matthias Doepke, David Koll, and Michèle Tertilt analyze the relative decline in employment of women during the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated global recession. They show that increased childcare needs, which fell more heavily on women, and differences in occupations both contributed. In the case of the US, h...