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This publication contains a collection of papers drawn from a seminar under the Partnership Programme on Youth Research, held in Budapest in July 2004. The papers explore a range of issues relating to the participation of young people in voluntary work throughout Europe, including the barriers to participation, evaluation and research aspects, whether social inclusion objectives are achieved through volunteering, and policy directions for the future.
This book promotes a radical alternative impact on youth policy in Europe to overcome the situation of vulnerability and discrimination of a growing number of youngsters in their transition from school to work. It follows a Human Development perspective in using the Capability Approach (CA) as analytical and methodological guiding tool to improve the social conditions of the most socially vulnerable young people in European societies. The mission of the interdisciplinary authors is to expand the actual chances of the young to actively shape their lives in a way they have reason to choose and value. This book is based on the research of the EU Collaborative Project “Making Capabilities Work” (WorkAble), funded by the EU within the Seventh Framework Programme. It is the first empirical project to pursue a justice theory perspective on a European level. It also contributes to a fundamental change in the currently mostly insufficient attempts within the human capital approach to use the labour market to ensure desired lifestyle forms and a secure income for vulnerable youth.
The Community action programme «European Voluntary Service for Young People» (EVS), established in 1998, became part of the Community action programme «Youth» in April 2000. The EVS is open to young people aged 18 to 25 who have their legal residence in an EC member state, Norway or Iceland. The aim is to enable them to spend some time abroad, be it long-term (6 to 12 months) or short-term (3 weeks to 3 months), working in a non-profit project of a humanitarian, cultural, ecological or social kind. The publication comprises selected contributions to an international conference which took place in Bremen in April 1999. It was organised by the Centre of European Law and Politics at the University of Bremen in cooperation with the German office «Youth for Europe» and with the support of the European Commission.
In explicit form, Kant does not speak that much about values or goods. The reason for this is obvious: the concepts of ‘values’ and ‘goods’ are part of the eudaimonistic tradition, and he famously criticizes eudaimonism for its flawed ‘material’ approach to ethics. But he uses, on several occasions, the traditional teleological language of goods and values. Especially in the Groundwork and the Critique of Practical Reason, Kant develops crucial points on this conceptual basis. Furthermore, he implicitly discusses issues of conditional and unconditional values, subjective and objective values, aesthetic or economic values etc. In recent Kant scholarship, there has been a controversy on the question how moral and nonmoral values are related in Kant’s account of human dignity. This leads to the more fundamental problem if Kant should be seen as a prescriptvist (antirealist) or as subscribing to a more objective rational agency account of goods. This issue and several further questions are addressed in this volume.
Das Thema der Verletzlichkeit von Kindern und in der Kindheit wird in diesem Band aus unterschiedlichen interdisziplinären Perspektiven aufgegriffen und offensiv in die erziehungswissenschaftliche Diskussion gebracht. Den Hintergrund hierzu bildet die Beobachtung, dass die sozialwissenschaftliche Kindheitsforschung mit ihrer starken Akteurszentierung Verletzlichkeit als mögliches, vielleicht sogar unausweichliches Moment von Kindheit zu meiden scheint und es damit eher anderen Disziplinen wie der Medizin, der Evolutionstheorie, den Neurowissenschaften oder der Psychologie überlässt. Die in diesem Band versammelten Analysen widmen sich dieser kindheitstheoretischen Herausforderung.
A comprehensive guide to foundation activity on a world-wide scale.
Sozialpädagogische Familienhilfe kann nur im Dialog mit den Familien erfolgreich sein. Entsprechend folgt dieses Buch einem beteiligungsorientierten dialogischen Ansatz in der Arbeit mit Familien. Den Autorinnen und Autoren gelingt es dabei, zu Reflexionsprozessen über die eigene Haltung, gesellschaftliche Bedingungen und den beruflichen Kontext anzuregen sowie das methodische Werkzeug an die Hand zu geben. Zugleich wird der Prozess der fachlichen Arbeit in den Fokus genommen, der im Nebeneinander von Planen, Steuern und Managen den Kern der Sozialpädagogischen Familienhilfe bildet. Das Lehr- und Praxisbuch besticht durch seinen gut strukturierten Aufbau und didaktische Hilfen wie Übungen und einen umfangreichen Methodenkoffer.