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Sounds of the Pandemic offers one of the first critical analyses of the changes in sonic environments, artistic practice, and listening behaviour caused by the Coronavirus outbreak. This multifaceted collection provides a detailed picture of a wide array of phenomena related to sound and music, including soundscapes, music production, music performance, and mediatisation processes in the context of COVID-19. It represents a first step to understanding how the pandemic and its by-products affected sound domains in terms of experiences and practices, representations, collective imaginaries, and socio-political manipulations. This book is essential reading for students, researchers, and practitioners working in the realms of music production and performance, musicology and ethnomusicology, sound studies, and media and cultural studies.
This multi-disciplinary volume is one of the few collections about social change covering various cases of mass violence and genocide. In life under persecution, social relations and social structures were not absent and not simply replaced by an ethno-racial order. The studies in this book show the influence of social structures like gender, age and class on life under persecution. Exploring practices in family and labor relations and of collective action, they counter claims of an atomization of society or total uprootedness of victims. Despite being exposed to poverty and want and under the permanent threat of political violence, persecuted people tried to develop their own agency. Case studies are about the Jewish and Armenian persecutions, Rwanda, the war of decolonization in Mozambique and civilian refuges in Belarus during World War II. The authors are a mix of experienced scholars and young researchers.
When does eating become art? The Aesthetics of Taste answers this question by exploring the position of taste in contemporary culture and the manner in which taste meanders its way into the realm of art. The argument identifies aesthetic values not only in artistic practices, where they are naturally expected, but also in the spaces of everydayness that seem far removed from the domain of fine arts. As such, it seeks to grasp what artists – who offer aesthetic as well as culinary experiences – actually try to communicate, while also pondering whether a cook can be an artist.
The Wireless World sheds new light on the transnational connections created by international broadcasting, using a single analytical frame to draw together the periods from the pioneering days of wireless, through WWII and the Cold War, to the decades since the fall of the Berlin Wall to reveal key continuities and transformations.
The Cold War is often stereotypically depicted as a period of complete separation between Eastern and Western Europe, a time of little communication and exchange between what is often called the “Eastern bloc” and the capitalist West . European integration, it is thought, was a Western project based on exclusively Western ideas. This edited volume aims to debunk this stereotype. It provides evidence for the numerous media and individuals that contributed to the circulation and exchange of ideas across the ideological divide of the Iron Curtain. The essays in this volume discuss the official and unofficial channels of communication between the Eastern bloc and the West as well as the comp...
Ethnographic research, anthropological theory, and the understanding of the objects of inquiry, are co-created through figuration (using tropes and rhetorical figures) and techniques of persuasion. Delving into descriptive ethnography and theoretical texts spanning across classical monographs and recent texts in cultural anthropology, Culture Figures places rhetoric and rhetoricity as central to the discipline’s self-understanding. It focuses on how understandings of ‘culture’ and social life are shaped and conveyed in cultural anthropology through textual rhetoric. The book demonstrates how processes of using tropes and modes of persuasion underlie the creation of meanings or misunderstandings in society.
Do kogo należy „polskość”? Jakie postawy narodowe reprezentowali Polacy? Czy „polskość” definiowana przez państwo może wykluczać innych obywateli uważających się za Polaków? Czy można być Polakiem w Niemczech, nie będąc Wallenrodem? A może „dziś można być tylko Polakiem bez zastrzeżeń albo nie być nim wcale”? Te i wiele innych, również obecnie aktualnych, tematów podejmują historycy, literaturoznawcy, historycy sztuki, politolodzy, antropolodzy, socjologowie. Książka składa się z 23 artykułów podzielonych na cztery rozdziały: Co to jest „polskość”?, Wojna i jej pamiętanie: wartości i postawy, Tradycja i nowe konstrukcje tożsamościowe or...
Dass Räumlichkeit nicht nur als neutraler Rahmen interpretiert werden kann, zeigen deutsch-jüdische Selbstzeugnisse während des Nationalsozialismus und insbesondere die Geschichte der Stadt Breslau. Diese beherbergte damals die drittgrößte jüdische Gemeinschaft Deutschlands. Die Beziehung zwischen ‚Arier‘ und ‚Jude‘ im ‚Dritten Reich‘ war tatsächlich im und durch den Raum strukturiert. Die raumpolitischen Eingriffe – von der Schrumpfung bis hin zur Zerstörung der jüdischen Gemeinschaft Breslaus – regten zum Schreiben an. Diese bisher relativ wenig beachteten Breslauer Tagebücher und Autobiographien bieten wichtige Einblicke in den Zusammenhang zwischen nationalsozialistischer Raumnutzung und Ausgrenzung von ‚Gemeinschaftsfremden‘. Zentral für diese Arbeit ist die Erfahrung des sich verändernden Raumes und dessen Wiedergabe im autobiographischen Narrativ. Ziel ist, einen Beitrag zum Verständnis der Darstellung der deutsch-jüdischen Stadterfahrung in Breslauer Selbstzeugnissen während des ‚Dritten Reiches‘ zu leisten.
Filling a significant gap in contemporary criticism of recent prose fiction, this book offers a provocative analysis of the work of Nobel Laureate Olga Tokarczuk, situating her output in comparative contexts. The chapters making up the volume range from myth-critical focused readings to interdisciplinary and intercultural perspectives. Tokarczuk’s fiction is explored as mythopoeic and heterotopian experimentation, as well as being read alongside other arts and other authors of various national and linguistic backgrounds. This wide-ranging collection is the first monograph on Tokarczuk in English.
Der »Todestango« gehört zu den rätselhaftesten Kompositionen, die in Konzentrations- und Vernichtungslagern der SS entstanden sein sollen. Bislang wurden zu diesem angeblich meistgespielten Stück des Zwangsarbeits- und Durchgangslagers Lemberg-Janowska keine Noten gefunden und kein Nachweis seiner Existenz geführt. Dirk E. Dietz legt auf Basis einer breiten Quellenlage dar, dass es einen »Todestango« nie gab und sich schon in den Erinnerungen Überlebender keine authentischen Spuren hierzu finden lassen — ein Lehrstück, wie Legenden entstehen, in die Erinnerung eindringen, sich verbreiten und schließlich zu »Tatsachen« verfestigen.