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This is the first comprehensive International Handbook on the History of Mathematics Education, covering a wide spectrum of epochs and civilizations, countries and cultures. Until now, much of the research into the rich and varied history of mathematics education has remained inaccessible to the vast majority of scholars, not least because it has been written in the language, and for readers, of an individual country. And yet a historical overview, however brief, has become an indispensable element of nearly every dissertation and scholarly article. This handbook provides, for the first time, a comprehensive and systematic aid for researchers around the world in finding the information they need about historical developments in mathematics education, not only in their own countries, but globally as well. Although written primarily for mathematics educators, this handbook will also be of interest to researchers of the history of education in general, as well as specialists in cultural and even social history.
Un ouvrage de référence, ici dans sa version numérique, au format ePub, sans équivalent par son ampleur et son ambition qui fait date dans la communauté éducative. L'école et l'éducation sont au coeur des préoccupations de nos sociétés comme l'attestent les débats et les réformes incessants qui marquent l'actualité. Or l'absence de mémoire historique est patente, le fantasme prenant le plus souvent la place de l'étude documentée. Cet ouvrage collectif comble un grand vide en permettant au lecteur de parcourir les grandes évolutions qui ont marqué la vision et les pratiques de l'éducation en France depuis quatre siècles et qui ont façonné le système scolaire français ...
This book is a collection of scholarly studies in the history of mathematics education, very abbreviated versions of which were presented at the ICMI Congress in 2021. The book discusses issues in education in Brazil and Belgium, in Poland and Spain, in Russia and the United States. Probably the main factor that unifies the chapters of the book is their attention to key moments in the formation of the field of mathematics education. Topics discussed in the book include the formation and development of mathematics education for women; the role of the research mathematician in the formation of standards for writing textbooks; the formation of curricula and the most active figures in this forma...
This open access book collects the historical and medial perspectives of a systematic and epistemological analysis of the complicated, multifaceted relationship between model and mathematics, ranging from, for example, the physical mathematical models of the 19th century to the simulation and digital modelling of the 21st century. The aim of this anthology is to showcase the status of the mathematical model between abstraction and realization, presentation and representation, what is modeled and what models. This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license.
Œuvrer pour la promotion de l'éducation au patrimoine c’est s’inscrire dans un dialogue entre pédagogues, professionnels de la Culture et chercheurs, à partir des différents dispositifs possibles à l’École, de la maternelle à l’université. L’importance de cette démarche volontairement multidisciplinaire est soulignée, régulièrement, et avec force, par les autorités de tutelle, tant dans le monde de l’Éducation que celui de la Culture.
This volume traces back the history of interaction between the “computational” or “algorithmic” aspects of elementary mathematics and mathematics education throughout ages. More specifically, the examples of mathematical practices analyzed by the historians of mathematics and mathematics education who authored the chapters in the present collection show that the development (and, in some cases, decline) of counting devices and related computational practices needs to be considered within a particular context to which they arguably belonged, namely, the context of mathematics instruction; in their contributions the authors also explore the role that the instruments played in formation of didactical approaches in various mathematical traditions, stretching from Ancient Mesopotamia to the 20th century Europe and North America.
The international New Math developments between about 1950 through 1980, are regarded by many mathematics educators and education historians as the most historically important development in curricula of the twentieth century. It attracted the attention of local and international politicians, of teachers, and of parents, and influenced the teaching and learning of mathematics at all levels—kindergarten to college graduate—in many nations. After garnering much initial support it began to attract criticism. But, as Bill Jacob and the late Jerry Becker show in Chapter 17, some of the effects became entrenched. This volume, edited by Professor Dirk De Bock, of Belgium, provides an outstandin...
Les mathématiques sont aujourd’hui l’objet de toutes les attentions, dans l’éducation et la recherche, dans les besoins d’innovation technologique, et dans la compétition économique. Les travaux se sont multipliés pour révéler les pénalités infligées aux sociétés où s’affaiblit le maniement des savoirs et des informations associés aux mathématiques. Dans un monde surexposé aux outils algorithmiques, la numératie devient un enjeu civique majeur. Pourtant, le fossé se creuse, en France, entre la formation des élèves, qui perd en efficacité et en équité et la valeur encore élevée de la recherche mathématique ; alors que d’autres nations réagissent pour éd...
ICMI (or IMUK) was founded in 1908 and initiated the establishment of national subcommissions to launch national activities in response to the IMUK agenda and to promote the reform proposals within each member country.While ICMI’s activities were thoroughly studied, the activities of the national subcommissions are studied only very marginally. In the meantime, their work has been of major importance – both because of their role in exploring and documenting the development of mathematics education at the beginning of the 20th century, and because of the changes and new ideas which they brought to their countries. Importantly, even if some results of their activities were analyzed within their countries in the corresponding languages, almost nothing is known internationally. This book is planned to deepen our knowledge on at least some of the national subcommissions. The book will interest both researchers and others interested in mathematics education and its development.
Challenging distinctions between fine and decorative art, this book begins with a critique of the Rodin scholarship, to establish how the selective study of his oeuvre has limited our understanding of French nineteenth-century sculpture. The book's central argument is that we need to include the decorative in the study of sculpture, in order to present a more accurate and comprehensive account of the practice and profession of sculpture in this period. Drawing on new archival sources, sculptors and objects, this is the first sustained study of how and why French sculptors collaborated with state and private luxury goods manufacturers between 1848 and 1895. Organised chronologically, the book...