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The 1st International Conference on Social, Science, and Technology (ICSST) 2021 was organized by Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf Tangerang. This conference was held on November 25, 2021, in Tangerang, Indonesia. ICSST provides a platform for lecturers, teachers, researchers, and practitioners to share their insights and perspectives related to the theme "Transformation of Science and Culture during the Pandemic Era and Afterwards". From the theme above, the detailed sub-theme of the conference was formulated to cover the general theme of education, science, social, and technology. The selected paper presented are then documented in this proceeding book entitled The Proceedings of the 1st Inte...
Konflik belum tentu termasuk dalam kompetisi di mana harus ada yang menang dan yang kalah akan tetapi harusmempertimbangkan tidak hanya aspek kompetitif, tetapi juga aspek kooperatif. Adanya konflik atau perselisihan yang terjadi di lingkungan dikarenakan terdapat banyak kasus unsur persaingan yang dapat menyebabkan terciptanyakonflik, diluar hal itu adanya kerja sama menciptakan insentif untuk merundingkan kesepakatan. Konflik sosial dapat terjadi akibat adanya perubahan struktur sosial, sistem nilai hingga menyebabkan korban harta dan jiwa seperti penyebaran Covid-19 yang terjadi. Selain itu, konflik sosial dapat terjadi disebabkan adanya perbedaan kepentingan terutama antara pihak perusahaan yang cenderung berorientasi pada keuntungan dengan masyarakat yang merasa dirugikan
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face unique challenges and opportunities in achieving sustainability goals. Through actionable strategies for leveraging the metaverse, though, it becomes possible to build sustainable business models through metaverse-powered product development, enhanced customer engagement, optimized supply chains, and blockchain-based solutions. The impact of metaverse initiatives implemented in SMEs on sustainability is informative for future trends and policy recommendations. Metaverse and Sustainable Business Models in SMEs explores the transformative potential of the metaverse for SMEs seeking sustainable growth by bridging the gap between emerging technology...
In today's society, the proliferation of digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation have played a significant role in reshaping society and business, in both public and private sectors. The advancement of intelligent systems has enabled organizations to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and broaden their reach. The adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies has hastened this transformation, resulting in unprecedented opportunities for growth and innovation. In today's hyperconnected world, businesses from a wide range of industries have used these technologies to improve operations, personalize customer experiences, and gain a competitive advantage. However, as technology e...
Buku Ekonomi Produksi Perikanan dan Kelautan Modern memuat hubungan antara teori dari ilmu ekonomi produksi dan aplikasinya. Dalam buku ini mengkaji adanya kegiatan penangkapan ikan menggunakan alat tangkap payang perlu dilakukan suatu kajian atau analisis tertentu yang berkaitan dengan alat tangkap payang itu sendiri. Salah satu yang harus diperhatikan adalah analisis faktor produksi dan analisis usaha atau ekonomi. Kajian aspek faktor produksi merupakan kajian yang berhubungan dengan unit penangkapan payang, yaitu berkaitan dengan faktor-faktor teknis produksi yang berpengaruh terhadap hasil tangkapan. Analisis ekonomi yang dimaksud adalah analisis finansial untuk pengetahui tingkat keuntu...
This book gathers the proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Science and Technology (ICCST 2021), held in Labuan, Malaysia, on 28–29 August 2021. The respective contributions offer practitioners and researchers a range of new computational techniques and solutions, identify emerging issues, and outline future research directions, while also showing them how to apply the latest large-scale, high-performance computational methods.
In today’s complicated environment, strategic organizational decision-making is a dynamic process marked by a high degree of uncertainty. It is anticipated that the technological potential of artificial intelligence (AI) will provide additional support, but research in this area is still in its early stages. Nonetheless, because the technology is intended to perform functions beyond those of traditional machines, the implications for the division of work and the defining of roles established in the current human–machine relationship are being explored with more awareness. Taking this into consideration ICASDMBW-2022 was flourishingly organized on Dec 16-17, 2022 at Rukmini Devi Institute...
Ketahanan pangan dalam rumah tangga nelayan tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan kegiatan produksi, curahan kerja, pendapatan dan pengeluaran dalam rumah tangga nelayan yang merupakan satu kesatuan yang saling terkait. Oleh karena itu setiap terjadi perubahan sosial, ekonomi dan kebijakan akan berpengaruh terhadap keseluruhan perilaku ekonomi dan ketahanan pangan rumah tangga nelayan. Model ekonomi rumah tangga nelayan dibangun dalam bentuk model ekonometrika dengan persamaan simultan, mengacu pada model ekonomi rumah tangga pertanian dan mengitegrasikan aspek ketahanan pangan rumah tangga. Responden ditentukan pada nelayan juragan skala kecil dengan total sampel 80 unit rumahtangga. Estimasi model ekonomi rumah tangga nelayan menggunakan metode two Stage Least Square (2LSLS). Simulasi kebijakan dan nonkebijakan antara lain (1) perubahan harga ikan (2) bantuan teknologi penangkapan (3) kenaikan biaya operasional melaut (3) kenaikan harga kebutuhan pokok (4) perubahan anggota keluarga (5) subsidi pendidikan dan kesehatan (6) penambahan curahan kerja non fishing suami dan istri (7) simulasi ganda.
This is an open access book.WELCOME THE 7TH GCBME. We would like to invite you to join our The 7th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship. The conference will be held online on digital platform live from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, on August 8th, 2022 with topic The Utilization of Sustainable Digital Business, Entrepreneurship and management as A Strategic Approach in the New Normal Era.