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The study of topology examines the way something can change shape while still retaining the same properties. Jacques Lacan devoted the last part of his teaching to the topology of the subject. During the 50s, he gauged the topology of surfaces (torus, Moebius strips, Klein bottles, crosscaps) and from 1972 on, he studied the topology of knots (Borromean, the sinthome). Showing that bodily and mental life function topologically, he did what no one had done before: he added to the logic of how representations function, the logic of jouissance or libidinal meaning that "materializes" language by making desire, fantasy, and the partial drives ascertainable functions of it. For Lacan, topology is...
This book is one of the first systematic examinations on the looming mental health crisis emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic from a psychoanalytic perspective. Bringing together practising therapists from Asia and Europe, this book: analyses themes like anxiety, depression, sexuality, loss and death through clinical vignettes highlights how children, adolescents and adults have been responding to the pandemic explores how personal and collective trauma are mourned, remembered, repeated and worked through studies deep-seated prejudices and fears focuses on how the pandemic has stimulated exceptional manifestations of human solidarity and creativity Comprehensive and practical, this book will be an essential guide for mental health professionals, counsellors, therapists and medical doctors treating psychological trauma.
Actes de la sixième rencontre pour la psychanalyse. Marseille les 4, 5 et 6 juin 2022
"I have the worst birth defect a woman can have: I was born with a penis and a pair of testicles." Thus we meet Hera, who shares her reason for starting psychoanalysis and whose statement embodies the debate over transgenderism, rigorously dissected in Please Select Your Gender. Is it a mental disorder, as some would claim, or a matter of sexual identity? An orientation or a life choice? Despite differing opinions, transgenderism has lost much of its stigma over the past decade or so – though perhaps none of its shock value. Nevertheless, the door is open for a reformulation of the hysterical question, "Am I a man or a woman?" Utilizing rich clinical vignettes and elements of Lacanian theo...
L'image récalcitrante se dérobe à la composition, ou laisse ses traces. Incongrue, inclassable, elle déborde du cadre. Mais elle peut aussi se refuser au spectateur : proche de l'opacité du secret, elle oscille de l'image narcissique à l'image défendue, voire à l'image chimérique. Une loi de l'image se dégagerait sous le prisme esthétique, psychanalytique, stylistique ou musicologique.
Ce livre est fondé sur une expérience de terrain dans les entreprises sensibles au management humaniste. L’organisation du travail est telle que la souffrance due aux méthodes gestionnaires détruit les êtres humains, l’expérience du site Orange en est l’illustration. Une psychanalyste s’est autorisée dans les années deux mille et ceci durant quinze années, à partager ses outils de résolution des conflits, auprès de cadres qui reconnaissent la place essentielle de la subjectivité dans les activités de production, en particulier dans les services. Missionnée comme formatrice consultante, elle relate trois expériences de travail qui l’ont confrontée aux ressources humaines questionnantes. Pourquoi en effet la souffrance psychique est-elle ainsi liée à la crise économique ?